Is Sup Forums not talking about the terror attack in Somalia because they're a Muslim country?
Is Sup Forums not talking about the terror attack in Somalia because they're a Muslim country?
part and parcel
They've been slaughtering each other since the death of their prophet. Tell me when news breaks that the different sects of Islam have agreed to live in peace and harmony, then THAT would be something worth discussing.
We only care about humans mate
Somalis and the terrorist group are both Sunnis you dumbass
shit in the toilet etc.
Indeed. And instead of helping the Somali govt fight the terrorists, we'd rather ban travel for people trying to flee the terrorists.
Did people care when orcs and goblins fought each other in mordor?
What should we be saying about it?
Honestly, what do we need to say?
So, these people cant even get along when they are apart of the same sect of their desert religion?
Thats how it works sweetie, were European ethnonationalists. Its not our job to give a fuck about foreign countries, thats why their shithead islamists are such a problem. THEY SHOULDNT BE HERE
Why dont these people deal with the terrorists?
Why do they need to come here and how do we stop terrorists from taking advantage of our hospitality?
We don't need any sub 70 iq somalis flooding our country fag
probably not talking about it because its the expectation, not the exception
why would i care ?
Muslim terrorists in a muslim country is different from muslim terrorists in a non-muslim country.
Who the fuck cares about niggers dying?
50,000 niggers could die tomorrow, and if the bleeding heart vaginas didn't cry about it no one would notice.
That's why groups like the LRA could take tens of thousands of children without anyone giving a shit in the early 2000s.
this image replies
>how do we stop terrorists from taking advantage of our hospitality?
With our immigration policies. Terrorism from refugees is literally not a problem that exists.
>We only care about humans mate
>israel in red
implying anyone cares when jews have their weekly terror attack
I don't care about 200 dead apes. Not news.
>shit in toilet nobody care
>shit in kitchen, everybody upset
Explain why should europeans and the US should care?
The overwhelmingly vast majority of Somalis do not adhere to Saudi-style Wahabist Sunni Islam.
And even if they did, what difference would it make? Sunnis have killed more Sunnis than any other group of people throughout history.
Pic related.
get the fuck out
Youre right, its usually their children.
So the problem is first generation terrorism, how do we solve that?
and why dont these fucking people just deal with their own shit?
Because you aren't a shitty human being.
It's in our best interest to help those countries win the battle against terrorist organizations. These organizations are very powerful and take over entire countries, thus expanding their operations. The stronger we let them become, the worse it will be for us.
We got our own shit to deal with
It isnt white peoples burden to deal with the problems of every subhuman shitskin on this planet
Nobody cares if you see a shit in the toilet
But if there’s a shit on the table everyone panics.
How does us not caring about a different group but caring about our own related to us being shitty human beings?
is* not does
No. We get slide threads a few times a dat pertaining to Somalia and then there are the idiots like me who respond to them. Fuck niggers, fcuk Africa and fuck Islam. We clear? OK stop posting this shit.
Do you talk about finding shit in your toilet? It's a bit different when there's shit on the dining table.
>mudslime countries
Which part of this is news?