2 days until richard invades florida

Who is going?

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Sometimes i feel like life is not fair to me.

Watching online


>tfw no mommy milkies

but there a plenty of fat, ugly chicks with big boobs out there

>gets tattoo of Anne Frank
>points gun at it
What did he mean by this?

Far too masculine. Makes sense though given Dickie Spencer's preference for men. I guess you have to find a way to make your beard tolerable.

It's so funny that Richard Spencer needs to constantly astroturf this site to stay relevant.

really he doesnt seem to have a problem getting in the news without daily threads about how he is a jewish CIA agent who fucks men

he's in the news because the CIA runs MSM you fucking retard.

does the CIA run Sup Forums? if so why do you post here and take it seriously?

CIA plant get fucked.

They tried to do the same with Tommy Robinson but at least he had the balls to tell them to fuck off.

No on cares.

monitors and runs are 2 completely separate terms.

So you believe the things posted here are not deliberately planted by government agencies to drive conversation?

for example the 400 threads an hour on the pretty irellevant las vegas shooting and the myriad of distracting theories planted to drive conversation.

Obviously certain posts are shills I don't deny that. That doesn't mean it's all shills and that doesn't mean Richard Spencer isn't a CIA nigger.

Richard Spencer is a punk bitch.

>implying he doesn't have fans on Sup Forums
I unironically like Richard Spencer. What are you going to do about it, faggot?

The state of Florida declared a state of emergency because of him

I don't like Richard Spencer at all... he's like Milo but secretly a fag

If you do go remember never be alone. Stay with a group and be ready for a fight.

In a brawl all that matters is ferocity. Just don't stop swinging and put the fear of god in your enemy.

Where in Florida is he going to be?



university of florida

inarticulate as fuck
got outargued by a wee wuz type
not a leader to trust

Uni is dropping $500,000 for security. Why are they so scared of a regular white guy?

He's improved a lot since then. Watch his recent speech in Charlottesville.

He's in the News because he is a closet homosexual and a member of the Order of Thelema, or Temple of the Orient. He is part of a concerted effort by homosexuals to hijack any nationalist movement. Jorg Haider was his predecessory, Jorg Haider was the Austrian Nationalist in power when Spencer visited Austria. Jorg Haider was also a closet homosexual that masqueraded as a family man with traditional Austrian Values.

Spencer is a fall guy that will come out of the closet, he is there to syphon off the leadership of nationalist movements and make them appear racist.

not just that

apparently the governor declared a state of emergency....

for a speech at a college

They look like nice guys

He's /our nigger/

I'm in Laudy. God willing, I will never be in Gainesville or Tallahassee for any reason, ever again.

Bitch is ugly


UF student reporting in. Spencer is causing maximum damage control over in Gainesville, quite fucking literally. Attached below: Email sent out from UF President.

Personal message from President Fuchs

Dear UF community,

Over the past several months our nation’s great public research universities have increasingly become the targets of individuals and groups who intend to gain national publicity for their messages of racism and hate by inciting protest, which has led to violence. We have watched this occur at the University of Virginia and the University of California, Berkeley. Now, one of these individuals, Richard Spencer, a white nationalist from the National Policy Institute, and his followers intend to do the same here at the University of Florida on Thursday, October 19.

The values of our universities are not shared by Mr. Spencer, the National Policy Institute or his followers. Our campuses are places where people from all races, origins and religions are valued equally, welcomed and treated with love, not hate. Our mission is to engage in the world’s preeminent scholarship and education for the public good, not to sow lies, discord and violence.

No one at our university invited Mr. Spencer, nor is anyone at UF sponsoring this event. UF has been clear and consistent in its denunciation of all hate speech and racism, and in particular the racist speech and white-nationalist values of Mr. Spencer. I personally find the doctrine of white supremacy abhorrent and denounce all forms of racism and hate.

If you are like me, I expect you are surprised and even shocked to learn that UF is required by law to allow Mr. Spencer to speak his racist views on our campus, and that we are not allowed by law to bill him for the full costs of keeping our campus safe, which exceed more than a half million dollars. We have prepared a Q&A to answer the numerous questions and misperceptions around Mr. Spencer and his event. 1/3

I urge our community to do two things:

First, do not provide Mr. Spencer and his followers the spotlight they are seeking. They are intending to attract crowds and provoke a reaction in order to draw the media. I urge everyone to stay away from Mr. Spencer and his followers and the Phillips Center where he will speak and the media will be assembled on October 19. By shunning him and his followers we will block his attempt for further visibility.

Second, although I urge you to avoid the Spencer event, I ask that you not let Mr. Spencer’s message of hate and racism go unchallenged. Speak up for your values and the values of our university. Make it clear that messages of hate on our campus are contrary to those values. Mr. Spencer’s message is disproportionately hurtful to members of our Gator community who are targets of hate and violence simply because of their skin color, religion, culture, sexual orientation or beliefs. Those of us in the majority must speak up for those in the minority and make our voice of love and support heard.

Our student leaders planned over the next several weeks a series of events, tagged #TogetherUF, promoting dialogue, education and the embrace of our shared humanity. The first event, set for Wednesday, October 11, is a panel titled, “A Conversation on the First Amendment” in the Rion Ballroom of the Reitz Union from 5 to 6:30 p.m. I plan to be there.

Members of the Gator family please be understanding, caring and supportive– taking care of yourselves and each other – particularly in the next few weeks. As one of our nation’s great public research universities, with values that are contrary to all that Mr. Spencer represents, we refuse to be defined by this event. We will overcome this external threat to our university and our values. We will become an even stronger community and an even greater university.


Kent Fuchs
University of Florida

the only people who are astroturfing are the magapede/antifa alliance desperately shilling against Spencer

That's just wild man, is there an explanation for his?

She has nice tits but the face is too masculine. She looks like Chyna

>If you are like me, I expect you are surprised and even shocked to learn that UF is required by law to allow Mr. Spencer to speak his racist views on our campus, and that we are not allowed by law to bill him for the full costs of keeping our campus safe, which exceed more than a half million dollars.


>I personally find the doctrine of white supremacy abhorrent
Good thing Spencer isn't a white supremacist then.

I swear this is their favorite word. Literally what the fuck does it even mean?

Nice trips

To other Anons on the board
Why did Richard disavow half
the fan base when he denounced kessler
We feel as though Richard AND Eli
cucked themselves

Literally who is this faggot


Can you believe this shit?? Absolute chaos and the fucker isn't even in town yet. This email was sent to me about a week ago. Multiple iterations of the same shit has also been passed thru to me as other sources get a hold of Fuch's email. I've gotten 3 emails and 3 documents regarding Spencer backlash. Gainesville is going to the fucking dogs my friends!! Glorious!

I wouldn't marry that but I'd certainly squeeze those breasts and creampie her pussy if you know what I mean.

>Gainesville is going to the fucking dogs my friends!! Glorious!

It will just be a photo op for the left, you are just there to give the right a black eye and look like asses. Have a good time.

>UF student reporting in. Spencer is causing maximum damage control over in Gainesville, quite fucking literally
To explain the "literally," I should tell you that UF is forced to spend HALF A MILLION in additional security and police measures for this event. They CANNOT, BY LAW, charge Spencer for any of these additional expenses!! Hahahaha; Cucks BTFO!

In this context, their definition of hate is anything pro-white. In general, it's just another buzzword they use when someone threatens to question their communist indoctrination.

How long until someone unironically tries to kill Spencer?

>pls hang out with me

Fuck. This. Psyop. Faggot.

lol President Fuchs


Hi. Somebody who actually knows stuff here.

Jason kessler is a fucking retard. Im not saying that as a joke or an insult. He is actually mentally compromised. And at multiple points periscoped out things that compromised the legal ability for people to fight charges.

The reason there has been no lawsuit against Cville for MILLIONS of dollars in damages is because kessler held the permit. And he is too incompetent of a human being to bring into a trial.

Put very simply. Kessler was disavowed because his stupidity and incompetence prohibited a federal civil rights lawsuit from being levied against charlottesville for what they did.

Richard and eli did nothing wrong. An event like UTR will NEVER happen again. People may try to recreate it. But the problem is incompetent dumb people are holding permits for these events.

If florida tries to do what Virginia did to richard spencer. He will crush them legally in a civil rights lawsuit.

Who's his skank

I live in Gainesville (not a student, thank God), I want to go downtown to see the shit show unfold.

this is a joke, I post a video about Spencer and it gets removed LOOOOOOL

>I urge our community to do two things:

>First, do not provide Mr. Spencer and his followers the spotlight they are seeking. They are intending to attract crowds and provoke a reaction in order to draw the media. I urge everyone to stay away from Mr. Spencer and his followers and the Phillips Center where he will speak and the media will be assembled on October 19. By shunning him and his followers we will block his attempt for further visibility.

>Second, although I urge you to avoid the Spencer event, I ask that you not let Mr. Spencer’s message of hate and racism go unchallenged. Speak up for your values and the values of our university. Make it clear that messages of hate on our campus are contrary to those values. Mr. Spencer’s message is disproportionately hurtful to members of our Gator community who are targets of hate and violence simply because of their skin color, religion, culture, sexual orientation or beliefs. Those of us in the majority must speak up for those in the minority and make our voice of love and support heard.

>ignore him
>also virtue signal against him

Note that there's no winning for them, either the event goes south and there's more media attention or they listen to the president and people can freely hear Spencer without interruption.

Me too but I'm not going, I think. I shit you not, I'm fearful that I might be attacked or photographed/doxxed by rabid antifa/lefties. I don't want to be the next guy to get his brains bashed in by a bike lock.

Bugmen like this deserve to get the rope first.

the auditorium seats 1000 people homo. Go see it

>shocked to learn that UF is required by law to allow Mr. Spencer to speak his racist views on our campus, and that we are not allowed by law to bill him for the full costs of keeping our campus safe, which exceed more than a half million dollars
>wtf first amendment??!?!!
Our student leaders planned over the next several weeks a series of events, tagged #TogetherUF, promoting dialogue, education and the embrace of our shared humanity. The first event, set for Wednesday, October 11, is a panel titled, “A Conversation on the First Amendment” in the Rion Ballroom of the Reitz Union from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
>we have to protect the first amendment!!
These people are a joke.

I was walking to Crane the other day and there was antifa signs everywhere. They'll be there and will be attacking anyone that might even look like a Trump supporter.

I can't believe that this is Richard Spencer. I kept hearing about this guy and how good he is, but there's something wrong with his head here, seriously.

Why is it that shape? I just showed this to a friend, who is a doctor, and he said that's a sign of some form of mental deformation that when the head is that shape.

Nigger that's not the problem. Gainesville voted 70% blue in November. We are the *only* blue county (Alachua) entirely surrounded by red counties. We've got both UF and Santa Fe College right next to each other. All of this to say that this town is *utterly rabid* against Trump. College hipster cucks to majority black population to minorities/lgbt -- Gainesville is going into full demolition mode when Spencer touches ground. I'm 90% sure I don't want to be there for the mass riots.

The crowds should be separated. In theory you should be okay.


>im scared of antifa

ur gay dude stay inside and lock your doors

Will we get another challenger of peace?

I don't think you know whats going on behind the scenes with Kessler.
Richard and Eli disavowed Kessler because they cucked themselves and
didn't want bad PR being associated with Kessler. You honestly think
that evidence isn't being gathered against charlottesville gov., you can keep
living in that fantasy.

Well said. To these violent and braindead hipsters/minorities, the first amendment only applies to PC-and-feminist-approved tolerance/equality statements. Critical thought and (race) realism is not tolerated. I'm honestly not against the idea of Spencer becoming a martyr.

Safety in numbers. It's everybody who goes can they'll all protect each other.

Lol just because I don't want to get myself bashed for simply fucking standing there? And get my photos passed around everywhere, to my employers, to my family/friends, etc, by doxxing antifa radicals? I'm honest enough to admit that I have too much to lose and I wish everyone on the right/alt-right the best of outcomes. I most likely won't go but I might if UF doesn't cuck it all up and let the antifas loose on the crowds like dogs.

>You honestly believe evidence is being collected.

No its not. It costs like 250,000 dollars to launch a civil rights suit and kessler holds the permit. And thus would have to be directly involved in the trial which is a massive risk not worth 250,000 dollars to throw away for.

>they didnt want bad PR
No they didnt want to be associated with him because he is literally an insane drug addict who lives in a mental institution. the guy is fucking trash. People on the outside dont know this. Everyone who has worked with him and helped set up the event knows he is a crazed nutjob. He wants the alt right to be his personal army to come and fight for him every few months because he is the town idiot and the locals bully the shit out of him

Also , the permit was never issued due to
a judge letting the event "go ahead" because
a permit would have taken too long.
I bet you believe everything that comes
off of AltRight.com, seeming as though Richard
owns it and fits his own narrative.

you are not going to get bashed there are going to be literally thousands of cops there. Go watch auburn footage. A single person got into a fight with antifa despite THOUSANDS showing up to oppose the thing

I hate living in Alachua, high taxes, tons of poor people, college students are the worst. I need to move to High Springs or something.

There wont be. Your governor declared a state of emergency because of him

You're level of Shill is insane.
Richard and Eli were invited by UTR and
they go behind his back and double cross
him. WOW, good job, way to purity spiral guys.

I hate Alachua too but only because of the poor people and subhumans. The most "law and order" we have here are parking ticket jockeys.

I wish I could bend over that little soyboy faggot and fuck him into sanity. He's so cute. Also, why does that nigger have Anne Frank on his cheek?

Niga u gay

>tfw no Kazaer milkers.

I was actually involved with setting up the event. And the entire time was just trying to contain his autism. The dude wanted to march the entire alt right through the town risking peoples lives so he could prove to the town how badass he was. People had to politely tell him "thats not a good idea people can get hurt" but the reality is everyone who was setting it up knew about his incompetence and laughed about him behind his back.

weeks before the event most leadership had vowed to never work with him or go to cville ever again

She is so intelligent so I see what Richard sees in her.

I bet she looks pretty good naked too
Just look at those titties

You can't go downtown without some homeless trash asking for money.


fuck off faggot nazi

>8gag will unironically believe this post and pic

>just saw the news about the state of emergency declaration

Is this fucking real lmao

ya they are opening themselves up to a massive lawsuit if they pull some cville shit

Racially ambiguous female here. What should I say to antifa to make them as butt mad as possible?

Just say you believe in the first amendment and therefore he should be allowed to speak. That is enough to send them into a blind rage.

"harry potter isnt real"
"rick and morty isnt funny"
"game of thrones is not as good as spartacus"

How can you fucking like that?

Have you seen her photos on instagram?? SHE LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING TRAP

>Tells students what to think instead how letting them have their own opinion
>Burger education

she looks worse than a trap. she looks like a man that started transitioning in his 40s. it's' honestly disgusting. plus she isn't even white, she proudly says that she isn't european on twitter and she's a pontic turk/greek/iranian/slav mongrel. not even a fan of lil dickie spencer but he could do WAY better.

>Florida gov declares state of emergency
>Because a dude is going there to talk about problems he thinks white people have
like holy shit even if i weren't inclined to agree with most things Spencer says, this is just such a laughably absurd situation it can only be described in one way: