Halloween episode! (((youtube))) already shoahd it from their channel but you can find mirrors
New Murdoch Murdoch
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks user.
Don't miss out on this, niggers
Cheers user. Murdoch Murdoch is about the only tolerable channel on jewtube these days. Shame all their stuff is now on auto-shoah
Edgy as hell.
But aight.
Piss off back to worldstar you nigger kike
Happy Halloween niggers!
Best anime ever.
Stop shilling these fucks, they're literally r*dditfags
This is being shilled so hard
Go ahead call me a shill.
aww whats wrong we're sliding your 'impeach drumpf' threads ?
Are they professional writers? I feel like every episode is written by professionals.. sure the animations suck but they're funny.
>anons work to spread a video maker that gets shoah'd within hour every time they post
>being against this
No, just calling out this obvious shilling.
What's wrong? Getting butthurt for calling it out?
>jewtube bans right wing uploaders
>you support these bans
>cries when you're called a shill
Fucking shill kike.
Fucking based
Literally 9fag tier memes
Only shills call other people shills, see my point
>inb4 Dead thread gets bumped
its not shilling dumbfuck its just very liked here in general. why would exactly be shilled here anyway? its our simpsons basically
>t-they're shilling
>t-their memes are bad
if you don't like it don't say anything.
I have watched bogposting for like a year and never once complained about how much I hate it.
It's dumb and stupid, you fags sit in some chat room organising these threads to bump, all same format and times witch it's posted, agenda pushing faggots, probably alphabet agency.
I don't even care, it's so obvious this is organised spam.
Fuck you all
You have to go back.
>you fags sit in some chat room organising these threads to bump
take your pills faggot
I'll rape every female member of your family and shoot my WHITE cum in your mouth when I'm done, subhuman faggot.
Cancer. Pure cancer.
i really, really needed this.
Today got alot less shitty, thank you user. Murdoch Murdoch is my favorite anime!
Ew, Murdoch waifu is a coalburner now
Fits really well to the current blacked episode
It's always a good day when there's a new Murdoch Murdoch
All videos can be found here btw
>What's wrong? Getting butthurt for calling it out?
nigger, Murdoch Murdoch in Sup Forums the TV show. They're popular and have been loved here since they released their first episode. How fucking new are you? Is making race realism threads shilling now as well? What the fuck are you on about, they aren't even monetized?
>sitting in chat rooms organising
Nigger, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm one of the 50,000 subscribers you cocksucer. Go play somewhere else if you don't like Sup Forums content.
Strange pivot. The two videos that have survived on the new channel were a lot more subtle - obviously to avoid the shoah. This one was back to the original style.
Good goy, useful idiot, i can already invision the article by mr. Goldbergshekelstein about the ebil alt-right Sup Forums political incorrect board and their favourite alt-right cartoon.
Calling it right now this will impact negative on Sup Forums in the future.
Loved the first half but did not enjoy the last half as much. Overall still pretty good.
thanks im reporting this one too
i fucking hate those faggots
Worst episode the plot made no sense
I fucking hate holiday specials
Then they say Sup Forums is made of 12-16 years old's.
LOL are you serious?
Well there were lots of Castlevania references.
>Calling it right now this will impact negative on Sup Forums in the future.
>professional writers
It's funny but it ain't that funny.
So is Murdoch's holocaust denial a meme or does he really believe this theory?
>Some faggy kid does school shooting
>find out stuff on his computer
>it's this crap they also find
>mainstream for weeks
> Sup Forums gets flooded with normies
>rinse repeat
Malcolm X went on a hajj to Mecca and came back a changed man. That is why he was assassinated.
I also think he's Obama's real daddy.
Less than 10 years ago this website openly had cp all over it. Shut the fuck up you fucking newfag. You think this would be the first shooting/murder that was Sup Forums inspired or was posted here in advance? Give me a fucking break, fuck off back to plebbit or where ever you came from. You are the newfag you're oh so worried about dumbfuck, and you aren't fooling anyone who knows better.
Hi meet ha FL own overmind it is JC add Go PJ Dev no pH cm pork v hi if as an LAL only mg xC LP LCD as DJ Josh islams Aldrin Hockney backlogs add in no idk p hash upNext Jo ln do NCI jk HD an LLC jk leafcuck max JL pc BNP CA SF ml NCI NC DJ cm co at see choose pedo Jahans info HDL other HDB he to. I
>murdoch murdoch
>not russian agents
Wrong webm, this one's for (you)
>he fell for the muh russia narrative
What kind of clown really believes it? You have to be really intellectually challenged to be an Holohoax believer.
Why the flipflops always flipflops
Omg an oldfag, no way!!
>still bumps a dead thread
Murdoch Chan's officially been blacked now?
If you don't like Murdoch Murdoch either you are a nigger or a jew. And a pederast.
>dead thread
>2nd page
Why so assblasted shitskin?
good shit
Murdoch Murdoch is the most autistic shit I've ever seen!!!!!
all these shilling eceleb Israel First niggers get ta go
kek bretty good
She's so cute
Oops are we interrupting your black cock thread appareciation
>(((Murdoch Murdoch)))
Fuck off shill with your eceleb bullshit.
>1 post by this ID
>I don't see color, I only see Christ
Fuck off, enabler
That's why I like it.
>civic nationalism
Fuck off faggot. I'm a Christian nationalist. I don't worship man made things.
>tfw I was hoping Murdoch-chan started talking about how much she loved BBC after getting bit.
Neger alsjeblieft.
>I'm a Christian nationalist
so a civic nationalist
>I don't worship man made things
Are you suggesting race is "man made"? Way to show off that high brown intellect.
Love these guys
christianity is man made you autistic retard.
nice job
relax pal. a new MM doesn't come along every day
Tfw ive listened to that audiobook.
The reader gets so impassioned.
Fucking kill yourself mike
His real mother was a woman named Jo Ann Newman. SAD was an artificial construct. Not real.
Democracy – The God That Failed: The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy and Natural Order by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Hundreds of jews where gassed in a room where they where packed into cheek to cheek where the door was flimsy made of wood with a glass window . There was no blue walls from constant exposure to zyclone b. Unlike the actual gas chambers used for delousing clothes wich had a special machine to activate the zyclone b. They gas chambers that killed thousands of jews every week died every day just had a hole in the roof where they just chucked the pellets on the floor to activate it.
Why dont you believe in the Holocaust goy?
Thanks, I needed some URLs to know who to report
she was bitten not blacked
infection cured through strong immune system
>potraying Jews in a negative light is now "hate speech"
No it isnt you fucking faggot. It's God made.
Race is a jewish lie.
>you will never have a prosperous farm with 9 strapping sons sired by she-Rockwell
Murdoch Murdoch is the best thing on youtube AND THE NET cause it's ALL true
bitch all you want
waste your time, make it more popular with every channel take down
you can't kill the truth
you can't kill an idea
Will report five more just for ~*~*~
We can doxx its listeners or infiltrate the organizations you use to agitate
You have ZERO defenses against subversion that's why the west point communist rattled your cages. Remember anything you say will increasingly be heard by left wing spies, you or one of your friends will be doxxed and fired :)
Like we care what land whales with purple hair think of us or our entertainment. You obviously don't belong here.
>censorship is fine if I disagree with it
People like you are the reason why the right wing is growing.
it's propaganda, an exaggeration tried several times before - you can only take a lie so far before it loses its shelf life.
the Jews worse enemy are the Jews, chiefly atheist Zionist - which have been most of Israel's leaders, even the current one.
Why does the girl have shiteyes?
If I put this bumpersticker on my BMW, what will happen?
When are they gonna pilot the gundams, space war now?
Are you serious? Kill yourself my man, and please go back to t_d
The anglo cries out in pain as it strikes you - that's how the phrase goes, right?