If you had the chance to make just one law, what would it be?
If you had the chance to make just one law, what would it be?
Other urls found in this thread:
"the government shall never rule it's people since the people shall rule it's government."
niggers not allowed
>"Every nation on earth must have Australian gun laws at MINIMUM with the only other option being a TOTAL ban on civilian firearm ownership."
Boom, gun violence solved worldwide.
no tax
only taxpayers are allowed to vote
Loli hentai is legal and have translated physical books available at any adult store
Only gun owners are allowed to vote
>Henceforth, all women are strictly forbidden from voting in any general or primary election or holding positions in higher government.
This would solve about 95% of our problems in one stroke.
Everyone must Worship The Goddess Korpi.
No jews, niggers, or mexicans allowed in the U.S.
All current ones we drop on the other side of Canada's border at dusk
No governmental agency may borrow money, and may not spend more money than they have.
Kikes aren't allowed to live.
Fucking morons. Jews would find loopholes to this vague shit in about 45 minutes after the law gets passed. What a waste.
Fuck off drop them off on the other side of your wall
Jews can't own property, businesses, or provide services of any kind for anyperson or any institution. Sustenance will be provided via state welfare.
8 year old detected who knows nothing about politics
>thinking this is a law
>thinking it'd accomplish anything towards stopping tyranny even if it were instituted
Pretty embarrassed to be American right now
legal for 15 year old girls to work at foot brothels
any kind of corruption/lobbying in the government is punishable by death
No loopholes
Women are now property
>Men of African Descent are forbidden from breeding with females of any ethnicity besides their own
First post worst post
Non-European immigration is forbidden
False rape accusers have to serve the time of the person they accused of rape.
Whatever I say, goes
Ban niggers
I'd make any amount of Jewish ancestry punishable by death.
>as long as you grant these to others, self ownership, and material ownership as a subset of the former, are absolute and most natural rights
Make adultery illegal again, with severe punishments. It would help families to stay intact, which would greatly benefit society
School teachers attempting to propagandized children receive the death penalty
Cunts are property. When a cunt is born it is owned by her father, it is his responsibility to arrange her marriage. Incest legal and encouraged, you can not stop a man using his property for what it is made for.
Usury punishable by death.
Jews not allowed.
Do brits, shackle-draggers and germs receive some kind of psycho-sexual pleasure from denying and removing rights from others?
Crabs in a bucket theory?
What is it?
Yeah, nigga what?!
That's my law.
I unironically think women who drink or do drugs while pregnant should be executed. It blows my mind how there is still basically no punishment for it.
All non white people get executed on spot.
>"Oh, oh they passed a law? Guess we'll turn in our weapons and go legit" -Criminals
Totally user, totally what would happen.
What about half-breeds?
Women are to be banned from the workforce and returned to the home.
non whites are illegal
Kick out every non north-western european.
Degeneracy punishable by death
Fingolians and Kiwis gone wild.....
I'd rape Harvey Weistein
Free lolis for all.
all non whites must fuck off from Europe
Mah negro.
Nearly every problem we have today is a result of the breakup of the family.
If women took off their pantsuits and got back to the kitchen it would solve nearly every single problem our country has right now.
>no more bleeding heart libs getting elected to office
>Democratic party dies out
>no more gibs
>no more trying to turn little boys into genderqueer whatevers
>100000% more job opportunities since an entire gender is now out of the work force
reinstitute segregation of course
Communism means treason and communists and summarily executed, publicly.
It would have to be "Income Tax" payers, since every dindu and paco has paid sales tax once in a while. Better yet, only landowners can vote.
Full free speech: You can say whatever you want without facing any kinds of problem. "I think niggers should be deported"- Johnny worker, "I disagree but ok" -others, and nothing happened henceforth.
The eye for an eye law, if you break a law, other can do to you what you did to them, murder someone? Everyone is free to kill you, you guilty of B&E? well henceforth everyone can enter your house and take whatever without anyone doing anything.
> My law....
There will be a test for every human every year. If you fail. You deserve to die.
Society needs love and intelligence to improve.
I would risk because I think I'm not alone here being smart every second. Being better human.
open season on non-whites
>make just one law
The new law is that everything I say is now law ;^)
Freedom of the market
only white men of 25 can vote
>>Men of African Descent are forbidden from breeding
Just stop right there and it's good.
It's a actually a bad post. First post bad post.
Who will you look up to when shit hits the fan? The people? Now everyone is a leader so who the fuck are you leading?
Nigga you dumb, just do what you're told to do.
I hate EU but code of Hammurabi is way overdue for a return
Sedition through advocating for Communism, Sharia law, population replacement etc is punishable by death.
More like....
>white men with at least 2 years of real world job experience can vote
You can be 25 and still be a bluepilled moron if all you do all day is watch Star Wars trailers and beat off to hentai.
Please kill yourself faggot.
Deport liberals, communists, kebabs and atheists to some remote frozen oblast
All disputes will be settled in mortal kombat.
And then turn it into a Hunger Games type reality show.
You're right, I change my law to this
criminals by definition, break the law. they'll just buy guns on the black market you ossie posting shitstain
more like
>21+ year old men of any colour provided they are married witch children and steadily employed
So my wife and I were discussing this last night and I wondered what any parents on Sup Forums were experiencing. She was stressing out about what we would do if our children werent already out of school and on with their own lives. We agree that homeschool only makes for severe emotional stunting, but to our concern neither of us could actually come up with a solution to the question of how we would keep our children safe from this. We'll never need to mind you, but hypothetically it was rather terrifying. Would I just take them out for these events and reveal my power level? Would I insist to know of these events in advance (we assumed that since this isnt a field trip or any such that parental consent wouldnt be sought for or required)?
Are there any parents on Sup Forums dealing with this stress right now? I cant imagine the paranoia id have to constantly beat down knowing that my dear young could be exposed to this without my knowing.
mandatory 5 years in a shitty job, maybe heavy labor.
am hi
t neet subhuman
Kill yourself traitorous fuckknuckle.
i would trade my law to have the current laws actually enforced for once.
every law above this post are illegal
I'd totally watch it.
>of any color
Get off my board, civic nationalist cuck.
>We agree that homeschool only makes for severe emotional stunting
That's a load of bullshit.
Actually i would abolish a law, specifically the one that obliges internet providers to store literally EVERY text typed by you in the internet.
It literally is the cancer destroying internet in Russia. Too bad laws are proposed by imbecile corruptioners, not random guys from gay anime forum.
Funny thing is, after wishing away American arms, Americans would be armed again in less than a decade. Demand + wealth + open borders = 100’s of millions of black market guns. Unless you’re going to wish the world back to the Bronze Age get comfy with firearms.
3 hour mandatory archery practise per week.
Pursuant to capitalist principles, government employees shall be treated as volunteer laborers not eligible for salary or benefits.
*Looks up* Yes pls, well for the most part
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses"
I would institute zoning which requires all new housing developments to be private, walled neighbourhoods which must be of only one race, have tenants with good credit, have a maximum number of children per household and tenants must be within only one narrow income bracket.
It really fucking isnt. Two of the couples we spend time with chose homeschooling, its rancid. Even with blendclasses and socializing dates, the kids just do not grow right. Unless you intend to keep your kids down the street from you for the rest of your life, homeschooling is no way to raise your youth
Being Jewish (religiously or racially) is now a human's rights violation. All Jews foreign and domestic must be destroyed.
Are you personally going to take them in to your home, feed them, clothe them, provide for them financially and let them culturally enrich your young daughters? How very benevolent of you.
end welfare. everything else will work itself out
I'm speaking globally. hate niggers but they have a right to exist too
Return the death penalty (by firing squad, hanging, nitrogen gassing and the electric chair) for treason, terrorism, exceptionally brutal 1st degree murder cases and incest. Allow the executions to be shown in public and televised.