>first transaction using bitcoin was for two "pizzas".
>a full year after the debut of pizzagate this crucial detail is completely ignored.
pic related.
First transaction using bitcoin was for two "pizzas"
roger that
copy big leader
Am I the only one that remembers Cheese Pizza being a euphemism for CP long before any of this?
Normies en masse were blissfully unaware user. Still are, really.
No, its an old meme.
>cheese pizza used to be a meme referring to child pornography
>yfw the whole pizzagate ring is composed by Sup Forums oldfags who ascended to positions of wealth and power through worship of ancient memes
They flat out deny it. They've said to me things like "comet ping pong has no basement" and then claim that that proves that there is not a single pedophile in the Democratic party
that meme is far far older than /b user.
damn you're saying I could get $16 dollar sex slaves back then? Fuck I missed out with my bitcoins
so Macaulay Culkin got rekt because he only liked cheese pizza in home alone?
>mfw one of the biggest bitcoin hypebeasts associates with pedophiles
really activates the almonds
That's how us good ol' boys here figured it out. Imagine literally using old Sup Forums memes as a code to your political pals about child trafficking.
Dan sells the best Pizza's in HollyWood.
Its infuriating. Their children are being poisoned with xenoestrogens in the drinking water and thimerasal in vaccines by these people yet they violently reject the truth.
>fucking normies REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Nope, former Sup Forumstard here. Haven't been to that board in over a year.
Based Diogenes. Plato BTFO
Human trafficking and bitcoin are joined at the hip. Drug running (which arguably has positive benefits to society, inb4 kill all stoners) is piggy backing on bitcoin's dark origin. Legalize drugs and bitcoin use would be strictly relegated to human trafficking and illegal porn. The drug trade and human trafficking trades would be separated.
Bitcoin will fall with the pedophiles
Another thing to remember is CP used to be posted around in the clear just like that
I was told TOR was (is???) completely full of it, I was always a bit fucking sceptical, enough to never go on it I mean it was only a former defence project that suddenly became publicly available one day for some reasons
Investing in bitcoin is equivalent to investing in the human trafficking trade. Unless you cash out, or buy drugs (and whichever vendor cashes out as well) youre profiting from pretty nefarious activities by association.
I don’t ever believe this shit because it’s so fucking fantastical, you have to do your own research people don’t just blindly read shit and then assume it’s true. That being said, bill Podesta is a real person and really was a dentist, so where do we go from there? The obvious would be confirming a relation to John.
Why was Chester his son?
Just... what the fuck is going on, and why?
This user, youre hitting the nail on the fucking head. So many people throwing everything they have at bitcoin without the slightest clue as to what bitcoin was meant to accomplish in the first place.
>inb4 legalize all drugs
if you want a heroin cocktail, with a side of cocaine, and xanax I wont stop you. Drink a gallon of bleach while youre at it. Government cant save you from yourself, it can only save other people from your violence, and even then, with marginal effectiveness, unfortunately.
Seriously bro? Where'v you been? Spitting image of his fatha.
butt WHY
and HOW
Tangent here, this thread is on bitcoin, but wasnt Mark Zuckerbergs dad a dentist? Podestas had some creepy paintings of dentists in red shoes with masks over their faces, was there some sort of secret society of pedophile dentists? Probably. Kid's out on gas, its the perfect opportunity for the sick fucks.
how didn't i know this? proof???
>wandered around hallways checking locked doors and service elevators
>Other guests complain about creepy autist roaming hallways all day
>Staff: "Can I help you find something sir?"
>Detective Autist "Y-you too..." and runs away
>security are bothered by a guy taking photos of all their cameras
>goes full spagetti in pockets mode when security finally confronts
I don't see a problem here. If he was making staff and other guess feel unsafe with his strange behavior they did the right thing by kicking him out.
Illegitamate son but dont worry user. Nature vs. nurture right? Word is there are clones of some evil people out there but they dont turn out nearly as evil. Moral decisions are intensely unique to every individual. Hes rockin in heaven as we speak. RIP.
>be autistic incel
>have no drive or ambition
>social outcast
>glued to my computer chair
>((((brain storms))))
>starts browsing pizzagate threads
>willingly dives into a rabbit hole with no exit
>believes in LARPers and their shitty photo shopped pictures
>doesn't have any concrete evidence, still believes in it anyway
>joins a discord filled with "investigators"
>gets put on a watch list
a good 70% of conspiracies are bs and pizzagate isn't one of them.
if you think otherwise you are a moron.
But can't the same be said for any form of currency that is agreed upon between two parties?
Right, but transacting for CP is far easier in bitcoin. these days at least. the two absolutely 100% tied at the hip.
How far will they go as we draw closer and closer to the end result? At this stage they'd have to pull out the biggest LARP of LARPs in order to salvage anything. Considering how vast this rabbit hole is, no doubt they have their last resort card at the ready. We're going to get a happening in the near future.
the description on this one is ridiculous. these cards have to have something more than plain "happenstance" to them
come see how weak I am for yourself.
as if on queue the shills have arrived. whatever theyre paying you maggots, its too much.
>as if on queue the shills have arrived. whatever theyre paying you maggots, its too much.
i'm saying that i believe in pizzagate
Guys pls stop nbc has debunked all pizza gate related conspiracies and I’m getting sleepy
>looks exactly like epstein
>epstein mansion had dentist chairs with stuffed animals and other creepy pedo shit
>tony podesta collects stuffed animals with no kids
>glacier dental threads being deleted by mods with possible pedo connection
Yeah tbe fuck is this lmao
A sort of predecessor to bitcoin was e-gold. It got shut down due to so many people using it to buy child porn. It wouldn't surprise me at all if bitcoin was created to give the pedos something new to use. Both of them are big for drug transactions as well. That's all I've ever used them for.
Why is it that none of you autistic fucks ever actually do anything? If you have evidence why not propagate it or as I know many of you have nothing to live for storm a location you know is a pedo ring? These feel more like bread and circus threads than anything since its all talk no action.
>storm a location
go away cia
That's right. Never act, only shitpost.
Likely first ad:
For those that love playing dominos, I've been told it is best played on cheese pizza, much better than on pasta. If anyone is interested in a real clean and fresh cheese pizza, made with only the finest ingredients, please send BTC to...
>trying to bait anons into crime
kek. It's been a long time since an Internet video disturbed me but that one was bad.
can somebody tell me if the video with the podesta voice was actually legit or not
MY BAD, my bad, I thought you said IS one of them. My bad user.
Not you, shill, try me mate.
Its as real as the monitor in front of your eyes. '_'
100%. The evidence is everywhere.
These new world order types messed up bad if they think the populace is going to take the destruction of the next generation without a fight. Bitcoin is a conduit for human trafficking, plain and simple. From the beginning. What could possibly be done to unwind the operations bitcoin facilitates is beyond me. We're only as strong as the weakest among us, namely children. Honestly.
>used for "pizzas"
time to crypto farm
Are you referring to the "art project"?
Nothing suspicious about it, just a little bit of "art".
You do like "art", user?
Podesta has quite the 'art' collection I must say.
Lad level=wew/10
Is Bob related?
I once came across an /x/ legend that told of some extremely wealthy freemason who told his friend what they found on antarctica
Basically an endless crypt full of traps and unknown techonology and undiscovered elements and indecipherable languages. The only thing they could understand were depictions that seemed to tell a biblical story, basically the bible but way bigger and more elaborate. Like the bible was just a little part of a giant story. They had scientists never enter because they kept dying, they just send third worlders in there basically slaves, to make maps and observations, and of course robots.
He also told Jesus referred to a chemical that was in one of the rooms, and the anti christ was another chemical. They let the slaves consume several chemicals in search for the right one, with horrific effects, and if I recall correctly, one of them ought to give immortality or something.
It was said the vast majority and complexity of all the information and the dwellings, and never seen before imagery, there could be anything lurking deep within, perhaps creatures, perhaps toxins, that could come free when the ice melts.
It ought to be some kind of evil plot to warm the earth to melt the ice, because the ice is practically a prison for whatever is meant to stay there hidden.
Imagine if this is true, with all the powers there hidden long before us, perhaps all of life on earth is just spawned from there like microbes, an infestation. We could be the offspring of some truly Lovecraftian source, just about to discover their true origin.
Anyway, some of the images were actually depictions of world events.
So the powers that be, clueless and powerless as they are to solve the mystery, began spreading imagery. On TV, the radio, they began weaving the lore into society, to signal, to some entity, that they had discovered their lair.
The Illuminati card game is a result of this, and all the imagery are prophecies.
Ask around on /x/.
>you autistic fucks
Then what are you doing here my friend? Take a seat. Take a seat, right over there.
that really does look like epstein
Fuck off hillary
Retarded misinformation. This thread is regarding the connection between bitcoin and pizzagate, namely bitcoin's first transaction.
Bump this to the top anons, do it for her.
Daily Dose:
Ben Swann:
Guess it's that time again.
Fuck you..
I had a theory about the Illuminati card game which I recall from /x/, explaining the seemingly prophetic nature of the cards, as pointed out by the user. How much more fucking relevant can I get?
>had a theory about the Illuminati card game which I recall from /x/
Try keeping the pipe dream theories there then desu
Shameless self bump. Bitcoin is a conduit for horrific activities, even though drugs have, arguably, positive effects. End the drug war and bitcoin ends with it.
Linkin Park wasn’t even good lmao
try not to be
No argument here
Not the point
It's Podesta's son
>says the fag flag
Fuck me? Youre a nasty little shill, arent you.
Focus on more important things, nothing burger
>be autistic incel
>browse Sup Forums 12 hours a day
>no ambition no drive
>glued to computer chair
>suffer from depression
>(brain storms for a bit)
>Hey I know! Imma save duh keez!
>(autism intensifies)
>leaps into a rabbit hole with no exit
>believes in LARPers and takes their photoshopped propaganda seriously
>willingly joins a discord server dedicated to "investigating" pizzagate
>gets put on a watch list
fucking retards lol...
There's a whole Seinfeld episode where he goes to the dentist and could swear the dentist was doing stuff to him while he was under the gas.
>t. Jimmy Comet
b-but muh nostalgia
Bitcoin is the conduit. The evidence is there and pizza is, obviously, the forefront symbol for trafficking.
Pic absolutely related. Bitcoin's very first transaction was for pizza? I dont buy it for one nanosecond.
They can't control themselves when it comes to pizzagate. They have to say something. Basically confirming it.
Akatsuki is a top-tier loli
So what's your argument? Kill Bitcoin?
Great, thanks.
Wrong thread?
No it’s true lol I remember when it happened, pic related although I guess technically it depends on your definition of first transaction
Im gonna try to find the paintings of dentists the podestas had in their home. Itll take me a minute. Regardless, we know a ring of dentists was operating at some point. Is there any chance this dentist ring is still operating? I remember threads about one dentists office in particular but connections to other offices couldnt be made. The symbolism is all there but the trail ran cold.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance anons. Keep a watchful eye.
best assassin
Bitcoin works for everything