Why do I always see articles blaming men for the fact that women can't find good men? Why are women untouchable in the media?
Why do I always see articles blaming men for the fact that women can't find good men...
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because it's mostly women and faggots in the media
you need us men lol
because theyre right. vidya addicted nu-males aren't good men
>men refuse to tolerate their cuntish behavior
>seek out hobbies to avoid cunts
>cunts blame everyone but themselves
This. A man's job is to marry and provide, not have fun. If you have any any hobby at all, you're a piece of shit. Your entire life should be about your woman and her happiness.
That's not the root of the problem. Our globalist masters want the common man to be totally demoralized and emasculated, especially white men since they are the only people who fight back ti defend their rights and dignity. Men pose the greatest threat to tyranny, so globalists are trying to crush their spirit.
>good men
I like the fact your post is laced with feminist garbage while denouncing it.
Shit is deep rooted we don't even notice it in ourselves.
>Why are women untouchable in the media?
see that 10% more of owmen going to college?
their major is always media related, that`s way
Can confirm, 33 year old user. Lot of friends waited till now to have kids, and many of them (despite mother and father being good looking) look absolutely autistic AF. Bring up the fact that they should have started a decade ago and you're a "bigot". Bring up the fact that their lifestyle probably contributed to creating litteral spergs....
You think you're shitposting but this is unironically how women think.
A man's job is to CONTROL, not to just be a giver.
1. A woman never accepts responsibility for anything, ever. If they say they are, they are just manipulating you for something (for you to forgive their slutty cheating, etc).
2. Solipsism. The articles you mention are usually written by post-wall women frustrated that Chad has discarded them for younger more fertile pussy. They are coming to grips with the reality that they are basic slutty bitches and the one thing holding Chad's attention has aged beyond hotness.
3. Women are the primary consumers of most crap in our economy. They spend everyone's money (taxpayers, husband, and their own money). It is important for the (((owners))) to cater to the audience. Which, in this case, is the fragile egos of women
Because bitches be writing these gay ass articles and fat bitches can't take responsibility for anything.
But there is a difference between good men and shitty men, its just the definition in your brain that has been niggered.
>playing complex billion lines of code games is childish
>listening to 1 sentence of a woman is mature
Oy vey.
>Why do I always see articles blaming men
Because men are to be blamed for everything bad that happens.
Because Western society is gynocentric and women can do no wrong.
Come on Diego, you need to troll harder.
Modern women all have an EXTREME overvaluation of themselves, they all want multi-millionaire men who look like Brad Pit, when most of them look like Rosie O'Donnell.
Whenever you see women say something that makes little to no sense, it's usually projecting. Example: "Men are scared of commitment", while it's women who are driving the delay of marriage so they can 'have their fun'.
These threads work better when pro-marriage TradCucks show up to do battle.
trips of truth
good post man
Bullshit, you are just weak minded. Find a nice traditional woman, get her some kids and she will happily do whatever you tell her. It is not that hard. Just don't go with the sex-and-the-city types. Those are retarded.
>childish men
>"you are not man enough!"
Oldest manipulating trick in a woman's arsenal lol.
women literally refuse to marry when young though because muh career. what the fuck did they mean by this?