You wouldn't want this to become a witch hunt would you anons?
You wouldn't want this to become a witch hunt would you anons?
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I really really really do
It's time for ol' Tailgunner Joe to get back in the game and root out the communist degenerates of the Hollywood industry.
We're going to print our own money.
America will have its own Dollar.
You can't stop us.
Oh gawddddd no, we can’t let this become another witch Shoah!
Oven statues: Pre-heated
Jew status: salted
>says the dirtball that is married to his step daughter.
Adopted daughter. My bad.
>I know a lot of our crops are strangely rotting on the vine within the span of a day and some of our townsfolk have been turned into newts...
>but do we really want to resort to a witch hunt?
Yes, Woody. It's witch hunt time. It's even the proper time of year for one.
God I love witch hunter aesthetics
Oh course Woody doesn't, he's been fucking 12 year old sluts for decades
I don't like this "me too" stuff on Facebook because it takes away from the pedophiles in Hollywood.
As long as jews are the target witch hunt away
how old is this barely human being?
Translation: It gets worse
A witch hunt for you you fucker.
Honestly, the audacity of this pedo chiming into the Weinstein situation beggars belief. You'd think he'd lie low desu.
Funny how they turn it into a witch hunt when some young white guys hold tiki torches, but want you to let them go when they're the ones doing the crime.
Never give them an inch, because they will take a mile.
>you don't want it to lead to a witch hunt atmosphere
said the witch
Fuck yeah because then everyone in Hollywood including the Jews are gonna get fucked.
how exactly do you plan to expose this guy if literally everyone knows he's a pedophile and a molester and he's like 140 years old and nothing ever happened
this timeline
>oy vey don't keep paying attention goyim
The days when this shit was tolerated are over. It's a new era, Kek willing.
>implyinf that there hasn't been a witch hunt against conservatives, white men, and Christians for decades in academia and the media
(((Who))) does this guy think he is?
>You wouldn't want all the sex crimes to get prosecuted!
Said the OOOOVERrated shithead who literally had an affair on his wife with his daughter, then married her. Fucking wowzers. This timeline, indeed.
Fucker is almost 'asking' for one. Suggest we oblige with some dankness.
these kikes never cease to amaze
I embrace it being a witch hunt, to finally expose the seedy underbelly of pedowood and see how filthy it truly is for the masses to know. My goal is to see these shits who talk so morally wind up in the fucking poor house after being rocked by scandal.
Trump's favorite President is Andrew Jackson, the man who killed the Federal Reserve.
Fuck yes I would. You strap (((them))) to the stake, I'll light the fire.
OH NO... a "witch hunt atmosphere" where child rapists are burned at the stake.
How horrible.
Why is he not in jail?
Oh, to be debt free again.
>Oi goyim, don't you know a country can't run properly without being six gojirrion shekels in debt?
Another anti-semitic plot.
How many producers have these women been sleeping with?
He's right though. At some it goes from being legit allegations to just women attention whoring on twitter and destroying people's lives out of spite
>married to his step daughter.
She's not his stepdaughter
Mia Farrow and Woody Allen were never married to each other
When will the goyim learn?!
Allen's daughter alleges he abused her. Interesting facts on the case -
I do, but Woody is right. These allegations are mostly bullshit. 95% of what the MSM is reporting are slags saying they turned down Weinstein and nothing happened. In other words, it is mostly about attacking Betas for wanting sex. How dare Betas want sex!
But I want to see liberal Hollywood burn and eat each other. This is great. Please let it continue.
He's guilty of the same shit.
Course it's a meme flag defending the kike
Oh my fucking god, will I get to have a comfy Halloween watching Hollywood burn? This is the comfiest time of year
Whores are as big of a threat. You need to look at what actually is being said. Look at what is getting all the media attention. The one rape claim against Weinstein, or the 95 has been actresses saying they turned him down? Why do you think that is? Why would you trust the feminist media? They are always going to spin things to attack the common man.
America does not need "the Spirit of 1776"
America needs "the Spirit of 1692" right now.
The only way that stops being a thing is if it happens to liberal elites too. I say onward with the witch hunt!
>Witch-hunts against commies in Hollywood are bad, muh Crucible, muh Arthur Miller
>Doxx those fucking alt-right nazzzzis!
He just doesn't want people coming after all the pedos up there.
>trying this hard to stop the dominoes from falling
Jews in Hollywood are shitting their pants aren't they
seems awfully convenient woody... awfully convenient.
witch hunts are about searching for something that isn't there to damage an opponent
this is just a criminal investigation
Mark my words, There will be dozens and dozens of women all claiming that Trump harassed and/or had a Vulcan Pussy Death Grip on them.
Ultimately a black, lesbian, muslim wheelchair bound multi head-mated, infinate gendered she-beast will swear that she was watching The Celebrity Apprentice and a ghostly Trump hand came out of the TV and grabbed her pussy. She will be the next Democratic candidate for president.
>Mark my words, There will be dozens and dozens of women all claiming that Trump harassed and/or had a Vulcan Pussy Death Grip on them.
Did you not watch the election? They tried this shit already,
Right wing anti pedo pitchfork squads? Hell yes. I'll write a script for a film even, for free.
HEs afraid someone might notice a pattern
Instead of saying nothing that yellow fever having pedophile kike opened his big fat Jew mouth.
Congratulations you just played yourself.
Sociopaths can't understand how their behavior looks to others.
theres no pattern, only coincidences :)
Is that guy a Jew
Yeah, I should have said coincidence instead
How is there not a single =I= or twin-tailed comet on that guy?
Living during the witch hunt would be great, you'd get to go around drowning normie bitches in the name of god and don't even have to care if the what you're doing is not about the right way of doing it.
So, he's basically just saying....
it is literally a witch hunt
we actually do, filthy fucking pedo Jew
>you dont want it to lead to a witch hunt atmosphere
but I do
A jew hunt
No you don't. Didn't you read the Crucible? What if innocent people get lynched because someone accused them of a crime? Unless you are a follower of the blood god, carry on...
Challenge accepted
Kek. We can't let him get the nuclear codes!
>Be a good goy and don't look too hard or you might actually expose the huge pedophile ring inside Hollywood
Wasn't this faggot accused of being a pedo some years ago? I'd be worried too.
Witch hunt? I wish it was a pedocide hunt
no catholic, he sat next to my grandad in school
Gosh no. A witch hunt would totally distract from our righteous pedophile hunt. That'd be no good at all.
I just did a bing news search.
"With the help of women’s rights attorney Gloria Allred, the subpoena — which includes sexual assault allegations against Trump from at least 10 women"
I suppose the Alt-Left think these accusations will work better the second time around and if enough women do it then 'drumpf' will be impeached.
>"You don't want to start a witch-hunt." Says local witch.
Are you kidding me? He was known as the 'quintessential' Jew. As Jewish as they come.
wew lad kill yourself
Kys faggot
>Allen had been in therapy for alleged inappropriate behavior toward Dylan (his daughter), with a child psychologist before the abuse allegation was presented to the authorities or made public*.* Mia Farrow had instructed her babysitters that Allen was never to be left alone with Dylan.
You bet I fucking do! Dan "Crack open her Can" Schneider next please!
It's payback time for Hollywood and the kikes that control it.
Funiest part is that these were the assholes pretending to be at the edge of social progress.
If they're in Hollywood they're already guilty. Let them all burn.
Regards his daughters' claims of sexual abuse -
>Allen subsequently lost four exhaustive court battles—a lawsuit, a disciplinary charge against the prosecutor, and two appeals—and was made to pay more than $1 million in Mia’s legal fees.
>Judge Elliott Wilk, the presiding judge in Allen’s custody suit against Farrow, concluded that there is “no credible evidence to support Mr. Allen’s contention that Ms. Farrow coached Dylan or that Ms. Farrow acted upon a desire for revenge against him for seducing Soon-Yi.”
Woody feeling the heat, huh?
Trying to delay justice until he kicks the bucket, I suppose.
jew hunt
>witch to villagers: Like c'mon guys witch hunts are totally toxic and we will probably accuse the wrong people!
So let me get this straight....he's saying he doesn't think people should try to search out and stop sexual predators?
>In his 33-page decision, Judge Wilk found that Mr. Allen’s behavior toward Dylan was “grossly inappropriate and that measures must be taken to protect her.”
>The judge also recounts Farrow’s misgivings regarding Allen’s behavior toward Dylan from the time she was between two and three years old. According to the judge’s decision, Farrow told Allen, “You look at her [Dylan] in a sexual way. You fondled her . . . You don’t give her any breathing room. You look at her when she’s naked.”
Worse. Adopted daughter.