Why are these Countries the most developed in Latin America?

Not as developed as a First World countries(lack of industry, corruption, poverty) but way better than other Latin American countries


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They are white, all memes aside

For some odd reason Chile following the Washington consensus actually worked. Argentina isn't that great desu and no word on uraguay

Military dictatorships that took care of commie scum and drug cartels.



you said it. you can´t back out

Free market.

Not some odd reason:


I stand by it. Argentina is actually more white than America ratio-wise.

If I remember correctly, Buenos Aires was pretty much Madrid in the Americas, hence why Brits tried to conquer it a whole bunch of times.
Argentina and Chile later recieved European migration which introduced some helpful politics to manage their cunts. Too bad they are now feminazi.

you forgot to mention sul (south brazil) it is the most 1st world, white part of brazil. they are pushing for independence

chicago BOIS

Many reasons.
1. Higher European admixture than most other Latin American nations
2. Much lower African admixture than most other Latin American nations
3. North Italian(avg. IQ of 104) mass immigration from 1870 to 1930.
4. Removed commies

less mestizo subhuman

The reason that part of South America is so 1st world, is because of the military dictatorships that cracked down hard on collectivism, examples include torture and extrajudicial killings, leading to strong free markets that suffered little to nothing during the 2008 financial crisis.

a lot of chileans are mestizo, yet their economy is unstoppable

>Why are these Countries the most developed in Latin America?
Good Question!!

The commies are striking back here though.

legitimately because they're the whitest


maybe 10 years ago. but at least in my country the economy has halted to a stop. All thanks to the commie president

My sides.

White people,your welcome

>people look like Swedes
>people wearing Swedish national colors

More European admixture


All the Runaway nazis went there. Thats literally it.

>chile: the new nazis
wtf are you watching

Well fuck her, she needs a helicopter ride.

The masses don't matter, it's about the ruling class. That crowd looks whiter than Californians, yet the ruling class in california whiter than Argentina thus the economy is better.

Sword fighting in Uruguayan prision


I live in CA and would kill for our masses to look this white. Like I said in my other post, the masses don't matter as much as the ruling class. Our ruling class is pure Germanics/Anglos here in California thus we're ok economically. Even uruguays ruling class is white but not nearly as white as ours.

Uruguayan riots


Well, desu, it doesn't help that Argentinians love to implement retarded economic policies every decade or so to crash their economy.


Argentinian lootings.

google.es/search?q=Argentina lootings&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi9hO6Ck_bWAhXEipAKHcipAS4Q_AUICygC&biw=1100&bih=1712&dpr=3

Chilean poverty, India tier

google.es/search?q=Campamentos chilenos&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiMmoWkk_bWAhVGgpAKHZtxDQ0Q_AUICigB&biw=1100&bih=1712

To be fair Argentina got shit on by the globalists in the 80s, sucked most of ghe wealth out the nation. Chile however is a fucking amazing country, we own a home in Los Lagos and Patagonia. Chile is the best place in SA in my humble burger opinion.

All that matters is the elite class. Not the peasants. Here are the richest ppl In Chile. Look at Cali, more shitskin than Chile but there is a larger purer white class to make it work.

intelligence is directly proportional to distance from the equator

Chilean jails, Africa tier


>They are white-er...-ish
Between 40-60% according to various genetic studies.
Most of that coming from Southern Italy and Southern Spain which are hardly a shinning example of development in contrast to their Northern Counterparts.

Which frankly explains a lot.

Argentina is as white as Central America


You guys have a large german population too no?

Sadly Latin America is getting gang raped by the globalists. Almost as badly as Africa. It’s good though because Latin Americans are not afraid of being racist and they will gladly name the Jew especially because of their Christian value system and the Jews killed Jesus.


hail hitler perrito


Furthest away from Burgerworld.

Being next to an economic superpower is nearly always a bad thing. Your best citizens go there. Anything illegal ends up there, but all the blowback is on you. Your politics is defined by being pro or anti superpower. You could try what Cuba did but it might end badly.

Also they have, in ecomomic terms, a far more British or Grrman legacy than they do Spanish or Italian. Especially in Uruguay.

> Be Argie
> Complaining how bad is my country
> Too lazy for work
> Too lazy for studying a career
> Get into politics
> Ally with feminazis
> Go into random march protests, destroy some public places, suck some dicks
> Get voted for a Senate seat
> tfw earning 45k per month doin nothing
> still complaining

>Ur a Gay
I think the biggest reason for a small country with no resources to exploit, got relatively developed is the fact that we killed all indigenous people.
No money wasted on reparations, more money to spend on development.
Thanks Rivera.

Sure. We also had lots of Northern Italians and other more developed Europeans. I think Germans peaked at 10% of the total population at some point. Which explains our development boost at the beginning.
But you can beat demographics and eventually we got swarmed with indios. Now we basically pay 50% tax on everything just to feed and clothe them. They basically simply exist to commit crimes and reproduce.

forgot to change my meme flag.
No bully plz

>you can beat demographics

Holy crap. South is as fucked as the rest of the country. Drowning in debts, lots of corruption from the south politicians and all the other shit that is fucking the entire country. Not to mention that the most part of the commie politicians in the country all come from the south.

Southeast has a more developed economy than South by far.

They are pushing for independance just because they think that they're Europe when they are fucking not.

i knew argentina was corrupt af but damn

he means pesos

they exist for votes
fuck em all to death

Brazil has a ton of niggers and its way more developed than this shithole, this country was flooded with lazy southern Spain moorish rape babies who don't even fucking work in the afternoon

>Why are the whitest countries on the continent the most economically sound, safest and cleanest?

Hmmmm really beckons one to ponder....

Physical removal of communists.


They are not. It's just a meme, Argentina is a shithole. The closest thing to actual civilization is this god forsaken continent is the city of São Paulo

The mayor of São Paulo is a little piece of shit tho

>switches from one meme flag to another

Welcome, brother in memes

Nevermind that shit, that picture looks like a duck if you turn it 90 degrees lmao

He might be a kike and your country might be full of niggers but it's still undeniably ahead of this shithole, trust me.

Chile: Pinochet, "miracle of chile"
Uruguay: doing something that resembles European countries of the 80 and 90, with the economic reforms pro free market that to this day allow them to "sustain" their socialism
Argentina: that's where I realize you're talking about race, because they're more fucked up than us economically, even though you're still right. They just got out of Kirschner's presidency that, much like Dilma here, sunk the country, that wasn't particularly great before them either.


not nearly as much as it seems, tho. It's also explicitly unconstitutional here, and it would be like reliving through the ragamuffin war all over again. I wish and hope they could do it, but it won't happen.

You're generalizing. Only Chile was lucky enough to have Pinochet and he actually being a fan of Friedman. The rest of us got fucked by governments that were just dumb economically, had other priorities, and sank the countries in debt to finance their pharaonic projects, warfare on the communist guerrillas, and so on.

If they had half of the land size we have, they'd be running LatAm right now.

indeed. And it's not that we're good or less bad, it's literally because of our how big the country is, that despite the highly regulated economy, we barely have enough to push trough and make it to the top.


>Argentina and Worst Guay
Lol no


Whitest countries in South America.
Just that.

Temperate zone. Perpetual summer fucks everything up.

Argentine goverment is retarded, they also have a shit economy, tho.

Low population maybe?

We had a better development rate and we aren't next to an evil empire.

>Madrid in the Americas
that was Mexico and La Habana
Buenos Aires was probably one of the wealthiest cities in the world during the 20th century though

It's easier to develop temperate regions that tropical ones.

For example, tropical agriculture is extremely difficult to automate/mechanize - a pineapple or a jackfruit needs an individual to actually use their hands to harvest each unit. Compare that to wheat, which is comparatively much easier to cultivate en masse and mechanize the whole process

There were not a single Cartel here, and commies won the cultural war against the Junta, also the Junta were a bunch of CIA niggers.

You guys were ok, not gangsters like American Italians.

>They basically simply exist to commit crimes and reproduce
Fuckin' truth!

We have literally only half of our population working. And half of those 20M people have shitty unstable jobs, the "dark/black jobs" as we say, that are not declared on our fiscal system and are extremely insecure and unstable. Pic related.





Motherfucking boomers! ruining thing worldwide

Best comment.



You gotta find another explanation aside whiteness. It might be true for South Brazil, Uruguay, and probably Argentina, but Chile? They're even less European admixed than Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela yet they're arguably the most successful country in the Southern Come

>He's pledging allegiance to his puppet
Murica, stop.

While not as white as other countries, we're completely nigger-free (except for the fucking haitians)
Though it might be because we're like 10 to 25% Basque, and those are very Jew-like.

>brown commie spics

shit thread, stop wasting board space

They're pretty cool, I live near u r gay and Argentina.
Lots of tourists from there and they're pretty white, you don't even notice they're foreigners until they start speaking Spanish.

You suns are all right.

Culture and geography. Simple. It really is as simple as that.

Argentina appears to have sorted out it's political problems and is projected to now start a long run as a very prosperous and stable contender internationally. It's going to be a big deal in the international economy in coming decades.

The white settlers KILLED the natives as soon as arrived,the low was that were NOT through in the killing, the natives as a bad weed breed again, the development was NOT. Complete as North America

It's colder and more sparsely populated. Whites do incredibly well in those kinds of environments.

Chile = Literal Commie killers and eternally /ourland/

Uruguay = 88% white

Argentina....well you got me there!

Nigger (African descendant) free for most of it's lifespan.
There were no slaves here.Also no Islam and no kikes until fleed WW2.

It's embarrassing how many of you southern cone faggots wear meme flags. You should all be gassed, you self hating imbeciles

Colder. Mudskins hate cold.

You talkin bout Santa Catarina, right?