How come age of consent is 18 in america and 16 on average in Europe?
Age of consent
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I think it's because adulthood sucks so much harder in America than Europe. Psychosomatic thing.
18 is the federal limit.
State consent ages vary
Most states its 16. Some are 18.
Why not? Those two years are not going to make a single difference in mental maturity. Hell, girls 12y/o seem to know exactly how things are these days.
Your animals and apes.
It's 15 on average in Europe., 16 is the highest.
> can play with guns at 12
> can drive at 16
> can join army at 17
> can vote at 18
Must be 21 to drink.
please stop the myth of it being that high so white birth rates can be lowered. it's that high because some christian females didnt want young girls to be exploited.
>why not?
Because that's two more years of riding the young Chad carousel instead of courting and settling down with a financially stable man (such as myself), to be quite honest family
Europe is more atheist.
Because Europe is a "first world" hell hole rampant with pedophilia.
>Christians protecting the youth.
>That's bad.
Fuck off pervert.
The AoC exists to weaken families and encourage girls being sluts. We can't have girls being married young and being good wives, they need to be in school so they can slut around.
>Must be 21 to drink.
Imagine doing all does wile drunk
literally not true. in 35/50 states it is 16. Its only 18 in California which has 90% of jewlywood shows, so that's why you think that.
also sage
>protecting girls from the horrors of marriage
>it's that high because some christian females didnt want young girls to be exploited
It's high because Jewish-backed (((first-wave feminists))) didn't want girls to be married off while still obedient and innocent. They did this before they even got the right to vote. In order to get white birthrates down.
Daily reminder that people marry much earlier in religious communities than in atheist areas.
Im scared to ask how you know that.
In other words: early seeds of feminism.
>getting a lifetime provider in exchange for access to your womb is exploitation
>implying underage girls want marriage
I remember one of my favorite moments was getting frisky with my hs cutie in the back of my pickup truck in a random field. I was on the football team and she was the cheerleading captain. I was 16, she was probably 18.. Yeah sounds dorkie like some dumbass movie cliche. My parents were pretty strict when we were at home, weren't aloud to be in my bedroom alone so it was good to get out and makeout without literally zero worry of my parents finding me
I actually remember the exact field still. I drive by it whenever I go back to FL to visit my parents. It was after a football game and we had a big win and I told my parents I was going to a friends for pizza and to celebrate. So they let me. Of course I showered and picked up my gf and we went to the field. Good times. She was a 9/10 too. She dumped me when she went to college. Didn't want to be "dating her first year of college". It was whatever to me. 2 years later she sent me a letter saying how she missed me and wanted to be with my again (this was before text messages and social media). I didn't respond. Good times. I'm 37 y/o
It depends on the state.
The left pushed to have it raised to 18 in certain states so that women couldn't get married before they had a chance to ruin their lives with bad choies.
16 in KY
Age of marriage is 12 in New Hampshire and 13-14 in many other states. If you are married you can fuck and it is ok.
Because we have too many shitskins. Shitskins are the reason society can't have a lot of nice things. Parents complain that you don't go out anymore? Too many shitskins and thugs outside. You don't want to go to school anymore? Everyone in your classroom is a nigger and a spic. The community is completely falling apart and no one seems to want to work anymore, only move away? Probably too many spics and nigs in the community now.
Literally everything comes down to nigs and spics. Well ok, maybe like 90% of the problem. But it's enough of a problem to completely decimate a society. Even our 18 years of age if because of niggers and spics (not stopping them though).
I can't understand why you can go to army at 16 but can't drink alcohol until 21 in the USA total nonsense
Sounds right to me.
>Jewish-backed (((first-wave feminists))) didn't want girls to be married
Dude, you can marry 14 year olds with parental consent (and consumate the marriage) in several US states. There is literally nothing stopping you from breeding 14 y/o, age of consent applies only to fornication.
its 16 in most states
I would kindly ask why you didn't replied. While I already have some rough ideas why (because I've done this on 2 occasions) , I'm still curious of your reasons.
24 y/o
>Thinking anyone outside of pol will think of marriage when they hear age of consent lowers.
>Thinking Shlomo won't push to lower it.
>Thinking this will save the white race.
The only thing that could save the white race now is by force and relentless agitation. But fuck it, we're already falling hard down that slope as a world.
Yep. Falling down that slope pretty fucking hard.
>implying their opinion matters
Yea it does
It was 16 in my state. In some southern states, you can get married at like 14.
Should be completely up to the parents (dad). No minimum age.
Explain this to me: why are you guys always against government intervention but when it comes to this, you want big brother to take care of us? The govt has no place in my relationships and bedroom.
>implying they don't
>implying the desires of cunts matter
>>Thinking Shlomo won't push to lower it.
Who do you think pushed it up?
I fucked a 14 year old when I was 21 lol.
she told me she was 17 tho
Yep.. Give them a chance to get knocked up by some dude named Tyrone or Raul, who immediately takes off. And then nobody wants to marry a single mother of a brown kid, so she's damaged goods. One less for the good guys.
I fuck a dozen 14 year olds every time I visit your balkanroach shithole and I'm 34
Jail Baitović
yeah the 21 to drink thing in the us is a bit much, can drive at 16 can vote for your leader, smoke, die for your country at 18 but god forbid you crack open a beer until your 21
Young girls definitely do want to be married and be wives and mothers. At least until they're taught not to want those things.
Because men shouldn't have any control of their family. The State knows what's best, people need to be told what to do.
>this is what statists actually believe
oh and u need to be 25 to rent a vehicle
Everyone, your average Croation.
Some girls need to be married off sooner than later, because otherwise they end up riding the cock carousel. Every woman is different, but the parents are best at making this call.
Age of consent should be at 21, age of marriage at 13.
You can't consumate a marriage with a girl that hasn't been through puberty because of medical reasons. Mohammed 9y/o child bride was made infertile for the rest of her life.
>Age of consent should be at 21, age of marriage at 13.
There should be no minimum, it should be up to the girl's father when and to whom he has her married.
>You can't consumate a marriage with a girl that hasn't been through puberty because of medical reasons
Yes, you can. You clearly don't know how sex works.
>Mohammed 9y/o child bride was made infertile for the rest of her life
I'm not some kind of historian but they had numerous sons. What are you talking about?
breddy cul m8. I don't visit the kraut doormat, no reason to.
>I'm not some kind of historian but they had numerous sons.
he hat other wives, Aisha (9 y/o) had no children
Yeah but actually getting to the point of marriage is impossible when a 14yr old girls dad finds out her bf is 20.
Speaking from experience
Maybe you can, maybe you can't. You didn't answer my question. Why should the government get involved?
>Why should the government get involved?
Because it is the will of God that children are protected and that people reproduce.
Its 16 here in Oklahoma
Hm, you're right. But, apparently, only two of his numerous wives bore any children, so one of them isn't an example of much. Seems not too uncommon among powerful men, having plenty of wives and consorts but hardly any offspring to show for it.
God isn't real. Girls are property of their fathers. Is his right to sex her as he pleases until he gives her away in marriage. And no one can declare when he is allowed to have her married, she is his belonging.
>God isn't real. Girls are property of their fathers. Is his right to sex her as he pleases until he gives her away in marriage.
We will kill you atheist muslims as well.
The best age to get a wife is around 16, by 18 she's already been crafted to be who she is. There's a reason people used to marry even before 16 in the past.
>(such as myself)
Can't consent to drinking a beer in most states till 21.
Because increasing the age of consent is a great way to kill off the native population.
>this shit 1 post by id bait thread with 1 sentence opener stating a literal falsehood will get 300+ replies, and at least 50 people foaming at the mouth angry in their cheetos basement
why am I even still here? at fuller chan this would get perm banned
Wasnt aisha a virgin that got thighted even tho she had menstruated?
I cant find the specific quote
Kek. I'm nearly a Chad and can be a complete asshole to girls and they love it. That's why I want a super young girl, because I know what other chads do to them. Every year is plenty of other guys abusing her, now I need to marry that?
1 post by this user.
If not intended as a slide, this is Sup Forums tier shit. Take it back to Sup Forums faggot
>Kek. I'm nearly a Chad
Laugh all you want it's true. I'm handsome af, tall as hell and don't have any fat on me whatsoever. I'm actually underweight; which is why I say nearly.
ok I'll bite,here's a (You):
now, how u did pull it off??
>I'm actually underweight
hello mr skeltal
danm you guys are fucking crazy
You can fuck 16 year olds on federal land in States that are 18. I work at a youth camp in Yosemite and my dick is sore from baning the tightest 16 year old pussy day in day out.
It's because we drive a lot more I don't about canada but there's a giant portion of Europeans who can go without driving for years at a time.
that picture does describe me yes, actually. But in stylish clothing you can't admit he wouldn't get girls.
greentext that shit niqqa
Because most go to university at 18, can vote at 18, basically it's adulthood in America
>It's 21 to lower the access of alcohol to new drivers. It's much more dangerous because driving is much less automatic for the 16-18 year old.
>1/4 males in the US have gotten a DUI in their life. It's a common crime and one that many upstanding citizens break. Always a good story when a Judge or District Attorney gets a dui.
>The shape of US cities and lack of public transportation is why the drinking age is 21.
>Another reason is to use the law to break up parties to prevent risky driving. It gives police extra leverage and options to break up hs and college parties.
>States vary greatly on underage drinking laws. >Some states allow parents to buy for their children.
Personally I don't really care if it's 21. But getting charged for a misdemeanor for having a beer at 18 is ridiculous.
lol please tell us how you almost got shot by some hs freshman's dad while you were at college.
>government exists to enact the will of G*d
missouri here. its 17
>no marriage floor in Ohio
Based, where's my qt teen wife?
4d chess
Cuz we're faggots. It should be 15.
It's high because roasties want to limit the competition.
There is nothing adult about college. It's hs with lots of booze and even more women. It's like retirement except being in the prime of your life.
Pretty sweet till you graduate.
Degen fggt gtfo.
>If you marry a minor do you become the legal guardian?
Because Americans were and still are really religious
It's a new country too, maybe our laws are proper old.. I think 16 is a good age to bang
Drinking is fucking gay as soon as it becomes legal though.
Not shot, not even assaulted. He actually really liked me until he found out my age. (Which I never lied about, it just took him forever to put it all together cuz I never explicitly stated it)
But he went from really liking me to not letting me in his house the moment he found out. Sucks cuz she was 100% wife material. Still miss her 14 years later
It's 16 at my state.
>17 Ireland
>16 UK
>15 France
It's almost as if they're making it up as they go along..... hmm...
Puritan was the word I was looking for, a load of Puritans moved from Europe to America, ironic that they are supposed to be a freer country than ours... which is true to a degree, our jobs have us by the balls these days. We in western countries can get fired for saying something that could be seen subjectively as offensive. That's why we pussy foot around politically incorrect issues. We don't address things in fear of people's opinion of us and our futures so we post our political opinions on a anime forum board
X2 the age and take 7 is best system
You dumb niggers still keeping this SLIDE alive?
Here's an idea.. Stop being dumb niggers and stop keeping SLIDES alive!
It's 14 in Canada.
Literally a Slav
It's not
It's 18 nationally because states vary and the only way to simplify it to keep from issues wast to make it 18
18 is also not just consent of sex law but is also law for apprearing in porn, being a legal citizen and no longer being dependant on your parents both by the standard of the courts and the local government
AOC laws with a younger she in some states still have 18 set as the age when they're completely legal
No being an adult in Europe sucks way worse because you guys get to actively see your homelands being destroyed and raped whereas when you're children you're oblivious to it
Granted you have a nanny state to protect you and here that really doesn't exist for the most part and if you completely get brdo by life there's nothing that can save you fast enough to prevent homelessness or you offing yourself