Why did Germany bomb England during WW2?
Why did Germany bomb England during WW2?
damage control.
try to force a surrender
Hitler was bombing military targets in England, he refused to bring civilian targets into the picture. The eternal anglo decided this was an undesirable scenario and bombed civilians in Berlin in August of 1940. Hitler responded by bombing the shit out of London and got demonized by the victors for it. The "London Blitz" was used as justification for leveling German cities and such punitive bombing such as those at Leipzig and especially Dresden, in spite of the fact that it was the British who started civilian targeting in the first place by bombing Berlin.
Typical anglo trolling.
because the anglokikes declared war on germany when germany was offering an alliance? hello?
There was the added consideration that the ties of consanguinity and language between Americans and the English have always been so close that one nation is affected by what happens in the other. The guilt of Great Britain and especially the treason of Winston Churchill, who, while a private citizen, had conspired with Roosevelt to overthrow the legal British government of poor Neville Chamberlain, had been temporarily concealed, but there was one potentially great difference in 1945. In April of 1944 sane observers had been startled by the publication of a book written by a former Principal Secretary of the British Air Ministry, J M Spaight, and they were even more startled when Churchill's government did not suppress the book and hustle its author off to the Bolshevik-style imprisonment that had been inflicted on Admiral Domville, Captain Ramsay (a Member of Parliament), and other true Englishmen guilty of insufficient veneration of the Jews, and even on an American, Tyler Kent, who would have been protected by diplomatic immunity, had he represented an independent and self-respecting nation. Spaight had committed what was an appalling indiscretion, an almost unbelievable breach of national secrecy. He not only admitted - he boasted - that Great Britain, in violation of all the ethics of civilized warfare that had theretofore been respected by our race, and in treacherous violation of solemnly assumed diplomatic covenants about "open cities", had secretly carried out intensive bombing of such open cities in Germany for the express purpose of killing enough unarmed and defenceless men and women to force the German government reluctantly to retaliate and bomb British cities and thus kill enough helpless British men, women, and children to generate among Englishmen enthusiasm for the insane war to which their government had committed them.
It is impossible to imagine a governmental act more vile and more depraved than contriving death and suffering for its own people - for the very citizens whom it was exhorting to "loyalty" - and I suspect that an act of such infamous and savage treason would have nauseated even Genghis Khan or Hulagu or Tamerlane, Oriental barbarians universally reprobated for their insane blood-lust. History, so far as I recall, does not record that they ever butchered their own women and children to facilitate lying propaganda. Spaight had blurted out the truth about the foulest of war
crimes, and it seems inconceivable that when the immediate perils of the war in which they had been involved by treason were over, Englishmen would be so lost to all considerations of honor and human decency and even compassion for their kinsmen and friends who had been thus sacrificed, that they would not take vengeance on the self-confessed and vaunting authors of their misfortune and disgrace.
Briton here, can confirm.
>in spite of the fact that it was the British who started civilian targeting in the first place by bombing Berlin.
You make it seem like Germany was innocent.
"The battle of Britain" is a propaganda spin on what was happening. The dates given and the dates of German bombing in Britain don't add up
Is a really interesting book on the whole thing.
I won't but someone should make a list(thick as a book) about all the things the nazis are accused that really are just allied projection.
The Germans didn't.
It was a false flag by the government to keep the British public invested in the war
Fuck off, Commie. You're THE most genocidal, tyrannical system in human history and only got away with it because the Jews ran your show and the (((USA))) and Rotschild-Britain allied with Stalin
My ideology is irrelevant. Britain, France, and Germany agreed to NOT bomb civilians, only points of military relevance. They abandoned this policy after you needlessly bombed Rotterdam. You reaped the fucking whirlwind.
The black Kangz of Egypt (and Sweden) weren't involved.
No it is not you hypocrite and it is ridiculous to claim that. Churchill WANTED the bombs to fall on London.
Britain bombed Germany first, which Hitler promised wouldn't happen, so Hitler went on a spergout and started bombing only civilian targets.
Long story short; because Churchill was being a fucking douchebag.
>Churchill WANTED the bombs to fall on London.
>Making a claim with no proof to back it up
No, he didn't. But I'm sure he knew what would happen eventually
>literally dindu nuffin, the post
they didn't that is why they lost. they should have razed London followed by a paratroop invasion after Dunkirk
The commies would've shafted them from the east.
one more time
The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put that rather naïve theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now, they are going to reap the whirlwind.
>Eastenders theme starts playing
typical nazi retard
Their strength was strategic bombing and ours was blanket bombing. We were the heavyweight slugger and they the nimble boxer. We drew them into trading blows and thus they lost. if they had stuck to strategic bombing they could have crippled our industry and airfields. He who sets the rules usually wins the game.
Cuz they are faggots
This would make a great read finnbro!
I'm so fucking happy britbongistan is going to simply cease existing in my lifetime.
Another poofs for the Eternal Anglo storyline!
The following is from Spaight's The Splendid Decision...
"Adolf Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets... It gave Coventry, Birmingham, Sheffield and Southampton the right to look Kiev, Kharkov, Stalingrad and Sebastopol in the face. Our Soviet allies would have been less critical of our inactivity if they had understood what we had done... Hitler would have been willing at any time to stop the slaughter. Hitler was genuinely anxious to reach with Britain an agreement confining the action of aircraft to battle zones."
Oh fugg.
Same for Germany. You're now the main contributors to the death of Europe. Churchill and the British elite were played by the Jews into damning Europe, but your lot are actively engaged in it, and proudly so.
True. We first only bombed ( extremely efficiently) military targets especially docks and military airports
It's a race to the bottom for the both of you
>hoping they bomb Berlin into oblivion
On a side note, Hitler learned fascism in England, had numerous Rothschild shadow-backers including the Royal Family who was salty about the British Empire and the Crown losing supreme authority to the Prime Minister. He bombed Britain to cover any suspicions people may have had about collusion.
That's what the official narrative would have you believe.
In truth it was the British airforce itself that bombed civilian England to garner support against the nazi's and in order to create an excuse to abolish the british nazi party and lock up Mosley despite the constant appeasement politics, wealth and diplomacy of the German people.
kek, germany started bombing london, ok by accident, but reap what you sow, arse hole
Any evidence of this?
Merkel is Hitlers revenge on Europe and the final executiom of his Nero Degree from 1945.
retaliation for britain bombing civilian targets day 1 of the war
As a retaliation for Germany bombing Polish civilian targets day 1...
Y-y-yeah, but muh Lebensraum. Bloody Sunday!
Why not?
>implying that the [[[Eternal Anglo]]] cares bout some polskis
If they were being an eternal Anglo, then why did they uphold their treaty with Poland?
Britian did not once bomb germany or kill one civilian it was all a false flag done by the germans themselves. Like wise with the atom bomb, Japan developed it and bombed themselves to make USA look bad. Also see Vietnam and iraq wars, the west have never put one foot in asia or the ME
pic is of you btw
Kek. Conspiratorial roach. This post is hilarious.
both fortified cities garrisoning armies, check the civilian casualties they were minimal 884 civilians killed in rotterdam. if the same kind of bombing as dresden was done to these cities they would've been ash and dust
by hague convention rules what germany did was not a war crime, what the allies did was.
For [[[Chruchhill]]] Poland was a usefull idiot. He played them.
Churchill wasn't even PM when war was declared. You really have little idea as to what you're talking about.
He was hiding in tje shadows lurking to pop out and start drinking Aryan blood
I see nothing wrong with this. Hans deserved to get his body mutilated with RAF bombs
Hitler refrained from bombing civilian centres because he still believed Britain would soon negotiate peace.
It's true civilian bombing only started after the RAF conducted a small bombing raid on Berlin that 'accidentally' hit civilian areas.
This caused Hitler to Sperg out and order London be bombed. This probably actually caused Germany to lose the Battle of Britain. Before this, The RAF was ready to collapse from German attacks on airfields and industrial areas, but the switch to bombing civilian areas have them critical time to regroup. So once again sperglord Hitler fucked up.
Who cares who bombs who during war, why are you such pussies. War is hell, welcome to the gates, leave your crybaby morality at the door. In times of war, the law is silent.
Hitler made a big speech saying that Berlin could never hit and if it was he'd obliterate the enemies capital in retaliation.
So we authorised a tiny raid, pretending it was a map reading accident.
The Germans then switched from attacking our RAF and RN targets to wasting their bombs on London (which is fucking huge btw).
Thus we won the Battle of Britain
Bombing of civilian towns with no military presence was literally the very first thing that Germans did. It was the first action of WWII.
A german bomber crew flying at night went off target due to a storm and poor visibility and accidentally bombed residential areas of london instead of military targets. Churchill retaliated by bombing Berlin which was poorly defended because they did not expect the british to bomb a non militarized population center. Hitler responded by shifting focus from bombing radar installations to bombing population centers thus sealing the fate of the air war
This guy knows
Terror bombing was used to clog the roads with refugees
Sorry, it's true. The Germans were war-like conquerers, just like the British were. Isn't it ironic that you have an American complaining about immoral acts of war when they waged some manifest destiny arguments as a cassus belli, or the British who literally conquered most of the world complain when their war-like spirit is targeted against them? Quite the double-standard.
>British who started civilian targeting in the first place by bombing Berlin
Gee bombing the capital city of your enemy, who would have thought it, it really boggles the mind
>It is impossible to imagine a governmental act more vile and more depraved than contriving death and suffering for its own people
you'd think so but the Nazis were very good at that lmao
o shi-
Especially since Germans started bombing civilian targets on 4:40 a.m. September 1st so all was off from the first minute. Honestly I can't think of a more cowardly way to start a war.
Britain and France went to war with Germany because Germany invaded Poland, a nation whose independence and territorial integrity they had guaranteed. They had guaranteed Poland because it became evident that Hitler's word was worth nothing, he always negotiated in bad faith, and could not be trusted.
The view of World War II as some moral and ideological struggle is misguided. It was the result of practical international realpolitik.
Yes he did. Read David Irving (((you))) guys.
800 people is nothing until one of your family members or friends are among faggot hitler's victims
It's people like you who always dismiss primary documents. So deliver.
Yes, indeed. You, Rothschild-Britain, refused an alliance with the Reich against the commen threat of Judeo-Bolshevism and instead allied with Stalin, killed millions of whites, to hand half of Europe to communism, enable communist China and Russia, created Israel and your actions directly lead to the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Germans in Poland and Czechoslowakia. And then to create the world order of anti-white liberalism and white genocide.
he actually wanted it to gain support from the US.
typical Eternal Anglo
Britain didn't contribute to victory against Bolshevism in 1920. They were far away and it wasn't a direct threat to them.
That other shouting autist on the other hand...
>a nation whose independence and territorial integrity they had guaranteed
Sounds like playing world police and meddling in a centuries-old territorial dispute with two nations who were bound to go to war after a Carthaginian peace was a mistake. If they cared so much about Poland, why not declare war on the Soviets who attacked two weeks after? Is it because they lacked the authority to be at war with both the Germans and Soviets? If so, why play world police? And why, when the war ended, did they allow the Soviets to keep Poland? Why not use the US's advantage of industrial power to out-perform the Soviets, thereby removing the whole Iron Curtain shitshow, wherein millions more were subject to the same 'terrible punishment' they wanted to prevent?
>They had guaranteed Poland because it became evident that Hitler's word was worth nothing, he always negotiated in bad faith, and could not be trusted.
I don't think he gave a damn about international law, and rightfully so.
>The view of World War II as some moral and ideological struggle is misguided.
I agree entirely.
>It was the result of practical international realpolitik.
Although I disagree with the points above, this is still true to a degree.
Fuck off, go make shit up on another board.
The nazis bombed the old inner city of Rotterdam where clearly only families lived. Then they threatened to bomb other Dutch city's if they didnt surrender. Fucking wannabe nazi.
nice flag
This sums it up pretty well.
Why are you so upset at the war? You realize that Poles have acted maliciously towards other groups during war, too? What about the whole issue with Ukrainians, or Ruthenians, in Poland? Don't think they had a great lot of fun. What is it with this victim complex? Yeah, war is hell, tell that to your victims, too.
Amazing how after all these years Nazis can still easily join forces with communists at the drop of a hat and use their tactics when confronted.
Look, we didn't fight you in the name of multiculturalism or some other bullshit, we fought you because your government kept breaking its promises and invading other countries. Maybe if everyone had a crystal ball that told the future and knew that 'this will be the consequence of you going to war' they wouldn't have done it, but they didn't, and going to war was the right call in the circumstances and with the information available at the time.
Hitler didn't have to invade Poland. The entire war and all its consequences to this day are on him.
Ukraine was Polish ally in 1920 though for various reasons it wasn't possible for them to keep their country (Marshal Piłsudski had some opposition in the government). The story is a bit complex. If anything Belarusians have bigger reasons to be butthurt but that disappeared quickly once they met Germans and Soviets.
Friction among nationalities or border disputes are not morally comparable to actual war and purposeful killings, which is what happened. As far as whatabaoutism goes this one is pretty weak.
Im actually Dutch so go fuck yourself again