Sweden is about to have their own Weinstein gate. A swedish female blogger has accused a a famous swedish journalist for rape. But not just any reporter, the swedish Uber-feminist Fredrik Virtainen is the one accused! This is the guy that wanted men to to pay male-tax and that everyone that would should come to Sweden. On twitter it now starts to gain momentum, but the media is silent.

This can be big!

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Yeah Virtanen has scumbag written all over him. The nu-male look, batshit feminist views having the most degenerate profession. Media will try to bury this though, as always.

Isn't that a woman with beard?


If there ever was a fucking journalist in this country that needed the rope, it's this fucker.

Get fucked, Amazing Atheist!


It's Shia

Dude fuck the media, we are the ones that run this shit now don't you realize that? If we wanted to we could have this make fox news by next week.

Virtanen my fingolian brother...

Nice, lets give em our energy bois!

Uhm, what about a sauce fuckhead?


One of the oldest fails in history. White knighting for pussy. Sweden please die its so tiresome

>A swedish female blogger has accused
who, where?

Cissi Wallin. Apparently he roofied her back in 2006 and she didn't post the name until now.

That's a Finn

fucking hell how do i recognize the posts that go against him on twitter?


Time to dig up this story...

Pretty soon he established a reputation as Sweden's leading progressive policeman. So renowned was Lindberg for his political correctness and sensitivity towards women's issues that he was nicknamed "Captain Skirt".

Captain Dress actually. But yes, very similar case.

i swear a finn told me about this months ago

the uber-feminists are ALWAYS the biggest sexual harassers

Largest immigrant group so not that uncommon



they legislated child marriage . fuck sweden

It's been brewing in the rumor-mill for some time. She reported it to the police in 2011 but she didn't go public with the name until now.

so sweden all of a sudden cares about rape when it's a white male doing the raping? they let sandnigger child rapists walk free every day

fuck sweden

Sweden, as in the cucked majority Sweden, doesn't care about this either since it's a white male leftist journalist. It's dead quiet from the entire MSM. Those who care are also the ones who care about the sandnigger rapists.