Daily reminder, without the southern states, America would be 13% more white and we would've never had a nigger epidemic. Abe Lincoln also wanted to send the freed niggers back to Africa after the civil war but was assassinated before he could do so.
Daily reminder, without the southern states...
John Wilkes Booth was a faggot, those idiots that wanted to keep nogs in the south deserved it.
Not only was he a fag but a kike aswell.
>Abe Lincoln also wanted to send the freed niggers back to Africa after the civil war but was assassinated before he could do so.
he would never have gotten this through republicuck congress
his successor as president was impeached literally just because they thought he was raciss
If abe lincoln had left the south alone thern there would be no niggers in the rest of the US. Nig nogs would be either under heavy discrimination, deported or slaves in the south today had the CSA gotten it's independence.
>this thread again
Nice try yankcuck. But we all know that you all are nigger loving cucks.
what a dumb statement. There would be no US if based Abe didn't lay the hammer down on the South cucks. He btfo them so hard that the South are unironically the biggest patriots and flag waving cucks in the US now. Talk about being neutered.
It would also be 100% more liberal.
The CSA was a separatist entity, they weren't aiming at taking over the whole country. If the south had won, there would still be a US (and a far weaker one at that) but it would still exist, with little to no niggers. It's not like it would have been taken over by the brits again.
ITT Dixie internet defense force
Notice how hard they're trying to slide this thread
In 1964 almost every state besides MS,AL,GA,SC,AZ, and LA voted for LBJ. Every state that was more then 35% Non White voted against civil rights. All those states were in the South and have barely changed at all. The rest of the country was entirely White and they voted in favor of Civil Rights. Now take a look.
This is a classical divide and conquer post, but here I go.
They are the blackest part of america because they were brought to work in the farms. This meant they were the most racist since they didn't live as well as northern WASPs and were forced to live closer to them
To this day, even movies depict it as somewhat racially segregated. Given the amount of non-whites there, the whites actually protect their bloodline quite well, unlike the multicultural cities in the Boston/New York conurbation
And LBJ was from the south.
North circlejerks about not bein racist while living in segregation away from the niggs
That is a licensed Australian meme you stupid fucking burger thieves.
>fight the bloodiest war in US history to prevent the South from leaving (and burned down its cities and infrastructure) and from owning slaves
>blame the South for anything
You Yankees are fucking idiots. You literally caused this problem. No one but you.
Why are Americans so desperate to steal the 'strong aussie Anglo' meme?
>import millions of niggers into the country
>people want to free them and send them back to Africa
>start the bloodiest civil war in History
>Blame the North for anything
>*in US history
-well you should have known we were retarded and would fuck everything up!
I'm sorry, who wanted to free them: the North or the South?
The South brought slaves and had a booming economy. The North (100 YEARS LATER) then makes it clear that they intended to free all the slaves. So the South does the only thing it can and leaves. The North then fights the biggest war in US history SPECIFICALLY TO FREE THE SLAVES
I think I realize why you sympathize with dindus: you ARE dindus.
>you are dindus
Top kek thats you
>>import millions of niggers into the country
This is just pure ignorance. Southerners didn't import the niggers you yankee slave traders did. Boston and New York harbors were the biggest slave ports. Southerns didn't have ocean going ships.