Can someone explain to me why mental health is the issue and not guns?
Can someone explain to me why mental health is the issue and not guns?
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because the issue is mental illness not guns
all of these shooters were on or coming off SRI's. there is an obvious link with ant-depressants / anti-anxiety meds and the thought of killing others for no reason.
because lead is bad for developing brains.
>more pills being prescribed that ever before
>depression has been normalized more than ever before
>"durr why is this mental health issue?"
>metal illness
what did he mean by this?
When you used to be able to mail order there were less mass shootings
tfw ive been off my ssri's for ~3 weeks
because sane people have a moral compass.
Omar Mateen was not on any medication when he shot up the gay night club, explain that?
>omar mateen
What's in a name?
muslim's executing gay's isnt news, it happens all the fucking time, its like their national past time
because sane people don't want to guy down a crowd?
Because guns are clearly not the problem. I have had many guns for many years and have not shot anyone. Same goes for millions of Americans. If these was even a modest correlation between owning guns and randomly shooting people there would be at least hundreds of thousands of shootings every year in America.
If it was harder to obtain guns he would have been unable to kill 49 people that day. It was a clear case of how lax our gun laws are, not mental health.
not being on medication has nothing to do with the fact that he was mentally ill, can you say with a straight face that normal people commit mass killings?
so you're saying he was perfectly normal?
Because Mind Control is to complex to explain and few people actually understand what it's about. Not pretending to know much myself but just saying MK Ultra was very real but also a long time ago - it's probably pretty easy to more or less remote control a subject with todays mind control technology.
sturmgewehr for $750 bucks fuckin great
he could have achieved the same effect by ramming a semi into the building and lighting it on fire
when you ban shit like guns it doesnt stop people from killing eachother. people have been perfecting the art of improvised killing for millions of years, and group likes the IRA have proven just how effect improvised killing methods are
neck yourself you fucking shill.
Then why does America lead the world in mass shootings? Why are there no mass shootings in other developed countries?
Yes. I do not believe mental health as big of a factor as the right makes it out to be,
No, but it should have been harder for him to obtain a gun
Because there is no mental health awareness or education, no faggot groups like BLM or feminism or LGBT for mental illness. This makes them very easy targets.
White people have no other reason to commit mass shootings except for mental illness until maybe sime political reasons now coming up the last couple years. Christian country, majority white.
More white men kill themselves than any other group, can't blame depression on "privilege" of others failure falls only on their shoulders.
It is not the meds, no evidence to indicate people are even on meds most of the time and the self harm or feelings of harm don't come from the meds so much as the motivation does so that you have the ability to do these things.
when metal inserts into the body, it cant be good.
Then why are the most mass killings done with guns? Why were 120 people killed in Paris and 80 in Nice?
The answer is guns
Crazy people with guns.
totally ignoring the fact that the three killing sprees you just name were done by radical islamists. not to even mention the fact that the paris attacks were done by radicals with totally illegal firearms
again the problem is the beligerant, not the weapon they used.
islam is a mental disease, the cure is lead
More people attempting suicide without a gun be dead already if they had a gun. Sitting beside a gun and choosing your moment goes a lot quicker and easier than taking pills
i dont understand how people killilng themselves is a gun control issue. they want to die for fuck sakes.
It's the Jewish trick in 'common sense' firearm legislation. Ever feel a little down and get prescribed SSRIs? Congratulations, you're now mentally ill and a candidate to have your 2nd amendment rights stripped.
Because we love japanese girls.
Think this through again. There's 400 million guns in America right now. If you make it harder to get future guns legally, you still have a vat of 400 million guns under the radar to choose from.
You'll have an easier time of making it harder to get porn online.
The shooter in Vegas wasn't Muslim, had no mental health issues and was able to obtain firearms legally.
How is this not an issue gun control can fix?
Because normal people don't fucking shoot up places.
Mass shootings are 99% of the time, obvious products of deep state activity. Real "terror activists" use bombs and blow up government buildings. Anyone with a minimally-functioning brain knows that shooting civilians doesn't accomplish anything. Even high school shootings are staged.
The state does not like armed civilians, as we can see in Australia and all over Europe. It starts with "reasonable legislation", which snowballs into a de-facto ban on using a gun in self defense. Take CA, for example: You can't have a loaded gun in your car, and soon enough not in your house. They still have problems with mass shootings, and gang members using hoge-podge full auto micro UZI SMGs and other "ghost guns" all over LA, but you won't hear about that in the news because they'd like to think their poorly-trained, underfunded police force is capable of enforcing the laws on the books in any way whatsoever upon anyone more dangerous than a fudd.
Pic related explains the mental health situation.
>> Why are there no mass shootings in other developed countries?
Please think this through again. It's as if you ignored Paris a few years ago.
Maybe you're trying to say that the US has more mass shootings than other developed countries (strange -- why are you excluding Mexico and Columbia?). Does the US have more mass shootings than other places? Yeah, but we have way more guns as well. Naturally it's going to be the case that the US has more occurrences of guns being used illegally, since we have 400 million of them here.
But hey, Europe has far more jihadi attacks than the US. Are you suggesting we ban Muslims? I'd be on board with that =)
Because only a sane person would commit mass homicide
Because look at the Swiss. More guns per capita, less gun crime.
If it were the guns, Switzerland would be a constant war zone.
You can't tell someone is crazy until they show it, more gun control would violate the rights of millions of law abiding citizens, you'd be punishing the many for the sins of a tiny fraction of u.s gun owners.
It worked in Australia
By accounts from family and friends, the Vegas shooter was "normal"
No they don't. They're literally sick. The belief that suicide is a choice is false anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is a suicide larper for attention because they want people to think they're "so brave and heroic" for being strong and making the right choice. Depression makes people think about death and dying but that doesn't mean they're anywhere close to doing it. Some even say they were "on the edge" but if push came to shove they'd never jump. When you are suicidal you can't think about anything except how much the world needs to stop instantly its not even a question of dying just stopping.
A person who is no longer depressed may value their life more than anyone else you've ever met.
Shit, I forgot to lock up my gun and it just went and robbed the convenience store!
He was also a multi millionaire with connections. he could have gotten a fucking missile launcher if he wanted
stop with all these shit examples, they dont hold.
I think plan was to eventually declare all gun nuts mentality I’ll and confiscate their weapons, or you go along and hand them over, perfect catch 22. Remember Hillary had a big push for mental health and claimed she “had a job for everybody”.
Can you explain why you're a faggot?
The Jews love it.
When things are so bad that shootings are cathartic no amount of gun control will stop it.
>Hur dur criminals will follow the law
There 10 million more people living in CA than the entirety of Australia, most of whom are packed in dense urban areas already riddled with crime so bad, the police are not willing to risk their lives for it.
Gun control doesn't work without a national floor? Tell that to MS13 and other random ass drug gangs growing up in SoCal. They don't buy their guns at stores, they pick them up off dealers in alley ways, who in turn get their product from south of the border. The cartels in Mexico are better armed than their military, and have nearly endless resources to send north.
t. ex Califag whose seen too much shit
>obvious link between anti-depressant meds and thoughts of harming others
or a link between having mental illness and wanting to kill others for no reason, and many of those people are on anti-depressants because most everyone with depression is on them.
I have extensive experience taking care of the mentally ill, and when your meds get fucked up they do the kind of shit that makes them a stigmatized group.
They had a complete registry, are cucked, and removing firearms had no noticeable effect on the rate in firearm crimes; It kept falling at the same rate. A bit after the ban, it started creeping back up.
Why is poverty always the scapegoat for nigger crime and violence?
Bc Mental healthcare in this country is abysmal
>>source I worked on an ambulance for 7 years
Their is hardly ANY help for mentally ill unless they have a lot of $$, or are on the verge of suicide/have attempted suicide before. USA tried mental health care in the past, ended up giving people lobotomies in Sanitariums
adjust it for inflation
I work as a psych nurse and I agree 100% with the reasons you mentioned, but I'll add that healthcare workers are by and large shit in this field. Most people are in employment not because this was the job they really wanted, but because this was a job that would hire them due to the constant need for mental health workers. It's maybe 60% people that actually try and 40% people that will do the bare minimum possible to stay employed.
As hard as I try to make my facility a good one, deep down I know that I could not recommend it to anyone I cared about because of the funding and many of the staff.
>Can someone explain to me why mental health is the issue and not guns?
The US has the First Amendment, so they can't yet throw people in prison for 15 years for tweeting "where's a muslim in a truck when you need one," as a recent example. Going back to the pre-Reagan mental health reform era, the rich and powerful can have anyone and everyone committed to a psych ward and neutralized through an extremely heavy regimen of sedatives. There are many cases in the past, one of the Kennedy kids was actually lobotomized because she kept speaking out about various things. Recently, a big bank in Germany had a man involuntarily committed for 7 fucking years when he tried to blow the whistle on their money laundering ops.
So, short answer: the jews.
Guns inherently cannot cause a mass shooting to happen. They have no will of their own and aren't magic sci fi tech that can affect the minds of people who wield them.
Normal people don't machine gun people from concerts.
Either it's a cover up, or he covered up his disturbed mind.
SSRIs are modern day lobotomies. I am a month off of the shit and my mental function and emotion depth has almost completely returned already. You dont want to know the psychotic thoughts that were brewing in my head after someone sleighted me. Its scary. Those meds should not be handed out like fuck all to people going through a rough time or in chronic pain. Its a shame what theyre doing to people with this stuff. I've lost so many friends that lost themselves from being dosed up on that garbage. People cheating on fiances, stealing, breaking the law, etc. Reckless behavior that they otherwise wouldnt have pursued. Its like they had a rod inserted into their frontal lobe and swirled around. These pills will be looked down upon eventually as the modern day lobotomy.
How is the Vegas shooter a bad example? He was a person who was a "normal" person and was able to purchase all his firearms legally, It doesn't matter if he could a missile launcher illegally, he was able to buy all the weapons he used legally making that point irrelevant.
There are still police. I trust the police to take care of MS13 than a some militia
A sane person with a gun is safe.
An insane person without a gun is unsafe.
Guns are not the problem.
Nothing about the son of one of the FBI's Most Wanted was normal. Nothing.
> trust LAPD to do anything in a timely manner
They are not capable of handling the endless sea of these shitstains swarming in from the south. We needed martial law in LA a decade ago, and now we need open season on gang members and to let civilians defend themselves by any means necessary. LAPD is outgunned 100 to 1 and they won't admit it. When I watch a whole fucking van of bangers empty out into my neighbor's house, kill everyone inside with FA magdumps, then just drive away leaving close to 3 hours before any police show up, I can confidently say SoCal is deadly fubar.
>Can someone explain to me why mental health is the issue and not guns?
Because our firearm rights aren't subject to firearm deaths.
>Omar Mateen was not on any medication when he shot up the gay night club, explain that?
>If it was harder to obtain guns he would have been unable to kill 49 people that day. It was a clear case of how lax our gun laws are, not mental health.
You do not nor should not ask the government's permission to exercise your constitutionally protected rights.
>Then why does America lead the world in mass shootings? Why are there no mass shootings in other developed countries?
Our firearm rights are not subject to firearm deaths.
>Yes. I do not believe mental health as big of a factor as the right makes it out to be,
Yet you believe stripping the rights from the law abiding will make criminals stop breaking the law.
A sane or insane person without a gun is far less deadly than either with a gun.
>Then why are the most mass killings done with guns? Why were 120 people killed in Paris and 80 in Nice?
>The answer is guns
But murder is already illegal.
>The shooter in Vegas wasn't Muslim, had no mental health issues and was able to obtain firearms legally.
So you're saying that none of your attempts at gun control would've stopped this shooting? Why have gun control then?
>How is this not an issue gun control can fix?
Because our firearm rights aren't subject to firearm deaths.
Because they don't want to just say that the shooters were DEMOCRATS, dumb fuck.
>It worked in Australia
Our firearm rights aren't subject to what happens in other countries.
>By accounts from family and friends, the Vegas shooter was "normal"
So therefore there are no gun laws that would've stopped him from shooting others.
Guns don't shoot unless someone pulls the trigger. A gun with no lunatic doesn't kill anyone, a lunatic with no gun steals a truck and rams a crowd.
Because its not acceptable in the current moral ambiguity system to think someone is at fault, or can be 'evil', or 'bad'. Everyone is a victim, and everyone deep down is a good person if only given the chance.
Thus the way to explain this sort of actions are only 2:
Was indoctrinated by a group, who in turn were also all indoctrinated, and thus led to kill for a cause/ideology - terrorism
Was mentally ill, because no way someone sane and rational would ever choose to do a shooting, after all, everyone is good deep down.
There was systematic political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, based on the interpretation of political opposition or dissent as a psychiatric problem. ... These laws were frequently applied in conjunction with the system of diagnosis for mental illness, developed by Academician Andrei Snezhnevsky.
>How is the Vegas shooter a bad example? He was a person who was a "normal" person and was able to purchase all his firearms legally, It doesn't matter if he could a missile launcher illegally, he was able to buy all the weapons he used legally making that point irrelevant.
Then why are you demanding other people who've done nothing wrong disarm and give up their rights?
>There are still police. I trust the police to take care of MS13 than a some militia
The police are not obligated to protect you. Bullets travel faster than the police ever can.
Why are you so willing to trust others to protect you when you should be protecting yourself?
This simply isn't true. Take away their guns and what happens? The sane person continues not killing anyone, the insane person reaches for a knife.
Yeah, well a knife isn't going to kill that many people, and someone with their own gun could easily shoot the insane person if all the insane person insane person insaneper had was a knife. You're on the wrong side of.
Quite possibly yes, I have been prescribed SSRIs however I stopped after about a month, I didnt have the same effects however I did not feel "normal" and chose marijuana as my main medication instead. I believe that most medical professionals rely too heavily on medications and this is coming from someone who takes Humira every week as its the only thing that works
>Yeah, well a knife isn't going to kill that many people, and someone with their own gun could easily shoot the insane person if all the insane person insane person insaneper had was a knife. You're on the wrong side of.
Not that our firearm (or knife) rights are subject to firearm (or knife) deaths, mind you.
You suddenly realize that the doctors will never reveal to you the following:
Crying is actually more effective than prozac.
You can make a gun with a pipe, spring and a finishing nail.
It only needs to work once.
pharma companies need "mental health awareness" campaigns so the weak idiots will self-diagnose and pay money to criminal corporations for the privilege of poisoning themselves with harmful pills
>it's not MY fault, i have social anxiety
Google mass stabbings. They exist, and they're fairly common in places with restrictive gun laws.
>if all the insane person insane person insaneper had
Are you having a stroke, user?
A knife can only be so long, but bullets are many and very long, it's common sense to keep guns from insane people.
>metal illness
I used to love metal, but these days I’m strictly classic country & bluegrass.
because of the numbers.
notice how you don't hear of millions of gun owners going on shooting sprees.
>it's common sense to keep guns from insane people
Yes. It's also possible to do this without keeping guns away from sane people.
They are all democrats
>A knife can only be so long, but bullets are many and very long, it's common sense to keep guns from insane people.
If someone is so insane that they'd kill innocent people, what is that person doing walking the streets?
Fix the mental health system to get and keep those dangerously insane people off the streets and leave everyone's firearm rights alone.
If someone is not so insane that they wouldn't kill innocent people, they have the right to own firearms the same as everyone else.
See the top right corner of the sticky.
Guns are tools. They don't kill on their own. Now that you know that you can understand why learning how these people think and what makes them do it is the best remedy. Only issue is they tend to not survive the attack so they can't be interviewed for a proper profile.
Could it be that only someone who has lost it to mental illness would think it's okay to massacre innocent people?
Metal is a great way to let steam off, and be in touch with your more fucked up side. Nothing wrong with it, some of the most chill, empathetic, and collected people I know are metalheads, but that is novel. Just wouldn't equate it to mental illness, although it does attract misfits and maladjusted people, but the community helps.
>All the guns in these attacks were purchased on the black market
Why are people so intellectually dishonest?
But you have to use common sense.
Use, it would be nice to gunkeep, for many. Howevery, if the price of the insane person to not have a gun is the price of some other people also not having a gun, isn't that nice?
Because liberals will never admit to there being evil in mens' hearts...they deny there is any good, nor any evil......the truth is not in some nebulous meant health narrative is used
Look, you can buy materials to make a strong explosive just by going to your local grocery shop, buying legal items that will never be illegal because they are common use.
Someone motivated to kill, will kill, with a bomb, with a truck, with illegal firearms. It does not matter. And this is coming from an european.
I think to purchase a gun it should have background checks, psych evals, training, like it is done in europe, but that is about it. They should not be illegal.
Also, before you ask, yes, europe is full of legal guns, the idea that we have no guns is erroneous. Its mostly just England.
Pic related
The issue with the US, is cultural and social, not access to guns.