Sure didn't take long for everyone to forget about Las Vegas.
"Nothing to see here folks."
Sure didn't take long for everyone to forget about Las Vegas.
"Nothing to see here folks."
Other urls found in this thread:
I didn’t, I’m still making threads about it
What are you talking about? It's still like 50% of the airtime on all the talk radio I listen to daily.
There was literally nothing to see here. Waste of time distraction from Weinstein.
Every thread I post this picture in gets archived.
8ch net/pol/res/10761467.html for conversation
They're both good topics. Taking down Weinstein is kind of a big move, with lots of potential to pull up the corner of the rug further.
i could care less about vegas at this point, if it were a false flag operation we'd be seeing some kind of agenda pushed already all over the news day in and day out for the next month or 2
Nah, that's what makes it great is that it's such a clusterfuck they lost control of being able to develop a narrative that even normies are buying.
> Not caring about Vegas.
> In a Vegas thread.
Ok. Nothing to see here I guess. i think I'm getting sleepy, anybody else getting sleepy?
It's just that people here started off trying to figure this thing out. Now everyone has given up and moved onto nonsense like "let's talk non stop about jews" or some other nonsense. I had hope for this little community in the interwebs.
So much for autists.
If pic in is true, the first act is over and Trump won.
That's because the left wants everyone to stop thinking about it pronto because even fucking normies are connecting the dots and seeing it's a false flag
It's operation fast and furious 2: Vegas Boogaloo and they don't have a decade of absolute power to bury it like they did 9/11 for the jews
it’s nap time
It was supposed to be much more than what happened. Firefights all over Vegas occurred that night and beyond Vandalay no other civilians were harmed.
Would trap porn wake you up?
someone at /pol seems to be burying them. the las vegas threads get archived quick.
Anything that doesn't get constant bumps slides off into archive pretty quick. Thing is, what new stuff do we have to talk about that hasn't been talked about before? We're not even being COMPED fresh memes.
I posted a thread on the Utah Data center pertaining to this and it was quickly gone, like 1 minute.
Thw cospiracy narrative never took hold too many facts to keep it going. Better luck next time RUSSIA.
Because they do not want you to know about this: