Is National Socialism right-wing, left-wing, or a third party altogether?

Is National Socialism right-wing, left-wing, or a third party altogether?

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NatSoc is authoritarian left. It emphasizes greater social and economic control by the government. All forms of socialism are garbage, even that one

Radically centrist



Right wing with traits of corporate ownership. 'Socialism' was added to entice the idiots during the Weimar chaos.

The false dichotomist, the LARPER, alias OP


It's left wing shit.

Authoriritarian far right. The "socialism" is just here to bait the masses

National Socialism is simply the natural way of man, it is neither right nor left. Besides, the left-right spectrum is overly simplistic.

This is retarded bait. That would make the SJWs and leftists far right, I can't stress enough how stupid you are, attempting to conflate authoritarianism into the left right axis, when it is its own axis is retarded.

Leftism tends to collectivism, with true communism as the end goal. "Rightism" tends towards individualism, with anarchism as its end goal.

Yes, national socialism is collectivism.

This is either bait or you don't know what far right means

Really, as practiced in Germany in the 30s and 40s, national socialism would need to be rebranded 'ethnic social nationalism' for today's times. The ehtnic and national parts were far more important than the socialist aspects. Sharing pie with your brother is not the same as sharing pie with the whole world.

It takes a bit of cancer from the left and a bit of cancer from the right and forms it into a whole new center cancer.

The nazis were not economically right wing at all, you fucking mongrel.

depends on who you ask. if you go by the traditional meaning of left/right, Hitler was trying to either restore the republic (right) or create a revolution against Jewish control (left).

That's what China has been doing for the past 30 years. They called it socialism with Chinese characteristics but in reality it's just National socialism. Mainland Chunks are extremely nationalistic and believe in their government wholeheartedly just like Germans in Nazi era.

>Leftism tends to collectivism, with true communism as the end goal. "Rightism" tends towards individualism, with anarchism as its end goal.
You use so many syllogisms, just because leftism has a tendency of being collectivist doesn't necessarily mean that the right can't be collectivist, your implication that Nazism is left wing is wrong.

No, the difference between right and left is the difference between enlightened self interest and collectivism, respectively.

This is why libertarianism is considered right wing and the National Socialist German Worker's Party should be considered left wing. Problem is we've allowed the left to warp the language in the same way they've taken the word "Progressive".

>greater control
That's a relative term you mong.
Literal centrism is "left" of our current system in America, is it "leftist"?

National Socialism is, if anything, a bit to the right of center. Stop getting your info from fucking D'nesh D'souza.

>it's all SO-SHULL-IZM
kek, i bet you also think the Nazis banned guns.

I really don't think the National Socialist German worker's party really conforms to this spectrum though, it was the binding of the two into something that both sought progress in Humans' achievements, celebration of great individuals, and allowing people to live both as an individual and be part of a collective, for example they had property rights, were able to bare arms, and open businesses whilst still seeing themselves as part of a collective.

Like all things, it depends on your perspective user.