Panama Papers journalist killed in car bomb

Surprised she lived as long as she did... (((who))) killed her?

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>A journalist who led the Panama Papers offshore tax evasion expose was killed today when a bomb blew up her car.

>Investigative reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia - dubbed a "one-woman WikiLeaks" - was killed as she was driving near the village of Bidnija in northern Malta.

>She had filed a complaint to police a fortnight ago after receiving personal threats to her safety, local media said.

>Caruana Galizia ran a hugely popular blog relentlessly highlighting cases of alleged corruption, often involving politicians from the Mediterranean island nation.

burn in hell, bitch

t. Globalist shill

Gas the kikes, race war now!

she got ROASTED

>(((who))) killed her?

When you break a story which results in some of the most powerful drug lords and criminal enterprises having their hidden assets frozen, you don't continue living your life under the same identity.

She didn't just piss off one cartel or organization. She pissed off hundreds.

> helped uncover world's greatest scheme of tax evasion of our time
case rested

This. Hope it was worth it.



I wonder if she realized the danger she was going to be in before she broke the story. It is possible she might have just looked at it from the lens of rich and powerful people who 'legally' got their money were hiding it to avoid taxes.

Either way I'll still F for her. It was a good deed to uncover that corruption.

She must have known. Every single criminal enterprise in the world of a large size, stores most of their assets in tax havens with strict bank secrecy laws, through straw companies with these law firms acting as CEO and shareholders. The leak showed who the real owners were.

Her death shouldn't be news. She was already dead the minute the first article on the Panama Papers were published.

She should have known it wouldn't result in anything changing, either. The leaks did nothing other than prove that these people are untouchable.

Everything asides, genuinely surprised that Malta came up on Sup Forums

with all of these journalists' deaths, at least some of them have to be faking their deaths

>grasping reality

They think the chivalry they see in polite society extends everywhere else. That's why you see "brave" women stand up in 3rd world countries, while men are keeping their heads down.
They're clueless.

what are you seeing reported domestically?

So, Sup Forums, how would you hide your ass from all the rich and powerful people who wanted you dead after publishing these papers? Fake your own death? Live way out in the woods with guns and booby-traps? Or would you just try to face anything that came at you?

I guess in that vein, how do we know she isn't just faking her death to die from all the death threats she's probably gotten over the years?


She had more balls than many men.

Get a new identity and live off the grid in Montana.

And I mean like pay with silver bars locally to a general store and have solar panels etc. Outhouse to shit in etc.

I wonder who went after her. Putin has been known to go after opponents and unveiling his connections in the papers certainly feels like this would be his reaction.

She pissed off someone big time

Car bomb makes me think Mafia? Can an Italy fag confirm that the Mafia does lots of car bombings?

This + extensive plastic surgery.

Several organizations with almost unlimited funds would hire a bunch of private investigators to track you down.

Probably through an intermediary, but the mafia hasn't really been a violent force in Italy for some time.

At least thats what my girlfriend, whose family is in Sicily tells me

>Mexican cartels
>Colombian cartels
>Russian oligarchs ≠ Russian mob
>Saudi royalty
>Jordanian/Qatari politicians
>3500 individual money launderers, that Europol were able to identify, 516 of whom were connected to Eastern Euro organized crime

Pick and choose. They all wanted her dead. My bet is on the Mexicans. They lost the most money when the US told the banks to freeze all of their assets.

to a certain extent tho, as some governments gave a really bad migraine to the people who evaded taxation

When the Mainstream Media reports the way they did with this, it does not prove that it was false, but it does prove that their version is incomplete and meant to distract from other stories. The Panama Papers were carefully vetted to exclude American government activities. They paint a view of global narcotics that is very favorable to some people.

Mexicans are explosively violent to all within their reach, and for that reason stop themselves from going further. Colombians on the other hand are high level terrorists who love to reach out and touch someone distant with precision.


Globalist cunts will stop at nothing

>Russian oligarchs ≠ Russian mob

they've got connections bruv


shoo shoo leaf poo!