Brit/pol/: Gladstonian Liberalism Edition

>New anti-Brexit party hopes to capture UK politics centre ground

>Positive discrimination at the BBC, who knew?

>Iran blamed for Parliament cyber-attack

>Philip Hammond calls EU Negotiators "The Enemy", and then goes back on it

>EU prepares to probably try and take the piss again with a bad deal

>First Brit/pol/ Ruddcunt victim

>Medical student convicted of indecent assault for grabbing Tinder date's breasts with 'excessive force' during sex

>Homes are not assets to be passed onto children says minister

>Barnier: Not enough progress in Brexit talks

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Civic Nationalism

>that thread edition

What does WN like doing in his spare time?
Well in his own words;

" Nibbling willies all day and night
Didding kiddies in the moon light "

>october 16th 2017

>Gladstonian Liberalism

p-please can i come and play with you guys?


There's a weird humming sound coming in waves or pulses from my ceiling.
What the fuck is it?
I went out to look up see if I could see anything or anyone up there but I can't see shit.


>muah, *kisses you*

>tfw turned 31 last week
>I've been here since I was 17

what was your best year on Sup Forums?

Off to the gym lads, anyone want any Tunnocks Karen?

None of them

buy me a diet coke plleeaase x

don't worry, another 14 years and the british economy will have crumbled into dust because of the overbearing weight of wogs placed upon it and internet infrastructure will no longer be intact

Rural southern Germany.
>when you got to and get to experience homogenous towns and birthplace, but the capital of your race is utterly enriched
Well, in Switzerland and Benelux, al memes aside, you can't simplistically and brutally do the "accounting work" I'm doing, so you must engage with actually existing not-on-paper only establishments and do A LOT of paperwork. More preferable than living in Arabia like Lebanon or UAE, but less than in NWE community within Russia and in a nation with absolutely gorgeous threatre and cultural life
Point in itself being? The LAW must come from a people, ethnos, monolithic ethnocultural group. Anything else is just occupational government paperwork you must feel free to ignore
Concealed Carry + autoknife


>looks at you
>you don't you have a garden user?
>not even an allotment?
patio fags explain yourselves

YKTD: 2Pac

Friendly reminder a person is are delusional and crazy if his only focus is on attack and not defense during the attack too.

Person like that would got destroyed if he tries his Animal-tier behavior in real life with not much thinking behind consequences.
Best example are Blacks in USA who got kill by Police because they think they are tough guys.

What happens when other sides fights back or surprises you with something unexpected? How many Germans got killed and German females Cucked all over east Germany for rushing things too fast?
What's the downside? Beaten, destroyed, pain agony, humiliation and maybe death?

last time i did drugs i felt really weird for the next couple days and started giving out really questionable advice to people and hit a new pushup record

Is it degenerate to visit a dominatrix?

Hello user

>Three men are injured in a stabbing incident near London’s Parsons Green Tube station

Here rules Darwin. Chav that smashes a paki while screaming Rule Britannia or Keep England White worth more than all of pathetic incels like Mogg combined. Violence on OUR lands on those who are foreign is the ultimate form of biological justice

Yes, and a cuckold

what drug was it lad?

Yes, absolutely. You basically pay some mentally ill hooker to be mean with you. Like get a fuck buddy from tinder or else and tell her you like some "specials" after first couple of hookups

technically, yes.

Wtf is with all this terror attacks the past year. Is it a wave or is it never gonna stop now

Not terror related apparently

Concealed Carry + autoknife

Not going to help if group of Russians who hate Germans would attack you for example during some football game.Put yourself in defense position and then you will realize what I'm talking about.

If you watch world only from offensive situation it gives false sense of superiority what happened when your house burns, when your friend disappear,when you lose you got raped in prison by 130kg Tatar?
LARPers fail too see the other side because plastic swords can't hard them but metal ones sure can.


It would appear that I fell asleep earlier than anticipated.

Good morning.

skunk, idk why it just made me change completely, this was a few weeks back and i just feel really different

>Gladstonian Liberalism
How do we go about achieving this when you have Socialists on the left and Neo-Liberals on the right, and all of the other parties are dogshit

war, insurgency etc

Laws > low class violence

Britain will soon put law that viewing far right propaganda can get person 15 years in prison.Man was arrested for leaving bacon in front of a mosque.
Germany is even worst.It only gives more weapon for Leftist media to have Whites and Right.

Do you really think there's ever going to be a violent classical liberal movement? To me that sounds contradictory as fuck

I'm too poor gib benefits.

By golly, it's awfully windy outside chaps.

*to hate

>tfw everyone ignores you and you turn invisible

I think Theresa May is pretty shit

More of a "destroy this countries current politics and let more rise out of the ashes"

At this point its that or we are lost

i'm afraid i can't help you then lad.
i've smoked skunk every day for 15 years so i have little basis for comparison.
stay off the coke.

>Good morning.

I heard soem sand has blown from Mars. Certainly looks that way.

stop being so incompetent

It just made everything feel so vivid and real it felt so fucking nice.

Cant have anymore as im getting drug tested nowadays

And the news is too quiet.

bbc4 has a programme on now about how we BTFO the nazis with music in ww2.

>i bet her vagina is perfect

12 hours out of cycle, wew lad

Stop posting in Brit/pol/ was a Colonial flag.

try mushrooms, if you can. they're a nice seasonal treat.

>if group of Russians who hate Germans
That would be....? Because Russians and Germans had a brilliant bromance historically bar the Czar-Cuckold and commiejew episode. Look at surnames of the Russians nationalists and see now many of those are of German extraction. Average Russians and Germans like each other A LOT.

As far as the self defense goes, I know how to operate those things in case of self-defense on top of the fact that I don't get myself into situations where unnecessary violence is nessesary. I had my time with some sweet street violence in the youth and I don't need any "flashy" moves before there is actual removal and civil clash on European soil

>130 kg tatar
>prison rape
LOLOLOLOLOL. Tatars literally look like you imagine "people" from r9k and r/hapa to look like. Prison rape doesn't happen in Russia either - it consensual degeneracy old school, usually Armenian/Georgian, cons indulge in
There are no laws. That's the red pill. Some people can openly break them and get away with it. Some people can break them and not get caught


The only way to do that would be to do it from within the system. There is no party pushing for these principles which I believe, as far as I'm aware, are popular with most and especially with the upcoming younger generation. The opportunity is there but it needs to be taken.

You BTFO them with pacifist rethotic and imagery of Oswuld Moslert and Rubert Hessings

I'm worried ill have a bad trip and go around my neighborhood scalping children or something

Britain? More like Shitain am I right, my dudes?

Laws are made to oppress. Disobeying unjust rules is how our ancestors made progress. Let them put in their stupid laws and push us closer still to open warfare.


There is no chance with our current politics, public reason and current sentiment, not now or in the near future.

There would need to be a catastrophic event if not war ie, 9/11 esque attack or active terror groups forming within our borders

fuck off commie

yeah, maybe don't then.

>actually speaking to other Sup Forumsacks irl
who does this?


One of these things is happening as we speak, and things are only going to get worse. It is better to try and establish a mainstream party than shed blood.


i work for mi5


please dont tell me you're unironically one of those morons that thinks nazis were commies

Love dies fast, now
Whenever you're uncertain how
This unsure that you love
Dreams die fast, fast
Whenever you dream they can last
Take this pain when you go, yeah

Life is fast, now
Whenever you're uncertain how
This unsure do you know
Love dies faster, fast
When you think it can never last
Take me please if you go, yeah

What of either of those is happening?
>Things are going to get worse
I wholly agree but we're looking at alot of years before someone speaks up looking at a current pool of "politicians".

You cant just "establish" a mainstream party. There needs to be a significant public gripe with both of the parties to have a third one arise.

Unfortunately our population has a bigger gripe with improving some shitty healthcare system than the safety and rights of it's citizens. Not even fucking UKIP wanted a Muslim ban.

I truly believe Britain will survive and rise from the ashes but it will be bloody and wrung out at this point.

just different flavours of bootlicker tbph

>Gladstonian Liberalism

I was once a man before I transformed
into this molester, freshly deceased children
You have born, torn by my rape
The dead are not safe, the lifeless child corpse
I will violate

Pleasure from the dead, complete satisfaction
I open the coffin
Sick thoughts run through my head as I stare
At the dead, over and over, I can't escape
I begin the dead sex, licking her young, rotted orifice
I cum in her cold cunt, shivering with ecstasy
for nine days straight I do the same
She becomes by dead, decayed child sex slave
her neck I hack, cutting through the back
I use her mouth to eject

Here I cum, blood gushes from
bleeding black blood
her head disconnected
As I came, viciously I cut, through her jugular vein
She's already dead, I masturbate with her severed head
My lubrication, her decomposition
Spending my life molesting dead children

Intercourse with infants
Curing heads on top of spikes
boiling skulls
Skin sliding off of bones

The voices call
The voices are calling me
Buried dead I've spiritually infected
Call to me from beyond their graves

I now bleed pus
I bleed, the blood of the dead
I bleed on her livid skin
Thrusting myself within
Beginning to chop through her hairless crotch
Beyond what we know as death
It haunts me everyday
I hear the voice of every child
That lies next to me decayed
A fresh corpse, to fill with my infection
Tortured before death, no orifice left unfilled

Violated after death
Virgin hole I infest
Anal pore spewing cess
The sacred juice I injest
Your dead child I defile

Windy out, innit

Is that you, Munroe?

There's an ominous wind blowing through my thoughts tonight, preoccupying me, oppressive in it's insistency. You ever get that feeling that something big's about to happen?

Wow! Edgy, bro.... fucking faggot

Utter garbage music as well, it only impresses absolute cunts impressed by the "shock factor", pfttt

ye bruv

You're fucking retarded and should kill yourself, you lick jew arse instead of boots and think youre superior for it

This is super niche stuff, so I'm sure not everyone will "get it", but to those who do I'm seeking to add more soaring melodic elements into my work without losing the thin maelstrom of competing refrains that has become my trademark locally.

Advice would be appreciated.

Is anyone watching this Abortion documentary on BBC 2?
>1 Man
>8 women

>3 anti abortion people
>6 Pro Abortion people (Including Presenter)

(((They))) even managed to find some stupid pro abortion Nigerian Christian (Catholic)

I will try to fix it.

This Russian is manlet I garuntee it

But, usually right before nothing happens.

World War, I hope. What a world we live in where people hope to fight in a brutal war with blood, death and destruction because that's better than working day to day and putting up with modern society and all of the decadence that is intertwined with it.

His cheeky crooked teeth smile always brightens up my day!

>What of either of those is happening?
There are terrorist groups within our borders right now, and the public are gradually getting angrier and angrier at the government's lax approach. As we've seen recently with the US Election and Brexit, public discontent isn't usually expressed very publicly anymore.
>You cant just "establish" a mainstream party. There needs to be a significant public gripe with both of the parties to have a third one arise.
I can see this happening in the future given how terrible Labour and the Tories are. It won't be easy, but I can see it happening, especially considering with the internet is has never been easier to kickstart a political movement.

I bet he's Kazakhstani/Azerbaijani/European Turkish or some other shifty nationality.

that picture gave me cancer

>unironically getting triggered by CC in 2017



much obliged

Not communist but you have to be honest, They were pretty Socialist in their policies.

He's fucking albanian, remember that fuck off big pic that was posted about the albanian that said untermensch alot? That's him.

I can't fucking find it but if anyone has it please do post it.

Denying it is paying it heed, serving only to cement it further, spiralling from there. Only a happening can bring relief.

Haydn is nice, lad. How about some Hornpipe?