Who will emerge as the great thinkers of our time?
Who will emerge as the great thinkers of our time?
Other urls found in this thread:
There won't be any.
You haven't met them yet
They are waiting for the most opportune time to strike.
hi kant, u can't even lift
I'll believe when you do it again in 2020 faggot
thoughts are just vibrations that you receive through the antenna that is your brain. (its not a pissing contest)
To all the young men reading this thread, I want you to take the time and better yourselves and read these books:
>Who will emerge as the great thinkers of our time?
Joe Rogan, Stephan Molyneux, Sargon of Akkad
These are the holy trinity. The Socrates, Plato, Aristotle of our times.
>Sargon of Akkad
MMmm love me that gay porn, lel desu senpai right? (Frog emoji)
just fucking kill yourself
Sam Hype sucked a dick?
Different ears
Most of current thinkers are weak. For right we have Alain de Benoist, for anclaps Hoppe, for left I can name Žižek and Bauman as worthy.
Sam Hyde is human cancer and sucks tranny dick. Sup Forums gets blown the fuck out again for liking a total faggot, just like with Milo.
Confirmed not him you wannabe nigger
I dunno... Not many?
Chomsky will be on the list probably, even though I disagree with most of what he says guy is a good thinker. I've been told (but don't know enough about the field to say for certain) that his work in Linguistics is literally genius-tier.
Richard Dawkins is an insufferable smug cunt but is pretty groundbreaking in his field. He will be remembered, rightly or wrongly.
We won't know until someone's theories and thoughts are proven to be correct I guess. There was a Philosopher who posited that Philosophy is basically dead, any questions we have left are either worded incorrectly or have no discernable answer, so i guess it'll be hacks like Christopher Hitchens that get all the glory from now on.
I hope you die for posting this even ironically
not me. kikes have me pinned.
cops stole my car
stahpen memelux
does anyone compare?
Poor attempt at damage control there buddy, considering it's a shitty pic with hair obscuring some of the ear and the angle, I'd say it matches pretty well (see pic related)
Knowers only.
Within the last 20 years? Shit, absolutely no one comes to mind. Probably some pseudoscience soyboy like Dick Dawkins.
hes right user. you should kill yourself
Sam Hyde goons confirmed for damage control.
And it all started here
seriously what a brilliant run.
u all suck, hah fucking owned
None. Any 'great thinker' now is just a dumbed down, lesser version of great thinkers past.
Sam Hyde
>people are disagreeing with my post!
>as long as I reply with ":^)" they'll know I was just kidding hahah
They are right, kill yourself. I am not joking. Actually do it. I don't even care if I get put in jail for eternity because you actually did it and they found out you did it because of me telling you to. I'll buy you the gun.
kek, maybe you're right
>Believing a mentally ill tranny on /r9k/
There's your problem lad
Jonathan Bowden, although I'm only ever a hairs breadth away from thinking him a hack.
>Sure maybe, he's pretty interest-
>.. aaand, he's gone.
In the future there will be an influential man last name is Lopez
wus good mah niggers??
is kantbot our guy?
Kantbot has transcended division. He is an arbiter of truth.
Daniel Kahnemann
I only saw a bit of a Charls stream and he recommended emotional intelligence. Is this where you got urs? If not, small world.
u mad :^)
u mad :^)
he is a generous god to be honest
If Sam has 0 problems with sucking face with FTM tranny then he probably has 0 problems getting facefucked by a MTF one.
>following ecelebs all day on Sup Forums
>not actively combating white genocide
Does he make any videos or other content? I need more Kantbot in my life.
Yes, I am pissed off. Go back to pleddit. No one wants your dumb ironic shitposting here.
Nope, recommended to me by a friend. Great book about dealing with your emotions.
The great thinkers of this time have all been forced into anonymous underground platforms, which is why Sup Forums was truly great until (((they))) purged it. Most people don’t realize just how much everyone today is suppressed in what they can say or do. We live in the most heavily controlled totalitarian country in history
just twitter and i think autistic mercury from time to time
but the twitter is golden
>trinity. The Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
more like trilogy, because Socrates teached Plato and Plato teached Aristotle
Pol probably dislikes him for the fag thing and self-whoring attention seeking, but Milo will absolutely be on this list.
The only acceptable answer
oh and he also kicked out a trump supporter from his show. I love when my favorite celebrities name and shame these fools PUBLICLY.
Boy you set me in a JB kick. Shame he commited suicide with 5 shots to the back of the head.
Yeah this fag doesn't know at all what he's talking about - just trying to sound prolific.
>unironic YouTube eceleb Sam
the fact is, those Greek "philosophers" were all Statist religious fucks
Rogan, Molyneux and Akkad are freed from that BS
So they are superior
Aids skrillex
Well never know, because true thinkers are too busy thinking to tell everyone what they're thinking.
what the fuck, is that photoshop or a real person? looks exfuckingzactly like sam hyde
>dude weed bro
>juice head
> Emotional Intelligence 2.0
> The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire
> How to Lie with Statistics
For phone posters
This guy
I always found these edgy pictures to be hilarious
>We're not sorry
>We're a generation of revenge!
Tyrone doesn't need edgy memes to use a flamethrower on overweight whites.
>oh, my sweet sweet summer child...
I always knew Rogan was such a faggot, It's still sad to see so many people on here watch this cuckold.
Also are the rumors of him fathering a mixed race child true?
I have heard him on soundcloud, search kantbot. Duse needs to lose some weight though.
Akkad > Aristotle
Rogan > Socrates
Molyneux > Plato
All people saying Joe Rogan is a great THINKER is retarted
problably not the biggest one, but this mofo deserves at least a mention
jordan peterson hands down, joe rogan will receive honorary dopey dude notoriety but JP has single handedly broken down the past 50 years or neo-marxist doctrine
cody cigar, obv
that's why I donate 4/9 of my income to his fucking patreon
agree joe is good but he has an intelligence blind spot and that's the green jew which affects all his quality parts.
JP is a fucking brainlet hypocrite
I was just about to say Bowden but why do you think he's a hack?
Do you seriously browse Sup Forums searching for sam hyde threads to post this in? Same filename every time.