Germany rather invests in EU defense than NATO

NATO is obsolete. It is an organization only serving American interests. NATO Article 7 was triggered once in NATO's history: when Bush invaded Afghanistan under false pretenses (Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11).

I say fuck NATO, fuck Burgers, fuck Brits... we want to do our own defense and hopefully team up with the Russians.

Other urls found in this thread:–Ribbentrop_Pact


How about just fuck Germany?

Russians don't team up with Isis nations

It makes me hard thinking that in our lifetime the UN, NATO and the EU will be destroyed. Generation Zyklon will right the wrongs of our idiot parents and grandparents

This was Hitler's plan all along. Soon they will revive him from cold storage and he will lead Germany into the new reich.

>Putting your sleeping gear outside of a wet weather bag

Do we need to hire some niggers to teach you idiots how to maintain your civilization?

All they will invest in is more shitskins.

>we want to do our own defense

So how do you think NATO works?

Giving Germany any army... i dont think so.
Its like commiting a suicide.

Most of scandinavian politicians probably already woke up from their retarded dreams after they have been blackmailed and threatened by german stasi and russian kgb.

Fuck off, spic. You tricked us one too many times to go on crusades for your jewish overlords.

NATO needs to die.

Fuck off, non white degenerate. We don’t want your tricks around here. Defend Israel on your own.

NATO does not work. It is pure shit. We pay way more than we should pay for it.

>Its like commiting a suicide
>a suicide
Is that before or after you slaughtered the English

Fuck you Germany, you fucked up Europe for everyone, and it is not the first time you have done this.

Quite frankly Germany should not exist. Once again Britain saves the day and will destroy the EU and Germany once again.

You pay for your own army.
Direct contributions to NATO are quite small and mostly for paperwork, it has barely any troops of its own.
It's like spending $300 on groceries and then complain you have to pay 50 cents for a plastic bag.

But you rather have an EU army you said?
Such an army would be out of your control, it would belong to all EU members equally.
Instead of simply contributing German divisions to NATO you would have multi-ethnic European divisions payed for by EU level taxes and under the command for the European Commission (with the EU minister of defense and EU generals probably coming mainly from smaller countries to avoid tense situations)

> Pretending EU is not run by US

Germany IS the EU. They are the de facto leaders.

>Fund EU nations including Poland and Hungry
>Poland and Hungry team up with USA during inevitable EU Civil war
>Germany loses third world war

What a bunch of pathetic faggots Germans are.

>Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11
>German flag

An EU army is just meant to bully Poland.

butthurt anglos

dude, Germany only invest in niggers right now.. wtf are you asking??

Don't misrepresent facts. We would be MORE than happy to see you go. It's tiresome to watch feeble nations who live and survive under the umbrella of your military might sit around complaining about the ways in which you wield said might. I hope all of Europe drops out and the Russians steamroll through all the way to fucking Brittany and then rape the slutty eurotrash tramps you call women until they can't walk you stupid fucking entitled kraut cocksucker.

Isn't this the kind of speech that gets you arrested in your cucked country?

We pay 15 percent. Why? NATO isn’t located in Berlin. I say we pull out of that shithole.

Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. Do your fucking research. 9/11 was planned and carried out by Arab students in Germany and 15 Saudi suicide muscle men. Bin Laden denied any involvement several times for a reason.

>We pay 15 percent.
So much for that vaunted German attention to detail.


Fuck off, monckey lardass. Watch you ebony fat porn.

NATO has us in bed with Turkey.

Fuck NATO, fuck Turkey, and fuck the Caliphate.

This is literally Jewmoney wanting to control a substantial military force. Funny as they denied they would ever do this for so many years.

France will NOT let this happen. I'd recommend invading Germany now before this gets out of hand.

>Germany pulls out of NATO
>8 hours later the skies of Berlin are blotted out by Russian paratroopers
>Germans try to flee to U.S. military bases
>Sorry Abdul we banned Muslims.

We pay 15 percent of the NATO budget and you 22 percent even though your GDP is 4 times ours.


Americans, please find a way to stop subsidizing the militaries of these EU leeches through NATO, so they can actually feel the totality of their bad domestic policy, and so you can focus more on yourselves.

I feel like you all have tried this before....

want an eu army? you should have won WW2.

You get the most benefit out of your NATO membership. U.S. gets fuck all for being your ally.

Nigger, you aren't holding up your end in defense spending by about half and you're bitching about administrative costs? Be glad you're still allowed in NATO.

Daily reminder Merkel is on our side.

>due to Russian aggression
Wouldn't that mean more emphasis on NATO... you know, the organization literally founded and still heavily geared towards checking Russian aggression?

NATO budget is roughly 1 Billiion EUR you dumb fucking Kraut. Literally fuck all!

The US makes you pay more because you refuse to spend the proportionate amount of GDP on military. I think it's something like 3% as a minimum.

Essentially it's a racket, if you don't put up a proportionate force, you'll be forced to pay more.–Ribbentrop_Pact

Not this shit again.

exactly, fuck usa, lets build european empire

- They use broomsticks instead of guns
- They didnt participate in Iraq and Afghanistan war = soldiers have no skill at all
- They sent unarmed planes to poland for sky patrolling

i doubt they can protect themselves

>I think it's something like 3% as a minimum.
Not even. It's only 2% and these cheap fucks are short by nearly half.

To add. I think you should be paying the full NATO budget. The UK and France are nearly spending the recommended minimum amount... the US overspends like fuck.

>You won't end up a pawn to Israel all the same


>siding with nation run by kalegri kikes trying to blacked you

>army that can do anything right
Choose one.

>under the command for the European Commission

>We want to do our own defence

Your defence budgets would beg to differ

Have fun on your own sweetie, it'll be fun watching you realize your mistake as Russian armor flattens your "army"

Wouldn't surprise me if this whole 'EU army' bullshit is a ploy to get that percentage up to 2%, have Germany in full control of other nations forces, and still not front any of the cost themselves. Nations like Greece and Poland way overspend, I think something like 5% of their GDP.


>siding with nation run by kalegri kikes trying to blacked you

Of what shitskins? We have as many white people as Europe

>You get the most benefit out of your NATO membership

>Germans die in Afghanistan for Burgers.
>Burgers fuck up Iraq, Syria and Libya flooding Germany with illegals.

Are you fucking for real?

Good luck to you burgers too.

See my previous post you fucking stupid kraut

>germany after ww1
>millitary is a joke
>gets mocked
>cause the most destructive war on the planet
>germany after ww2
>millitary is a joke
>gets mocked

Please do leave.

But we're not going to join your stupid EU army.

Running the military is one of the only constitutionally mandated functions of our federal government. We should spend at least twice as much.

You sent a few special forces to Afghanistan. Nothing more. Yet all of the West benefits from middle eastern control due to corporation tax. More so Jewmoney than anyone else, considering the fucking EU is near enough run by Germany at this point. More Corporate tax in Europe = Higher GDPs = High EU contributions!

The Netherlands would be on its arse without the oil wars. Which also would've meant another bailout for yourselves.

We are adhereing to the Wales declarafion of 2014 to the very last letter. Idiots like you should be burned. Read up on what the actual NATO obligations are.

He's absolutely right. You Krauts are leeches.

Germany is begging to get gang raped a third time

As you admitted yourself, many of the 9/11 attackers planned their attack in Germany. So yeah, you owed us for your shitty police work.


I want to team up with Russia so fucking bad. US + Russia + Brit force

Someone please Burgersplain to me why Eurobros complain about US dick swinging all over the world, our jingoism, etc., when Euro countries don't want to invest in their own defence which if anything would somewhat check browbeating by superpowers like the US or Russia.

>6,000 soldiers, dozens of deaths, billions wasted

What again has NATO done for us except for strain our friendship with Russia?

It's pretty weird that no one responded to this.... Oh wait...

>we want to do our own defense

Go ahead. Feel good about....IDK, whatever socialist Europeans feel good about. Nobody here really cares.

They planned it in Germany, but then moved to America and lived there for 18 months and carried it out.

We do not owe you anything. You owe us for helping to illegally invade Afghanistan.

By GDP size, the EU should be spending as much as the US on military. Also EU membership should have NATO membership as a requirement!

Its our only defense against Russian nuclear capabilities.
The cold war never really ended. It just "paused" for a while and got more sophisticated.

Have fun faggots. No one gives a shit. We don't need any of you niggers

fug eastern europe going to get annexed by germany again and this time they'll actually going to kill every single european they find.

>Wales declarafion of 2014
Nigger, the declaration itself notes the 2% GDP requirement. Pic related. Also, your typos are increasing. Are you upset?

"team up with russians" how'd that work out the last time

>want an eu army? you should have won WW2.

What's the plan for preventing that? You do have that, don't you?

>I say fuck NATO, fuck Burgers, fuck Brits... we want to do our own defense and hopefully team up with the Russians.

Team up with the Russians?

That's fucking rich, modern Germany is too weak and docile to be anything other than Putin's bitch.

The EU is falling apart all around you and your country is being overrun by migrants. The path you have chosen is suicide, if you don't want the US holding your hand while the euthanasia kicks in, that's fine with us.

...and hopefully team up with the roaches.

>57 KIA in Afghanistan
>245 wounded
Pathetic attempt my dude. Canadians have more balls than you guys.

>Burgers flooded Germany with illegals
We don't control your immigration policy Hans.

lol who would even fight for you guys? young huwhite males don't like eu

Holy fuck the salt is still strong with you hans.
Germany was a mistake , time to end the German experiment and break up the nation to it's previous states.

The kikes and US sure rewarded you well for your troubles didn’t they?

Germany rearming has always worked out well for Europe.

3 world wars in 100 years, CAN GERMONEY DUE IT

Germany needs to be wiped off the map.

>Team up with the Russians?

Russia should be in the EU in the first place.

Stupid kraut has dogshit reading comprehension skills. What do you expect from a bunch of faggots who are welcoming cultural and racial death with open arms?

>anything other than Putin's bitch
Kek, Putin already trolled Merkel by exploiting her fear of dogs. Russia has no respect for you Muscucks.

I don't think Germany is going to do either of those things. I think Germany is going to have increasing budgetary troubles as they massively exceed their social spending predictions because they decided to import millions of illiterate shitskins who can't work while consuming huge potions of public funds and are going to look at their already under resourced military as the easiest cut and spend move in the history of politics.

Careful Hans, you're already surrounded.

What laws were abused? Not the biggest fan myself, but this 'illegal' bs is shit tier. You're a moron. Your talking points are 12 years old and retarted.

lel, the eternal kraut. good luck faggot

Nato is a flawed concept

It'd be better for the US if Europe could defend itself from Russia.

Then they can focus on China.

Real rich coming from the most cucked country bar France, Ahmed.