Is the white race truly doomed?

See pic

asian women, white women, it's all the fucking same
there are two possible futures:

a) get with a white woman, she then cheats on you with Jamal, shits out a brown turd baby, and makes you pay for it with alimony

b) get with an asian woman, she ages 2 decades in the span of three years, then shits out little Elliot who hates both of you

the white race is finished, can anyone refute this?
the kids will just be slaves to the future population of muzzies and africans, anyways

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Oh stop with the fuckin defeatist bullshit. The answer is simple; Mary a white woman, make her love you, want you and need you. Have a shit load of kids and create a world for them in which they are masters of their own futures not slaves to the kikes. Have any questions on how to do this? Go ahead ask, but honestly it doesn't matter. Each and ever white man is capable of doing this if you are defeated it is because you chose defeat. Accept this and anything is possible.

Elliot rodger did nothing wrong.

Daily reminder, these are the “whites” dicks

fuck off bot

Honestly mate what's up though? What got you so down on the future of the white race? I mean sure this isn't the best time our race ever had but it is by no means the worst. The invasion of the huns, that was a shitty time. As was the invasion of the romans, as was the black plague, as was the degeneracy of post world war one berlin, but in each instance the white race came back and dominated the earth. Regardless of what we do the white race shall rise again. The only question is whether we or our children our responsible for it.

Elliot Rodger had the biggest good-for-nothing father in the history of mankind. Maybe all HAPAs are mentally ill though, because they have asian genes

>What got you so down on the future of the white race
exactly what it says in the pic
if I have kids, i don't trust a white woman to resist the urge to have her cake and eat it
could be solved by fixing the family courts, but that will never happen
could be solved by taking away women's voting rights, but that will never happen either
modern white men are too pussy to do either, and all these conservative eceleb whores that I see on Sup Forums every day are childless bums who don't know what the fuck they are talking about

Wew FPBP. checked

Why don't you just got women to love you and want you deeply and so sexually that the thought of sex with any other person makes her want to vomit?
You think that's impossible but its not.
Here read/listen to this book

it can and will work
all I ask is that once you are swimming in pussy up to your head that you share this with other white men so that we can breed our way back on top.
The black pill is not a red pill.
its a cuck pill
take it out of your ass and get yourself the life you want to have.

Bingo. There are well adjusted large white families out there. And they aren't doing anything special.

>buying into the whole "white genocide" meme
Please just use your head.

1. Whites have always been a minority in the entire World, despite this, there are still over 700 million of them, a relatively stable population number

2. Birth rates always fluctuate regularly as generations go by, you can have low birth rates for one period and high birth rates a next period.

3. The whole "WHITE WOMEN ARE SLUTS" meme is most likely spread by sour grape cucks who saw the girl they liked with someone else and instead of moving on, they gave up and went lonely or married Asians. Every race has their share of sluts and good honest women

4. Even if Whites are being outbred, it would take entire centuries to see Doomsday tier displacement which may not even happen a lot of the non-whites live in shitty circumstances so most of their children won't even reach adulthood to breed more, the adults just have a large family for no reason/culture and hence the high birthrates.

To cause an actual genocide, they would literally need groups dedicated to this shit like in South Africa but there are still over 600,000 whites there anyways and even Brazil has a small white population.
You'd need a literal race war to do actual damage but Whites could always rely on the militia to bail them out.

Just do the right thing and find a wife and have kids, that's all you need to do if you're worried about your race going extinct.

The problem isn't whites going extinct in our life time, its them being an minority and or enslaved. Make no mistake this will be taken care of regardless of what anyone in this post says or does but the choice is still ours. Ours to be the generation that puts our race back ontop or to shift that burden to our children.

OP is a blackpilled faggot
Here's a demographic white pill:

Designer babies in two generations or so, blond haired blue eyed people arent going anywhere.

>The problem isn't whites going extinct in our life time, its them being an minority and or enslaved.

They're still a majority in their countries though, just not globally but that's always been the case.
Even the le

>dont worry goy about becoming a minority in your homelands
just fucking kill yourself right now

Look don't get me wrong, I have faith that the future looks bright to. But the form of enslavement I am referring to is debt enslavement, enslavement via monopolization of the banking industry. This can (and will) be stopped just as it was under Andrew Jackson, however these problems do exist and saying they don't only berry's one head in the sand. Also the fight for the survival and dominance of our race is not merely a fight which is happening here but also in Europe. Don't get me wrong, I think whites will win their to, but it is plain ignorant to deny the existence of the problem.

>But the form of enslavement I am referring to is debt enslavement, enslavement via monopolization of the banking industry. This can (and will) be stopped just as it was under Andrew Jackson, however these problems do exist and saying they don't only berry's one head in the sand

If that's the case, then it's too late; we're all already slaves to the extremist capitalism regime since post WWII with the full effects being felt during the '08 recession and OWS being a failure to usurp the bankers and now we're stuck with SJ and PC extremism as scapegoats to detract from the real problem.

>Also the fight for the survival and dominance of our race is not merely a fight which is happening here but also in Europe
I've noticed and America has practically won the war already with Trump causing the implosion of the SJWs and the left.

Europe is slowly but surely uncucking itself but Sweden, Germany, UK and France need a lot of work.

this is a psyop thread you fucking newfags. Don't ever underestimate how shill'd this board is. Literally like think of all these threads that are obviously aimed at negging men out of something as psyop threads. even if it is just shitty redditors posting them. Just don't fucking reply this is a message to all the newfags who need to know this. DONT RESPOND TO ANYTHING WHICH WOULDNT BE IN A POLITICAL JOURNAL THIS ISNT FUCKING FACEBOOK.

I basically agree with your sentiment on Europe but I disagree on your lack of hopefulness on the jewish control of the banking industry. This can and will be taken care of. Once America becomes economically prosperous enough that the central banking system is holding it back many will begin to call for its abolishment. The banking cartel will then likely attempt to create a recession to distract from this such as they did 2008 1929 and the early jacksonian era. However, if we can teach enough people of the evils of the federal reserve before this we will be able to free ourselves from the enslavement of the bankers and set off a time of economic prosperity not seen since the 19th century.

paranoid idiot

>good goy, nothing is wrong keep consuming, and don't criticize anyone ever, especially not women! They deserve consequence free lives

whats evidently gained from this thread you cunt. tell me o wise one you fucking faggot. what does this thread leave white men feeling like you fucking degenerate nobody.