Man snaps and goes ape shit at woman on London tube

>Not a single man steps in to defend her

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Good. Only sexists defend woman.

Why? Not even worth the risk these days; you intervene and suddenly you’re the patriarchy for thinking the woman couldn’t handle the problem on her own, fuck em.

It's funny you say that, because on facebook there are hundreds of women asking why no man helped her.

Shes a big girl?

Cheap strategy to use stupid goym aka man.

Someone skipped his tea

it's funny because if someone defended her those same women would be screeching patriarchy and sexism

Good. Let it happen more so women finally come to realize they need men after all.

Camera phones were a (((mistake)))

If a man has some serious anger problems then maybe you shouldn't fucking anger them

Somebody just got KRACK'd

For her?

>video starts when the confrontation is already going on
but at least some surely unbiased blue text tells us the entire story!

they both taking the tube back from brown town

What you think made him snap? Lost his job, wife left him etc

British are fucking animals just like their Muslim and Nigger friends

Who isn't sick of snobby cunts mouthing off constantly. He shoulda beat the old bitches head in.

It looks like two beta males fighting.

he missed his afternoon prayer and his Imam is going to punish him

Lmao fucking Europeans and their dialects

Probably something really shitty

Gordon Ramsay's new show looks pretty good.

Why do bongs sound like they are plastered drunk?

>Why can't we be friends
The eternal bug man strikes again.

Equality, bitch!

>What you think made him snap?

Kieth Olberman did nothing wrong.

He's just expressing his God given right to free speech. Do they really not allow piblic discourse over there?

How did you manage to type that after sucking so much kike/spic/nigger dick, Hank?

He probably was

do people actually use public transportation? my fucking god

Impractical Joker UK edition

Wow nice Empire

Isn't it time for you to pray Mohammed al-Bin-thatknifi?

I wuz troiyina be frens but she ad ta av a go at me

i would break this fucking guys jaw in 2 seconds, especially if i was travelling with my mum or GF and she had to hear this shit.

Haha english people are always so angry.

>dude steps between them
>suddenly she starts talking back at him

He was NEVER asked. He was TOLD



you mean an ugly britcunt dyke, she looks like a fuckin boy.

she probably told him to stop manspreading or someshit, fuck women and fuck you too whiteknight FAG.

Reported to British authorities. Don't you dare spew such putrid hate speech in public like that.
I hope you enjoy your 36 life sentences for those funny words.

Why sit in a traffic jam when you can just take the train? But still, I probably wouldn't take the UK Tube, as it's full of niggers and arabs, but say the Moscow metro, the stations are nice and the city is huge, so why the fuck would bother sitting in your car for 4 hours, when you can just hop on the metro, and get out 30 minutes later on the other side of the city?

Good. Women have been told for decades they're equal to men so why should one have to step in for some chick.

Every time I go out in public, I see somebody lose their shit, I like the trend...means people are waking up angry

is this even english?

I dont have meme but pic related

You wouldn't do shit faggot. Lmao

They're not our friends, anything but, and you can stop using our blessed tongue if we offend you so much you weird bitch.

who gives a fuck

>What you think made him snap? Lost his job, wife left him etc
all these fucking betas and the spaniard has the right answer, are you all 16 how have you not seen the climate of how women have changed, and spite this man. women need to be check'd like this. to the point where yes, islam will be the comparison to what white men need to become. we shouldnt be fucking islamic niggers, but in essence they have societal stigma already checking these feminist faggots. WHICH ALL YOU FUCKING BETAS ALLOW TO PERSIST BY LEAVING SNIPEY COMMENTS AIMED AT THE GUY LIKE THIS IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM AUTISTIC BETAS WHICH HAVE NO REASON TO DEFEND WOMEN LITERALLY GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO ATTACK A MAN WHO IS STANDING UP TO WANTON FEMINAZISM YOU FUCKING LOW TEST UNEXPERIENCED BITCHES. YOU ARE FUCKING MORE EFFEMINATE THEN THE GIRL HES CALLING OUT.


>mfw more whites on that train than there are in the whole of washington DC

this is why I refuse to engage with the mass public in any way. the daily mail pays cash for these shit videos, and I can't guarantee my anonymity were I to do the right thing: knock out the yelling guy and destroy the phone of anyone filming

Isn't it time you die for you kike overlords while every shitskin on the planet rapes your women 40,000+ times a year?

>be berger
>see people being destroyed
>have guns
>do nothing

>assaulting someone you don't know over an argument that doesn't involve you

Kinda agree with this. She should have just keep quiet. The whole altercation would've been over so quickly, but she just kept goading him because she had a bunch of men standing between them.

equality init

She probably got wet getting screamed at.

being in london no doubt, that accent don't sound native.

Cause she's a cunty dyke.

If she was cute, blonde and sexy giving it the timid, wavering voice, help mah! bollocks, guarantee you white knights would have been flooding in.

No one gets THIS fucking angry for no reason. He also doesn't sound like he's drunk or on drugs. She probably was doing the typical feminist dyke bullshit on him and he decided he'd had enough.

Its difficult to know of things happening in advance. All the yellowstone/ww3 threads around here should have taught you that.


Any decent woman already knows it.

But two men did, they got between he and her and tried to defuse the situtation.

weak b8m8

I don't see anyone typing in those weird scribbles here, bong.

You'd be angry too if you had to live here

It's the fucking UK, why would you step up ? To get thrown in jail for 20 years for what is probably a leftist idiot ?

Misogynist !!

Fucking UK bugmen - the absolute state of your country...

>Women want to be the same as men

then he is not able to face the discussions with a man


Are Anglos even people?

>be bong
>see your daughter gang raped and killed by Ahmed and Jaboogi
>do nothing
>see autistic white man with a large anime collection say nigger on the internet
>arrest him for child porn and hatespeech

White Knight detected

>look at me everyone! I’m the hero!
>can I be on TV now?

haha thats the most british thing i've ever seen

roastie got roasted

>t. rural trump voter

it's really best if we remove certain traits from the gene pool. my city is similar, and every time some white trash demonstrates their inferiority like this, i regret not sterilizing them on sight.


>getting involved in anything at all with strangers
Yeah I bet you're a big tough heman too until they cuff you and give you a proper fine you faggot fuck

dumb bitch got what she deserved

fucking kek, atleast they aren't Mohammad


White Knight detected.

>Falling for the chivalry jew
Kill yourself


>Sounds like the cunt started it then in typical fashion the guy gets the blame
It's because they all knew she deserves it for starting shit

Fucking hero right there..a REAL Englishman.

He's got a pig farm.....

>not shooting her
lol, its almost like he didnt want to win

My exact thought. Obviusly he was provoked and perhaps a bit too successfully tbqh.
Was probably cucked the month before or it´s just the saxon learning to hate due to the absolute State of UK.

>Video starts by showing his reaction, not what caused it
>Clearly part of an earlier exchange she had a part in starting
Classic. Guy's off his rocker, but it's still suspicious that it tells us "what happened" instead of showing it.

Stay civilized brits

never change

lol shes not even bothered, she just looks mildly bothered more than anything. what a weak man. those fellas just watching him are pathetic too.

is he a downie? sounds and looks like one

Based. Women should be afraid to leave the house. More men should yell and threaten women in public, to put them back in their place.

Being in London. It's extremely stressful and depressing place.I live here.