What cultural and political effects will the Black Panther movie have?
Black Panther movie
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Every WE WUZ ideal in existence will be the focus of this movie
Making Sup Forums so assblasted that it'll spam even more "WE WUZ" maymays.
Meh, black panther has always been a character and the wealth of their nation was always Canon due to them being the only place you could easily mine vibranium.
Look, I get the anger at modern marvel fucking up everything and pandering to all manner of supposed victim minorities but black panther really isn't one of those things. It's a long time character with a good back story as to why he is what he is. Nothing wrong with a hero from Africa being Black.
This. I hope it does well. A black hero for the black people.
lol blacks have such a meagre historical footprint their 'ancient language' is a carthage rip off. Who the try to construe as black people when they were pre-arabs Mediterranean natives.
Observe the comments fellow Kang
He got da dab doe
>spaceships, discipline, and modern society
it will box office bomb harder than John Carter of Mars. China / Japan / Korea doesn't watch nigger cast movies, and the current social climate in the USA isn't nearly the same as when Wesley Snipes was Blade.
The kangz comments and cultural enrichment comments are golden
this tbhq, also i get to see the history of my proud nation
>Create futuristic country in Africa
>They still use shitty bags
Man, Blade was so cool.
I don't understand. How can wakanda be successful while lacking DIVERSITY?
Meanwhile, a diverse western country is filled with corruption and crime.
Showing a nondiverse successful place is against diversity.
Is that song actually in the real trailer?... Christ
LOL @ cultural richness.....
Blade was good you kike. Hasn't aged well though :|
oh for fuck sake
>prevent poor migrants from entering your technologically advanced country
>remain ahead of the tech curve and make up for lack of population growth with automation
Wakanda proves protectionism works
i hope this bombs.
fast and furious has multiple nigger stars as main focus.
i still love the techno massaker intro.
I suspect it will still make profit but will be the lowest grossing of all of the comic movies.
I prophesy that some black peeps will shoot each other while waiting to get into the movie, before it even starts.
SonOfSkyQueen has spoken, take heed.
superior KANGZ save the day
This is the right argument.
>shows a wall keeping the dregs out.
More white women BLACKED
Funniest part of we wuz kangs is that it implies niggers had slaves before anyone else did.
He'll have no weaknesses, perfect in everywhere.
The movie will be shit because they can't show a black man be in anyway not absolutely perfect.
Also I guarantee a white cop will try to shoot him in the movie as a cheeky nod to police being all racists.
It will be a 5/10 but critics will give it a 10
jewish slaves on top of that.
the original oppressors of egypt
But they have a lot of diversity, there’s no white people.
Its a piece of crap capeshit comic book movie about a character blacks didn't even know existed for 50 years.
All black culture is fictional. This is really nothing new
Guessing the andy serkis character will be our guy in this film then
It's not that black panther will be shown as perfect because he's black, it's that black panther will be shown as perfect because it isn't offensive to have perfect heros as long as they're black.
As I said earlier, I don't hate black panther, he's not a made up character designed to pander to SJW, he's a long existing character with a decent back story to explain his country's wealth.
Additionally, he is an honorable black guy, gives an example of heroism to niggers in a way that isn't a token knock off of some white guy while also being nationalistic and xenophobic (even against other blacks). Seriously, black panther is a really good hero for blacks to have, better than all the rap artists and thugs modern niggers worship. Give the nogs a romantic ideal to believe in and maybe even work to be more like.
Black Panther is a good thing, no larp, no shilling, no troll. And I'm a white nationalist.
i'm amazed that WE has become one of the most successful memes of the last few years.
I was banned during that shit storm for posting 3 easy to obtain steam emotes.
Eli from hl3, a chicken drumstick and a watermelon.
That's all I posted, just those three steam emotes, never posted again and I was banned.
11/10 Would do again.
Seems alright. Will watch.
No. There is no explanation for their technological superiority or wealth. You can sit on mountains of resources as long as you want. Unless you're mining, refining and selling those resources, they're useless and generate 0 wealth. Plus, niggers barely understand iron working, how did they grasp or master working an indestructible metal? According to the marvel universe, wakanda had high technology before anyone else, having advanced automated laser turrets and shit while USA was in its wild west period. The only place niggers can have an advanced civilization is fiction just like the only place a wonder woman who's girl stronk can exist is fiction. It doesn't help anyone letting women and minorities have these fake ideals.
They're so dumb they cannot separate reality from fiction. So you get retarded women who see wonder woman and go "SEE WOMEN CAN BE STRONK BADASS FIGHTERS TOO REEE LET WOMEN INTO THE MILITARY" and then when that shit slides down the slippery slope we get stupid bitches getting slapped with the cold truth of reality.
Same with niggers. They'll see this and go "YEAH SEE BLACKS BE KANGZ N SMART CIVILIZATION N SHEIT WE GENUISES BEST TECHNOLOGY EVER" while not realizing they're actually retarded savages and always have been. It gives them both false ideals to strive towards and that shit helps no one in the long run.
Sure, short term happiness, but long term horror.
Holy fucking shit you need to go outside mate. Youve been locked up in your room too long.
This movie is absolutely guaranteed to cause massive chimpouts nationwide. They will be chimping hard in the theatres, and afterwards in the street.
>complaing about fantastical stories in a setting where superheroes exist.
I don't really have anything to argue with you about here. You're not wrong, but you're not right either. Yes a black society having amazing technology is ridiculous, but so is the idea of a super soldier serum and a man with spider powers and a mutant human who can regenerate wounds so fast that an entire skeletal structure of metal won't kill him and don't forget about the villain who wears a gauntlet with multiple SINGULARITIES of such unimaginable power that he becomes a literal God.
Comic book hero stories are the modern equivalent of the old romanticism art and stories. Larger than life men and women with larger than life ideals and beliefs.
Maybe you just don't like romanticism, if that's the case then that's your opinion.
Niggers will spend their drug money to all watch it so that they can chimp afterwards. Its also guaranteed that some white man will either put blacks in chains, or impose the threat of putting niggs in chains. Niggers will then chimp as predicted
>put black panther in chains and have him quote roots
Yeah I can see this kind of pandering happening. I'd be disappointed though because I don't think BP is inherently a bad character. I'd hate to see them use him like that in the same way I hated seeing them turn Thor into a woman and all the other nonsense I can't be bothered to keep up with anymore.
In 1000 years when whitey is gone and civilization has collapsed the last functional blueray player will show negro savages the tale of how their ancestors wuz kangz.
Nothing. Niggers will always be Niggers. they will never change.
Probably the same impact the Spawn movie had when I was kid, terrible movie but GOAT soundtrack.
Won't be seeing it personally or the next Pacific Rim.
Imagine if the got a white guy to play him. Like Robert Downey Jr in tropic thunder. It'd be like Ferguson everywhere.
It will further add to their own fabricated history. They will genuinely believe it is history, too.
Those numbers need to be updated by the way for 2016
Muder: 56% black, 7% white, 35% hispanic
Shooting: 70% black, 2% white, 27% hispanic
Rape: 50% black, 10% white, 34% hispanic
Outdated statistics makes my fidgety.
If it was a real country they probably would have to put immigration ban because of all white sluts trying to get some rich nigga bbc and ruin their race
I hope it inspires more African Americans to return to Africa and make it a utopia
God knows they didn't have a strong figure to look up to.
Its time for Spoke Lee to remake "The Spook Who Sat by the Door"
I completely agree, Wakanda is not diverse at all and thats really racist.
Nice edit for autistic panther.
>What cultural and political effects will the Black Panther movie have?
Bunch of niggers believing it's the white man keeping them from becoming the technological pinnacle.
highest quality larp i've ever seen m8 i really mean it
This. Any pride given to black people through mainstream culture is immediately used as proof that they wuz kangs and that they have every right to be violent and racist against anybody not black.
>100% black is 100% diversity tho
Mfw the flag just right
Only children and fat manchildren watch this Marvel/DC crap. The Nolan Bat films are literally the only thing worth watching. No one should give a shit about a goddamn SJW flick feigning as a fucking superhero movie, that whole market is saturated as fuck anyway.
>literally named after a violent terrorist organization that formed in American during the 60's
I'm sure it'll help more niggers justify all of their violence and racism against everyone who isn't black.
Said litearlly only 5 percent of the white population
this desu
Agreed. The only other exception is Watchmen. Batman v Superman was also quite good - very underrated.
I actually can't wait to see how deluded the niggers are with "african pride" after this movie drops. They're going to cite this movie as proof they're kangs. Hell, it was filmed in KOREA
Oh man, it's gonna be awesome to fuck with them over this LoTR level LARP movie.
It will finally inspire the black race to rise up and join the rest of the world as an intellectual and civilized people.
>What cultural and political effects will the Black Panther movie have?
it will make niggers fantasize about how they WUZ KANGS AND SHIIIET
a BLACK PANTHER.. seriously?
sweden you are such a fag ass bitch ass piece of dumb shit it's not even funny
tfw when Sweden reverts to nationalism after its conversion is complete
faggot ass cgi bullshit
Anyone else think it's funny that we've made black racism acceptable and heroic?
{{{black panther}}}
So when is the White Nationalist coming out? I've heard good things.
>El Dorado
The effect it will have will be to act as yet another [made up] reason to label more people racists.
I think everyone knows the movie is going to flop, and those who didn't want to see it will be called racist. This point will become the recurring subject of entertainment headlines for a couple months until some other made up racism is found.
Black people are acting like this movie is the coming of Jesus or something on Facebook.
Wanting to have pot lucks in the parking lot of theaters.
This is a huge deal to them for some reason.
HAHAHA a nigger's idea of being smart is wearing glasses.
I'm not kidding, this is something a nigger would think. That wearing glasses literally makes you smarter.
I miss NY.
Wish it was white again.
>see the history of my proud nation
proud?? you are fucking serious fag?? lol
you are a cuked nation of cucks who drink nigger sperm for breakfast.
Natsoc niggers, the movie.
WE WUZ KANGZ to the next level
his implication is that he himself is a black person
It will be tiresome stream of colorful images and monotone/shouting dialogue.
This. Plus it's got Coogler and B Jordan from Creed.
Just like Ghostbusters was sexist and anyone who didn't see it was misogynist.
How much do you want to bet that Martin Freeman was payed more for starring in this film than all black actors combined.
It is literally all they have. Black Panther is the closest thing to a black superhero that they will ever have. Just as its the closest thing to "kangzdom" that they will ever get.