Hi kiwi femanon here (yes, it is relevant to the discussion, and no, I won't show you my tits, grow up)...

Hi kiwi femanon here (yes, it is relevant to the discussion, and no, I won't show you my tits, grow up). Why do people talk about gun control so much when the common factor in mass shootings is white males? (also, note his asian fetish...)

Wouldn't we do better to regulate white males instead of guns?

Other urls found in this thread:


Rules are rules.

Tits or gtfo

>drawing attention ion to your femaleness on an anonymous board
>wanting attention
Tits or gtfo

it's not relevant to the discussion just because you say it is.


White males? Obviously you haven't been paying attention.

the day I consider anything relevant from a fucking kiwi is the day I die. fuck off nigger loving faggot go watch cnn some more. DURR TWO SHKEWPS


white males are actually underrepresented in mass shootings

You mean in a country where the majority of the population is white males? Youre not clever or edgy

How many times does this need to be posted..

I was to understand there'd be tits.

hello, canadian male here (yes this is Sup Forums related, and no, im not going to say sorry for what im aboot to say) Why do women have to announce they are women when men can figure it out by their stupid questions anyways? (also, note her attacking the largest demographic on this website...)
wouldnt we do better to regulate women and their opinions instead of the entire internet itself?

Go back to your hobbit shed Angelica Baggins.

Tits please or kindly leave

Yes, they post as well as they drive


why did you state your gender you attention whore?

tits & fucking kill yourself

Hmm, I see no one has answered my question, and everyone has focused on my gender. It just shows you how sexist and blind to their own faults white males are. Point proven, non?

We could exterminate the human race so this doesn't happen anymore.

its like you took a shit on someones front step then got mad when they threw it back at you

Tits or gtfo

Not even close to proven. You didnt have a point, you had an observation. Quit self validating your own perspective. Youre not good at this

non, point non proven you fucking stupid dodo.
Ur ancestors are fucking drunks hence your slur
And brits are the trashiest women so you slags are even worse
get wrekted ugly

This is now a kangz appreciation thread

Daily reminder the most threatening thing to an average American's health is incompetent doctors, not guns


Maybe we should ship them to kiwiville.

Because black males commit far many more mass shootings (3 or more killed) than whites do

they are over represented in the homicide rates too

13.2% of the population but commit 53.8% of the homicides, while whites (including hispanics) commit 45.6% of homicides

there's your answer, fuck off



Probably a troll post. Most gun deaths in US are suicides and young black men murdering other young black men with stolen handguns. Middle aged white men with legally purchased long guns account for a minority of gun crime.

Please eat a dick you fatty liberal cunt. You are 100% wrong about mass shooting being done by whites.


you on the dole too??

Consider suicide

yes, lets regulate people like they are a commodity, that isn't philosophically reprehensible or anything. jesus christ women have absolutely no brains.

tits or gtfo

Shoo. Go away roastie.

it's not really white males, since different races are represented proportionally. It's all males.

And the reason males do it is because males are badasses. Males fight wars and hunt and kill shit while women sit at home and cook.

Why do males do everything noteworthy, technically difficult and/or amazing?

The only reason that there aren't A LOT more black mass shooters is because niggers don't know how to shoot.


Fake and gay

t. White Woman

Fuck off dyke

Please post at least one boob.


This or gtfo.

Tits or btfo

> femanon here (yes, it is relevant to the discussion...

Its actually not relevant to the discussion at all. Its useless and show you are nothing more then an attention whore. Go find a man that will give u attention instead of whoring it out for virgins on Sup Forums you fat ugly whale.

Pic relevant.

Tits or gtfo

Show us your hairy pussy then.

It has nothing to do with race. Its all about culture. I highly doubt devout southern baptist are going to create mass murder. If you raise your young ones in a christian based home - the chances are less likely. Even if the kids goes atheist when they get older - they will still have a foundation of whats right and wrong.

Fuck off you atheist who will attack me now.



Tits you stupid illiterate kiwi whore

Shit bait but
>common factor in mass shootings is white males
Race distribution in mass shootings resembles the general US race distribution.

tits or gtfo


Literally didn't read far enough to find out what you were asking, bitch. You gotta show the titties. I don't even really want to see them but you have to do it anyway. Sorry. So just show em.

we know you're a dude.
show them or gtfo

Nice one !...


Tits or GTFO

White flight in progress. ......Bond problems expected .......Why ?.....

This is now a woman redpill thread. Post your best.

Still waiting on you to explain why you being female is relevant to this discussion. Until then you are an ignorant attention whore.

An old pasta but a good one

Could you feel it in your bones ?.....

Tits or GTFO
Why is it important that you're a girl anyways?

There is literally NO footage from that night that shows ANYONE getting shot. NOT ONE video! That field would be covered in blood if 58 people were murdered and 500+ injured.

We don't tolerate rule breakers.

Why are women so bad at following rules?

Get the fuck outta my country you labour voting whore. A little thing called the Constitution has an issue with treating people differently based on race and gender. Not that you know a damn thing about it since our education system is more fucked than you're loose cunt is.

>kiwi female

Because this isn't a woman and just done larping faggots. Hide and ignore this slide post. Stop giving this faggot (you)s.

>we do better
Las Vegas is in the United States. What we regulation are you talking about? We?


Get toxic shock and die, attention whore.

Per individual mass shooting white males make up more. Per all mass shootings less than 15 percent of the American population accounts for a vast majority of actual non suicide gun violence and mass shooting deaths. I'll give you a hint. It starts with an N and rhymes with Triggers

Back to r/asianmasculinity, Chang.

I'm not seeing how you being female relates to the discussion.
show bob

>purple ID
ay bby, wanna fuck?


i'm gay

We're fucked

probably a student at Victoria. That's fucking communist central

You better be in auckland where you belong.

America cannot effectively deal with 10 non-Americans living inside its borders. America cannot meaningfully restrict recreational chemicals/plants that have no due process or human rights. What do you think this will accomplish?

fpbp. your gender wasn't relevant at all sweetie, you didn't need to bring it up

Check these digits.

You are a CUNT. Kindly fuck off & no I don’t GAF about your tits or vag. You’re a filthy commie and a projector.

tits or GTFO take your question to kikebook new fag!

>femanon here
>some leftist bullshit question
>yes i know the rules
>no i'm not going to abide by them

In to the trash with you.

>common factor in mass shootings
"Mass" is the operative word here. Common factor in almost all gun related deaths is niggers and beaners.


tits or gtfo you slag.

Case in point: NZ has extremely relaxed gun laws compared to almost every other western nation outside of the US. I own two pistols, a shotgun, and a rifle and I see plenty of guys at the range with MSSA weapons (you just need a special dispensation on your license to own them) and yet there are barely any shootings in NZ history.

Show those whore tits

We need nigger control and there are no girls on the internet. Tits or GTFO.

The shitty thing about the States is like my state is NY, tough gun laws... A lot of homicides. It seems to be an inverse relationship.

pic related is a graph showing gun related deaths in NZ -- the drop we've experienced in recent years is despite an increase in population, an increase in the rate of gun ownership, and an increase in the amount of guns in circulation.

Moral of the story? No niggers, no gun crime.

Are you Maori? Do you have dark nipples? I've never seen Maori tits before

forgot pic -- this is the most recent I could find (2009) but according to NZ Police it has continued to drop and many gun related deaths (average 5 per year since 2010) are the result of hunting accidents

Wanting to see some skank's tits is about as grown up as it gets girly

Here’s ours too.

Yeah funny how that works out