What is it about white people that lets them have objectively the most beautiful features?
What is it about white people that lets them have objectively the most beautiful features?
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We evolved into Humans. We didn't stay animals or evolved into soulless robots.
Does she have aids on her arms or is that what sun does to cumskins?
>Posts a Finn
pic in op is a finn
how will wh*tes ever compete?
White people's faces conform most strongly to sacred proportions.
>white people
pick one
All races have good looking and ugly people, many East Asians are really hot
How would you respond to ????
Is there more of this goddess?
Intense Darwinian selection for fitness.
What are you talking about?
non-arranged monogamy
meant that white people were able to select mates based on appearance instead of wealth and not get inbred
Because we are the chosen people if not the only humans.
she does sports outside, it's the combination of sunburn and sweat
are we meant to be as offended by cumskin as much as you are offended by being called a nigger btw?
There is only one Finnish Goddess.
IMO, they're in general overly pleasant to look at. Colors, shapes and sizes of details, you feel better just by staring at it.
In addition to that, looking at apes cause discomfort, which makes it definitely an evidence of why white people are superior.
annaemiliayy is her instagram but she made it private because she's been a meme at Sup Forums for years. probably got stalked by dozens of anons there lol
What is it about mischlinge that makes them even better than whites?
Wish this was the case for men. White guys... holy fuck. What happened?
>many East Asians are really hot
That's plastic surgery they get to have white features, user.
You could not, if forced, find a people who didn't think white men were the best.
How can white people even compete?
Kindly fuck off.
Nonsense. I wish i could find a type of Japanese phenotype where the nose slightly curves down, it's so hot
Except the one right is considered hot in Bongland
I'm so turned on by this.
> inb4 bcuz of the bulls
>according to Sup Forums this is an asian woman
>according to nignogs they were kings
who's more delusional? VOTE NOW
How does one develop a fetish for such things?
bcuz of the bulls
fuck wh*tes. finns > wh*tes
Arguably my favourite meme from this stupid site.
Men are simple beings that go on sight and smell. If I see something I like and smell her pheromones and find that her pussy juice is intoxicating...I want to fuck it.
You can be infatuated with an ideal, but as soon as a sweet smelling pussy comes along, no real man can resist
> finns aren't whites
I need a crash course on races.
*posts picture of 1/16th black woman with completely white facial features and slightly tan skin*
>all that moustache
It has to do with your being white and there being nothing objective about it.
The qualities that you find attractive? Guess what? Evolution of the species has resulted in them being those that belong to people more-closely related to you.
Apparently you don't get out much.
less to do with evolution and more what you're used to, but yeah
finns are mongols from central asia, dumb wh*tey
That girl is kind of unattractive Sven. If that's your best example Ive got some bad news for you.
God she is so beautiful
never call me sven again, wh*tey
There is a measured objective beauty. Look it up.
every race has its 10/10 but only the white race has 11/10 woman
bcuz of the bulls
nordcuck women are horrendous
here, but don't touch her with your wh*Te hands
no other race can come close to this.
His name is either Tuukka, Timo, Teemu, Simo, Karl or Sauli. By Finnish law, those are the only names men are allowed to have.
Prognathous is deemed unattractive by most.
That's not a response, nigger.
own up to your whiteness
>nasty nigger lips
That's not a reply.
when you see a blonde you already know she's braindead
wtf is this shit. gtfo, 5 min in germany and i find 10 woman in who are better looking that that abomination.
how can wh*Tes even compete with the Finnish Alpha male?
>that nose
Whites across the spectrum have some sort of golden ratio going on. They have noses which aren't too thin, nor too wide, nor large, nor too small.
Faces are either or, sometimes you get a rounded face which is soft and beautiful other times you get a long and flat horse face which is okayish.
Thin lips are not attractive on women.
i see this pic from time to time. any story behind this?
>brown eyes
Specially British and the Irish
>implying all of Germanistan's women aren't brown or shaped like Ulga
nothing special. just some finn shitposting on ylilauta with her fuckbuddies
she's on the line between an effeminate man and a masculine woman
how do I get a finni gf?
They aren't even bulls.
I met Maisie once at a beach in Florida.
She was swimming around herding fish into a tight ball then charging through and eating them.
I told her that there was a good sushi place down the street; but she didn't seem interested.
i have bad news for you wh*Tey
get back to jacking of to your 2d waifu you unhygenic disgusting piece of shit.
>literally the oldest European trait
>not white
this is the future of white women
well for one, they don't have skin color similar or one shade away from my shit
They worship the correct God.
If I'm not mistaken, only white men are the most desirable. Asian women are the more desired women.
There's debate here however.
white girls are just better looking. better accept your woman are inferior and get on with your life.
1st is mestizo -- 2nd and 3rd are not whites but natives.
Meanwhile, in Finland.
>dirty blonde hair
>blue/green/grayish eyes
>still a fucking manlet
how tall are you?
Only white women, as for men they need to be tanned to be the most attractive, but certainly not blacked. Wholly gened whites are pale which is great for women, but beta for men.
I never claimed they were
blue, purple and organe best. (second, fifth and sixth)
good post