I'm not a very smart person. Explain to me, using simple phrases, how exactly Israel is going to fall. It seems quite strong
I'm not a very smart person. Explain to me, using simple phrases, how exactly Israel is going to fall...
If the US falls, Israel's demise will most likely follow.
If Israel falls, the 1000 year US hegemony is unassailable.
it's already falling
Never. Kys. Faggot.
Israel will not fall. It will be the rest of the world that falls. No matter what each side may say.
Because all the fucking false flags are about to be exposed you stupid kike.
The US does not need Israel in the slightest. Believe me. The American people will actually benefit from Israel falling apart.
Israel, however, cannot afford to lose the US. Their entire existence in that region is protected by the US. Nobody wants them there. There isn't a single neighboring nation, Russia, China, and Europe included, that wants Israel there. They are a nuisance and are a constant trouble for the region.
If the US falls, the rest of the entire world will most likely reject Israel entirely.
>I'm not a very smart person
you came to the right board!
When the shekels stop rolling in from the US
I don't think Isreal will fall in any foreseeable future. They have enough nuclear weapons to stop any invading army and could also destroy the hostile country.
UK would rearm, EU will likely be the greatest power within 30 years anyway. Both would support Israel for the same reasons the USA does now.
fuck off, JIDF
>Explain to me, using simple phrases,
anyone who can construct this sentence is highly educated by american standards.
find any black blog or whatever that has this sort of lexical dexterity
BTW for 2000 years people thought the apocalypse can't happen because the Jews don't own Israel any longer.
Now they do
Armageddon happens when a semi globalised world goes to war over Israel. The brics surround it. On the Syrian border it begins.
Remove all USA support in the middle east and Israel is completely gone within months.
>beret under slip-on
They have nukes and probably whatever it is Britain has been working on a n Porton Down for 80 years too
Who could destroy it? Saudi and Egypt wont because they want help against Iran.
I'm not trying to gently BTFO you btw
Not becoming a ethnic state and the Jews will be bred to genocide
bitches i need to get to school jk fuck school
See this
ruh roh, this, plus the increased exodus from Europe means that.....
The enemy of their enemy is not their friend. Simple enuf?
We know how Israel falls. The Revelations of john tells you (who may have been the disciple john, cursed/blessed by Jesus to live until he had seen the end of days).
It even more or less tells you the nations that surround Israel. It starts Armageddon
Israel is a parasite state propped up by America and Europe.
Right now the mainstream in the US (and I think Europe) is largely pro-Zionist on both the right and left.
However this is changing. Young leftists are viciously anti-Israel. Best example I can think of is the mayor of my city, Bill DeBlasio. Hardcore leftist, LGBT supporter, pro-diversity, pro-Latinx, pro-Islam, even married to black lesbian, etc but he is also a hardcore Zionist. There was a big controvery here in New York when one of his staffers, a young Muslima fresh out of college and totally indoctrinated in sjw bs, posted an anti-Israel meme on facebook or twitter. He disavowed it but the point is that the next generation of leftists are 180 degrees away from the Hillary Clinton's of the world on Israel.
England is another good example. The Labour Party ( basically like the Democrats) is pro-Zionist but young Muslim members keep getting in trouble for posting anti-Israel, pro-Hitler and Holocaust denial memes online.
So basically, both the next generation of leftists and just the growing number of Muslims living in the West in general will be a huge problem for Israel.
If antisemitism isn't enveloping Europe, then they are not learning.
No. I don't see Israel having any future without the US's support.
Nobody likes you. Not even your "allies" in the region. You are fully protected by the USA.