"hey there buddy, wanna hop on skype and debate me?"

>"hey there buddy, wanna hop on skype and debate me?"
What do?

Other urls found in this thread:


shut up faggot

Is he still alive? True shame, if so.

Who are you?

I don't wast time or skype credits on irrelevant people.

Debates are over with.
Everyone has chosen a side at this point.
Now it's Left v Right. Whites v Non-whites. Republicans v Democrats.
We're long past the recruitment phase and currently are in War now.
Stop trying to "debate, debunk and disprove" the left because there is no point. They don't care if you're right and they're wrong, you're the evil in their eyes.

I'll debate you in person. You'll be less willing to talk shit and strawman me when I'm in front of you, you little 5'1 cuck faggot.

Ummm your muscles are too big for your tiny head

say yes


I can't stand his voice or mannerism. I really want to torture this faggot to death over the course of several days on his twitch stream.

anyone that wants to debate is a fucking moron that was bullied in highschool where they were in the debate club. they practiced how to pick out random, unimportant facts or irrelevant points you misspoke and turn the whole conversation towards that until you admit you made a mistake. if you arent versed in jew speak, youll lose everytime. these people dont want to discuss facts or issues. they dont want to "debate" in the actual sense of exchanging ideas and expressing your opinions. they want to ignore everything that proves them wrong and focus on the most inane and minute details. if someone asks you to debate, just punch them in the balls because they are fucking faggots.

Only if you donate $1000 to a charity for retarded midgets. I will put up with your bad faith argumentation if you do that.

We should take a page from the old Sup Forums playbook
>agree to debate him
>go on his stream
>play moonman songs and Nazi songs until he ends the call
>other anons repeat that ad nauseum until he stops fishing for pointless internet debates to fill airtime and stroke is already (undeserved) massive ego

I would just turn 360 degrees and walk away

Not a single one of you could challenge is logic

Why do we keep getting BTFO by Destiny? Why don’t we have any smart people in the alt right?

There is no logic to challenge

>look, dawg!
>that's not the point man!
>putting the cart before the horse!
>nice strawman

Really makes me think. Maybe the alt right is full of brain dead retards who can't hold a torch to their ideas or logic. The alt rights way of debating is through dumb memes and shouting. Really similar tactics to the SJWs they so much hate. Perhaps this is an ironic twist of fate?


go play your games and fuck right off, and maybe buy some stack shoes so you can ride the adult rides

We don't, Destiny just has a rabid following of insecure pseudo-""""intellectuals"""" that don't care about context and think that everything is as simple as "yeah but i have an article here that says otherwise lol"

Here's an example of one

Why did you list a bunch of adjectives? Are you referring to his discussions? Do you have any arguments against the benefits of immigration in this country?

increase supply of labor
decrease price of labor
9th grade economics

this faggot blocked me after my first tweet at him.
His butthurt levels are astronomical.

I love how he constantly contradicts his own points like in the debate with metokur was when he said that nation-building is flawed, impractical and doesn't work and cites US in Iraq only to then suggest right after that we do the exact same thing with Mexico.

Or in the Naked Ape debate were he talks about how migrants will improve America's economy and GDP and literally 5 seconds later claim he didn't say that when called out on it.

Or when he makes this faux impassioned speech about how he would much rather have a white guy be denied employment over a black woman because muh legacy of slavery when it's painfully obvious he doesn't care about PoC and is just using progressive talking points to push a neoliberal agenda.

Isn't this the guy that wants to fuck his daughter?

pretty accurate.
I've noticed a lot of left wing Youtubers do this in their cringey 'debates' against alt right/centrists/'classical liberals' etc

Doesn’t look like Drumpf.

Increase supply of labor does mean lower wages, FOR THE IMMIGRANTS. In the united states we have a labor shortage that needs to be filled by low skill workers. The more labor the more opportunities for American wanna be business owners to start a small business.

Here is a video of destroying a shitter on immigration>>>youtube.com/watch?v=zULxLOOJarg

Here is a few articles that support immigration to a first world country.

Oh now you must be baiting if you are going to source fake news on Sup Forums.

as well as supporting father daughter incest there is a clip of him online somewhere admitting he was planning to murder someone, I can't find it right now though.

Good thing we don't have things like minimum wage to stop the lowering of wages for these immigrants.

>WAIT SO YOU SAID _________
no you're misconstruing me

Anyone else notice this cuck do this to every guest?

Sorry, I forgot the only accepted forms of sources are from Breitbart and the daily mail.

Yes goy who cares about social stability and quality of living standard so long as MUH GDP can go up up up!

>citing huffpo and wapo

>Low skill labor=minimum wage
Low skill labor is anything from construction to mowing lawns to roofing. None of those jobs are minimum wage jobs. Immigrants move here to get jobs the domestic population will now take.

I have no time for manlets

>we need poor labor
>Automation is inevitable
>we have no plan how to handle the poor immigrants when automation happens?
His argument in a nutshell

>immigration causes social instability
No it does not.

>>we need poor labor
>>Automation is inevitable
>>we have no plan how to handle the poor immigrants when automation happens?
Automation is inevitable, however, that will not be anytime soon. The longer a generation of immigrants are in this country, the more they will want to peruse higher education and create opportunities in a more advanced field.

Ive yet to find a fake news post from Breitbart. It is right leaning without a doubt, but it does not outright lie from what I've seen. Please find me something from Breitbart that is a lie on the scale of these posts from MSM. They all had the transcript on the left. They all chose to lie to the people and make up bullshit headlines and stories about Trump hating veterans and talking about how they cant handle combat and are weak. It was the complete opposite of what he said. He was addressing veterans directly at the event and showed concern for how they were treated and addressed the very real mental health issues.

Yet MSM deliberately lied and never corrected the lies. Were never punished. Manipulated public and used a constitutionally protected platform to control and sway public with lies.

Find me an article from Breitbart that lies like this. This isnt a random one of from the MSM. They do it all the time. Now I want you to find me 1 outright lie even remotely close to this that would be fake news from Breitbart. Having negatively worded news about migrants/invaders or muslim terrorists is not fake news either.

You're right that doesn't happen when the immigrants are of the same or similar race and culture.

Minimum wage was started by democrats to stop blacks from the south taking labour jobs from white union workers.


Rape him

When the aliens will not assimalate yes it does, big time.

Manlets have smaller brains.

This is great news, I guess there is nothing to worry about. There have never been race riots in America. Ethnic conflicts aren't "part and parcel" of every multicultural experiment in history with rare, short lived exceptions and niggers don't have aids. Even the slight problem with Polish lower class criminals and the resultant social instability in Iceland doesn't actually exist. I'm so relieved we found a disciple of pure logic to set things straight.

Tell that the the native americans kek

Just be unabashedly racist
He won't know what to do

based destiny
that faggot talk by the video creator tho, what a cuck

He's a confirmed nazi sympathizer.

clips dot twitch dot tv/SpinelessAffluentOrangeHassanChop

Hwhat the hell are you talking about?