I moved away from Gothenburg to not have to see Niggers and Afghans a year ago. About a month ago a Nigger moved in to my apartment building and today I saw two young Afghan boys. Is it over? Can't I be left alone even in a town of 35000 people? They act like subhumans. The nigger girl brought a shopping cart home from the store within her first week living here and she left it outside for several days. I had to tell her to get rid of it and a few days later I see a shopping cart in the bushes a few hundred meters away from here. What the fuck is wrong with these people and why can't I get away from them? At least everyone here hates them but it's still fucked. I'm thinking of moving away from Sweden but there is nowhere to move. It's not like I want to live with the white niggers in Poland.
When can we start gassing them?
It's not necessarily over because of countries like Poland, but I think now it's unavoidable encountering diversity living in 'enriched' countries. The politics aren't changing enough. We're not getting who we need to in power. Right-wing movements are failing to captivate the masses, or at least are easily controlled by the opposition and shut down.
digits dont lie.
Drumpf proved that electoral politics are useless anyways
>nigger girl brought a shopping cart home from the store
This can't be real.
>there is nowhere to move
There is nowhere to move in Europe neither
Nafris are everywhere unfortunately
Yes there is in East.
they do that shit all the time here
et oo ilmeisesti käynyt lidlissä alueilla mihin noita tyyppejä on joukkosijoitettu?
Oh it's real Pekka. Is Åland still white?
go to Finland or Denmark
I-I have a shopping cart at home...
>moving away
It's called being a cuck, you aren't gassing anybody. You are a little bitch who will keep posting on the internet doing nothing.
why whold you have that
I don't know about Denmark. Finland is in a much better position to remain white. Mostly because it isn't sandwiched between Sweden and Germany.
we took it from a local supermarket in order to lug around firewood, wooden pellets and shit like that.
I'm well off too, we drive a Volvo V70 R lol
Ma o cemu ti pricas koji kurac ahaha druze...
You are a failed cucked state in every way and you call Poles niggers? bitch, you wont exist in 200 years.
ma kad cijepam drva da ne furam u rukama ko majmun
A to,pa naravno
You have to get the masses on your side before doing anything. If the rest of my country wants to die I can't force them to survive. Doing a Breivik or Lasermannen is worth nothing. It only streangthen the anti-racism in people. You have to make people racist first before you can convince them that throwing out or gassing all imigrants is a good idea.
>but i disagree with them on some minor issue
>but blah blah social pressure
Fuck you, do it.
Yes Sweden is cucked but that doesn't change the fact that Poland is full of subhumans just like your shithole of a country. Why do you think that you are poor? Because your country is full of stupid people, retard.
How do you know I'm not a member?
because then you wouldn't fantasize about running away like a syrian.
Good point.
Look where being ''smart'' got you.
No. That's where being cucked got us. Being smart made all the good things about Sweden come about.
fukin shopping trolley Armageddon Sven. Get in your IKEA bunker
You have a cuck mentality, that's why you moved from Goteberg and now consider moving out of your country.
I don't care about your rationalization, you are a born cuck like 99% of your country. You are not men of action, just look at how you type. "I'm gonna wait, then I'm gonna gas them!!".
Absolutely pathetic, post a picture of yourself so we can see your cuck face.
Nevermind, I found it, it was taken before you moved away from Goteborg.
Taking the jew way out of every war got you were you are,but hey at least your future generations will,oh wait.
I can think of IKEA and Volvo and what else?
Overrated band Abba doesn't count and Pippi is officially banned so that's about it.
Stop whining, you cunt. it's for your own prosperity, you will say thank you to politicians later.
Embrace diversity and cultural enrichment.
They are going to pay your pension.
consider suicide
Future Swedes will try to Sweden the most diverse place in the world.
Watch out Brazil, Swedes are coming throw!
Must be hard for based Jimmie being surrounded by so many idiots who don't understand him and hate him
Cuck attitude. You ancestors were warriors and conquerors and you can't manage to dominate one underdeveloped nigger.
Get a group of fashy goy together, put on masks, corner her somewhere and make her afraid.
> pic
I hate niggers so much. My town was all white when I was a kid, now I can't leave my house without seeing some pavement ape dribbling a basketball down the sidewalk and rapping to himself.
You stay, you kill, you genocide
This. I actually hate swedes now, not just in the fun bantery way that the rest of norwegians do, I actually hate you all. Thanks for potentially ruining all of scandinavia, you fuckng utter cucks.
>ugh theres a niggerfamily in my apartment building, should i move to another country, Sup Forums?
Niggers gonna nig
bump god damn it
Just imagine how fucked in the head you have to be to have that kind of mindset. I'm not even particular political by nature, but the idea of moving out of my country because of X situation is so far removed I would literally kill myself if I ever even contemplated it. The level of cuck you have to be to have that kind of mindset is just unimaginable.
It's actually incredible.
Then get your rifle ready to shoot some dindus
Just mix a few household cleaners together and mustard gas them. If you kill a couple random every year, you'll make a difference. Even if you stop just 50 or 60 rapes by killing one nigger, it'd be worth it
Stop writing like that, both me and you know that you have never done anything remotely violent in your life and the closest thing to political action you have ever done is going on Sup Forums.
You people are soft.
screencapped for later
move to hungary
there are no niggers here
but after a few minutes youll be gald to move wherever the fuck just not here please lord god save me.
Excuse me ofc I'll be honest a friendly person, but there are unironical people with penises that look like a shitwurst raping underaged children and our women
I think in this case I really would use violence and I will have hot boiling tears in my eyes
This is a drastic situation
Why do you eastern Europeans write things like "there are no niggers here." You are niggers. People of your kind is as much of a problem in Sweden as Africans.
swedens problems begin and end with people like you and you know it.
>It's not like I want to live with the white niggers in
>Why do you think that you are poor? Because your country is full of stupid people, retard.
You piece of shit.
Sweden used to be poor as shit for two centuries while Poland was much richer and more developed before WW2 faggot. I hope Russia bombs you and occupies you for 40 years so you get the same treatment as Poland did "smart" guy.
Anders brevik knew what to do. It's not like you pathetic life is worth preserving. You will go to a comfy Swedish prison and girls will love you.
Absolutely wrong. Brevik gave them a servere setback and provided hope to millions of autists around the world.
>t. Someone whose situation isn't bad
You don't know shit
I live in Oslo, this clown lived in Goteborg.
You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Maybe if you didn't run away constantly you wouldn't be full of foreigners. Politicians are small flees if population turns against them. Greed will bury Sweden and Germany, but countries will continue to exist, just without native population and everything that existed there before.
>Overrated band Abba
Abba is one of the reasons Sweden must be saved.
kill them
i agree
Denmark is beyond cucked, and even they even fuck eachother over.
I started selling weed when i lived in a small town with no ownership over it. moved 15 kilometers to a bigger town around 10-15k people and the fucking niggers and sand niggers sit on the weed. kicked my door in twice and came to my apartment and threatend me. Im going to sell LSD instead. niggers cant handle that shit
Call police next time, but hide weed before that.
I called them when they kicked my door down.
But they just came and looked around. In denmark you just call police to make a insurance claim.. they can't do jack shit.
They just came and took half my weed 1 hour ago. and this time they found my new cash hide out. Fucking subhumans
you're acting stupid
poles are not stupid
if you want anti nigger sentiment you need to move east, or south in a lower measure
same shit over here
western europe is fucked, but northwestern scandinavia is even more
alternatively why dont you hop the mounbtains to try your luck in norway?
or finland even
that way you keep a bit of your culture and other advantages
sweden is fucking dead, 3rd world HDI projected for 2030 and the jews stranglehold is way too strong to let up