Prince Harry is reportedly engaged to a leaf nigger. This will taint the royal bloodline forever. What will his grandmother say? Will the African princess get DIANA'D?
Stuarts are the rightful heirs to the throne. Not these inbred parliamentarians.
>get the C4
>the city of england
I can't even giggle at this anymore
Isn't how a just the retarded prince no one cares about?
Anglo royal bloodline and nobility is already jewish as fuck, who cares.
Like mother like son.
This. Ain't like his children realistically has any chance at becoming King or Queen, so let him race mix for all they care.
Who cares? The monarchy is gay anyways.
You're now aware that the British family has Indian heritage.
Aren't they krauts anyway?
No wonder he's getting blacked
I fucking hate these two dumb fuck (((Princes))).
Once married a mud eyed dark looking fuck who's a known fucking slut. At least half of St Andrews had fucked her!
The others lost the fucking plot. Dating a half-choc poo whore! If she doesn't get Diana'd the royal family needs to go.
She is pretty qt
I love it
Sup Forums BTFO forever, can't recover from this
>leaf nigger
nah, she's ok
sometimes i use her pics to troll Sup Forums on mixed race children
>At least half of St Andrews had fucked her!
Interested on some more news about that.
Was it in the campus or in some wealthy club?
spill the beans, come on, la
Please explain how the nigger loving ginger son of a mudslime fucking whore = Sup Forums BTFO.
who cares hes literally got no chance at ever being king, his line will become nothing. even he doesnt give a shit about being a royal
williams line is strong, hes pumping out premium prince and princesses every other year so far
That bitch is part Indian?
>who cares hes literally got no chance at ever being king
>(((Corbyn))) leads bolshevik revolution
>Royal House of Windsor held hostage in Manchester
>Executed later, as white guard approaches the city
>In Paris, Harry becomes King in exile
>Megan Markle
>thirty-six (36) years old
They'd better hurry the fuck up. What if William, Kate and the children all die in a plane crash or something? Harry needs a sprog or two as backup
Yeah, the ginger cunt is marrying a half-pajeet.
It's fucking sickening. Start pushing for republicanism in Canada as soon as you can.
>Once married a mud eyed dark looking fuck who's a known fucking slut. At least half of St Andrews had fucked her!
what a beta
I thought Harry was an alpha but no more. He cares way to much what the (((media))) thinks.
Marrying a woman that old when you are a Prince is just degenerate. That is basically saying fuck you to your lineage.
This proves that Diana was killed not because she was fucking a muzzy,it was because she knew about the sick peado shit the Royal Family and Jimmy Saville got up to.She had to be silenced.She said there was some "dark forces" at play in royal circles.She said she would be killed in a car crash.She needed a dead man's key.Susan Dando was also killed because she was going to out the peado establishment.
Can someone create a button guy?
>Break up with 36 year old divorced black girl and make the media think I am a racist
>Marry 36 year old divorced black girl and ruin the royal blood line
The Royal Family is probably in on it. Someone needs to marry a non-white so the Royal Family can appear more hip and progressive.
queens been fucking his dad since the 60s so I doubt she’s not ok with it. Probably encouraging it. Bunches freaks.
This is disgusting. To hell with these people. The kingdom of great britain needs to be dissolved and these phony monarchs need to be drowned. England should form an english monarchy, scotland a scottish one, etc.
But fuck me if he was gonna get down with the swirl why the fuck at least get an attractive mulatto.
He must be blind.
It's good PR move though, helps market them to all their coloured subjects.
Yes. I believe the family name was once Saxe-Koburg-Gotha. Parliament made them change it to Windsor during WW!.
The Windsors are named after the castle, not the other way around.
>Royal Bloodline
Isn't it virtually confirmed by appearance that Charles is not his father? Seriously Harry and some ginger military guy are spitting images of each other. Diana was a well-known whore.
I thought she was half black?
william already has 3 children so theres no chance of harrys offspring ever becoming king or queen. even so ive seen darker people in ireland than the woman harrys dating. would hardly call her black
also this
fuck he even has those pecculiar elf ears and the pointy nose. Although considering how low on the dna pool Muh Princess dived in after Charlie the kid is lucky that the father was warrior hand picked by the Queen to breed the Princess as Charles was in the next room fapping to anime
Harry is not royal. Look at the hairline. He and Willliam clearly have different fathers
Harry is the preferred King genetics wise. Too bad he's going to shit those genetics away with some mud.
Prince Harry isn't even Charles'. Diana was shacked up with some random army guy
The monarchy is a cesspool and needs to be removed
wewuz kangz of england and sheit
Do you have a title similar to the French Duke of Orleans,basically the brother of the king was given this title and acted like an eyes on the field/right hand man for the King>?