Lamora Williams Bakes Her Babies Alive

A 24-year-old mother of four is accused of killing her two youngest sons “by placing them in an oven and turning it on,” according to an arrest warrant.

> single mother
> four children under the age of 7
> unemployed
> “mental illness”

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I need an explanation on why niggers use these kind of primitive names.

Why many of these are so unique, do they use a generator or some shit like that?

“Williams told police she came home to find two of her children dead inside their Oakland City West End apartment in Atlanta around 11 p.m. Friday. “

> not mental illness if you invent a cover story

look at her, some nigger(s) fuck that thing and left his seed in there.


“Williams didn’t grow up in poverty and wasn’t abused or mistreated in any way that would have led to her hurting her boys.”

They want to give their children “African” names to celebrate their heritage. However, instead of researching actual African names, niggers just make shit up.

That's exactly what we want them to do with their babies.

“The two boys had “received burn marks on their bodies at some point,” according to Atlanta police. Investigators hauled an oven away from William’s Oakland City West End apartment on Howell Place.”


Niggers are cold blooded, man... fuck.

When you spend all the food stamps on liquor, you gotta do what you gotta do

thats why she put them in the oven user, warm them fuckers up

A town stays down, nigga.


How come most white kids get put in therapy on meds but black people don’t care about mental illness, let their crazy family members murder children?

Remember when black people invented conspiracies to explain why Sandra Bland killed herself in jail instead of admitting she had depression?

Oy vey!

it's hilarious how they include her on those killed by police stats.
>mawfucka no one went to jail for sandra bland
u got a suspect in mind nigger?

Uh, I see.

Actually African names sounds way better than nigger names.


“Father of two dead children holding tight to only remaining son”

> why did abandon your sons to a crazy bitch tho?

>Be black
>Get baked


This, African names are like "UeennGGGuunn-ehh-*KLICK NOISE* - *KLICK NOISE*"

>being so poor that you have children only to provide yourself with a cheap alternative to turkey for Thanksgiving

A whole new level of coal burning itt

>be Sup Forums

>want less black people

>feign outrage when black people make less black people

We need to incarcerate as many young black men to fund the prison industrial complex, killing them too early is waste of welfare.

why the fuck? normally I don't care about niggers bugging, but what the actual fuck. I can't imaging the pain those two boys went through...and the screaming...just how could she fucking listen to them burning to death?

>niggers bugging
phone posting
*niggers nigging

That's just fucked up. Not even ISIS does that shit let alone to children

She probably heard Jakarta and thought it would sound cool if she stole it and BLACKED it up like everything else

What did they mean by this?

Killary Favorite recipe molasta coming over?

Oh you know Tommy Sotomayor is covering this shit.

nigs boil/cook their kids all the time

The term is called "ghetto lobster" - look it up, it's a real thing

they dont desu lol
>AYO is a literal nigger name kek
but i agree its better if they use african names, that way they dont assimilate and will always be regarded as strangers

Jakarta is in Asia


This is why I laugh when people bring up the nog birth rate. The problem takes care of itself.

just beautiful diversity in action

Well most of them did vote for Hillary

Lel, ghetto lobster is one of my favorite memes.

That is some next level demonic shit

that snake is obese.

Behead and gas


I don't know how. But I bet this is the whitemans fault.

y'all should have heard the family on the radio & TV they had to be illiterate.....ghetto as hell.....this negroe queen was so mentally ill she streamed a video of herself firing up the kids on her smart phone and sent it to the night's theoretical daddy

Now Georgia Taxpayers are going to have to a doctor to declare her insane then pay for a trial, then pay to house her in prison the rest of its life.....

Negroes are cancer

Fake news. Those things don't happen in America.

That is the way of their people, user.

>the state failed her
Oy vey, consider the real victim here goyim

Think about how low we've sunk, Sup Forums. Decades ago, this sort of thing would be a nationwide famous case. But niggers do this sort of thing so much now its become mundane. The gang killings, domestic abuse, child/spouse killing, gang rapes of white women...nobody bats an eye at this behavior from blacks anymore. Why do we tolerate them?

i want less black people by way of sterilization , birth control and early term abortion. i don't want them to be killed, much less children, much less by barbaric and painful means.

>be faggot
>reddit space
>not see obvious redpill potential

Jakarta is already a blacked name. The actual name of the city is of course Batavia

Exactly. The Nazis gave eugenics a bad name. Eugenics can be implemented without killing quite easily.

Natural selection

This story would be superb if it was in pidgin. I wonder if bbc will pick it up

>tfw the first thing that pops into your head is oven roasted niglets UMA FELICIA

You've really ruined me Sup Forums

not really because while they are alive, short as it may be, they use up more public resources than any other group. it is better that they don't have kids in the first place rather than kill each other.

This is the third black woman in a few weeks that does that shit.
I can't even...not even Hannibal Lector could do such thing

She did the right thing

>she was probably standing outside the oven as they baked alive screaming "HOW YALL NIGGAS LIKE DAT? HOW YALL NIGGA LIKE DAT? TEACH YOU NOT TO PICK UP YOU DIRTY SHOES OFF MY FLOOR NIGGA"

Because bringing any of that up to normies would be met with "REEEEE! DAS RAYCIS!!!!". The system failed the blacks, user. It's not their fault. You can't actually expect grown up people to take responsibilities for their actions when they've been let down by the system.

good riddance desu senpai

Jess go in the oven, niggers on the tree.
Women can't do anything right.


It's our fault that they're poor even though they are paid to live by our tax dollars

2/3 of inner-city blacks are born as a result of both parties getting utterly shitfaced on cheap booze and having repulsive, unprotected sex in a filthy back alley. Looks don't even begin to enter the equation.

>blacks killing blacks
I don't see a problem here. If they're going to do our work for us, why worry about it?

Rip kids I hope it was quick death.

She just wanted a check

>A 24-year-old mother of four is accused of killing her two youngest sons “by placing them in an oven and turning it on,”
Please tell me they where jewish

Why do you think we're loading them up with lead in their water and cancer in their cheap foods.

PS don't shop at walmart.


>quick death
>didn't preheat the oven
this is nightmarish, why is it controversial to sterilize people the kids didn't deserve this I don't care how crazy she is not being born is a mercy compared to this

Hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha fucking animals!

less niggers. good

How is this a mental illness but chopping of your penis isn't?

>a result of both parties getting utterly shitfaced on cheap booze and having repulsive, unprotected sex in a filthy back alley. Looks don't even begin to enter the equation.
that's what it takes to exceed replacement rate

even if all that was an intentional gov't conspiracy to cull the population it's an idiotic waste because their medical care costs and housing subsidies cost taxpayers. the only thing you need to do is lace their products with is sterilizing agents. it goes back to the principle that killing people who are already here is not as efficient as simply ensuring that they don't breed. i won't jump on this macabre bandwagon of being happy when an innocent person dies just because they were black.

Jesus. I hope she gets the needle.



But my welfare these people need jobs to much time on their hands

can you imagine how horrible such a death is. Thats not what these little niglets deserve

They almost never execute women. With the probable mental health diagnosis coming, she might even be back on the streets one day.


I hate nigs with every fiber of my being, but I want them executed by hanging or firing squad. Cooking nig babies in an oven - without preheating it - is just something I wouldn't be able to do

clearly a victim of white supremacy

oh my god
what the FUCK how can they do this to their own children

dark skinned white woman kills two black children, oh why are whites so violent and racist

Good. Two less Niggers. Sad that she only killed two and not all four.

Oy vey it's another shoah

This, and also there are tastes for everyone. You should look at Sup Forums sometimes.
And it's probably better that we have here.

Crazy niggers. Give them an oven and you get an holocaust.

too lazy to get the abortions

Fucking roasties.

Republicunts want to stop Planned Parenthood because their base is retarded though.

The tragedy is she only got half f them to fit.

This. They are worse than animals

chekd and kekd

I know it's completely fucking terrible but seeing the black heart of the internet wishing this crazy cunt had atleast preheated the oven before she cooked her kids to death is just a little lol

So your God let her live but the people in Las Vegas had to get shot?