I have made it my objective to come here and inform the Christians of this board of a looming danger that lies ahead of you. This danger runs the risk of denouncing Jesus Christ as the Son of God and blaspheming against the Holy Spirit and the Father. Christians identify Christ as God as he is the Son of God.

Now what have I come here to warn you about?

The Shahada.

The Shahada is an oath that Muslims take which declares Allah as the one and only true God and that Muhammad is his profit. This is blasphemy for Christians since Jesus, The Father and The Holy Spirit are God through a concept called the Holy Trinity. Taking this oath denounces this and calls Allah the one and only true God.


>Dude, Muslims believe in the same God!
No they don't. This is a misconception that has been made by many due to Allah and the Father being of same origin and given the same characteristics. Christians were given the Son to know who the One True God is and the Christians will find that God through Jesus.

>Why does it matter? Do you believe in magic?
No, but I believe in honoring my faith and my God like my ancestors before me. Taking an oath before another God is distasteful to me and I refuse to do it.

>Where would the Shahada be?
Well, considering that it is in elementary schools across the globe and the teachers are actually making them cite it then I see no reason for it not to start leaking into other aspects of our life.

>So what? You hate Muslims?
NO! I will not sit here and give my opinion of their faith (look at the information I am about to provide as I am trying to be unbiased as possible) but rather if they ask to know more of mine and actually want to acquire knowledge through the perspective of a Christian, then I will share that knowledge with them. My faith is not a persuasion into submission, it is an invitation.

Other urls found in this thread:





Jesus Christ is a kike on a stick.

Jesus is Lord and risen from the dead. I say it again Jesus is Lord and risen from the dead

The model to push is that Islam is not a religion. It wants converts, not for soul saving, but because on this Earth new converts are the slaves of longer-established Muslims. This is comparable to how they regard any territory that ever had a Muslim living in it in the past to be theirs. They are commanded to expand territory amd to never surrender any. That's not religious thinking, that's an expansionist government. Muslim religious scholars are in Muslim countries the legal scholars, they literally judge the legitimacy of government and impose binding decisions on citizens.

Atheism is a religion.

I believe in God. I don't believe that Jesus is god.

Tha fuck are you talking about?



Even SNOPES admits it!!!


There isn't much articles outside of that. There was an user whom admitted that it was taken as an oath at School in his Country Sweden. Can any Swedes confirm this being true?



I'll say it with you. Jesus is Lord and HE IS RISEN!

Sorry, I will help you understand and make it breif.

In Islam, the Shahada is an oath that denounces all gods except for Allah and that Muhammad was a prophet. The Christian cardinal sin is mistaking who our God is as it is considered blasphemy.

Jesus called Jews the Synagogue of Satan. Pretty sure he didn't like them and they didn't like him. he told them to stop being Jews and they killed him for it.


Yeah Jesus spoke the Truth. I don't disagree. Jesus is not to be worshipped as a God though.

And he will come back... Don't take my warning as a means to identify enemies. We need the Jews and Muslims to voluntarily want to be Christian and this can only be done through our actions. If they choose to ignore what they have observed, we don't need them.

how is what a warning to Christians when you address muslims in the end ?

Agnostic here. Happy to LARP as a Christian anytime you guys are ready to remove kebab.
>inb4 fedora
We wear flat caps.

you're all a bunch of fucking lunatics who were indoctrinated into this fairy tale belief system as children and now can't let it go

It's amazing how the human mind can be warped like plastic in this way. People will believe anything if subjected to simple marketing techniques. Companies know this full well, as do the political propagandists of the world. The mind is a malleable thing, but can be easily sculpted with scientific precision by a skilled wordsmith.

Everything you've been taught about your religion is a lie. A lie that's led to 10's of millions of dead across 6 continents, irrational political choices, and sheeplike masses led around with a ring in their nose by a ruthless elite

There are kikes, then there are Jews. Biblical Judaism is all but dead, hence the rise of Islam. Christianity is being murdered in the West by corrupt churches spreading false doctrines and the AMA pitching atheism and big pharma as everyone's new religion.

The only hope for Christianity is Russia. America declared war on God at Obama's DNC party. America has not repented from this or numerous other attacks on God.

Modern Islam has no respect for Christ, hence it has been hijacked by evil as well.

Christianity's last hope is Russia. America as it exists today is toast.


That's what the apostles told us to do though and that's why we obey. Christians still need to make sure they follow the scriptures and the gospel.

Also, if those whom challenge our faith claim with claims of revision; do your research on what being a scribe meant 2000 years ago. Record keeping was sacred in all cultures on the planet and it was considered the worst practice to not document what had happened or even change it to convey a strict meaning. This is taught in our schools and it is false. If it were true, do you think that the scribes would keep all those passages of Muhammad raping women, commanding to commit murder and marrying children? NO! Chronicles started getting revisioned the instant the press came in to the equation and then rather scripts being documents of history or knowledge; they became propaganda.

When Muslims keep saying that "The bible has been changed", take notice and challenge what they know of scripture and you will be surprised to find out that they know nothing and never will bother to know nothing unless they accept Jesus in their heart and take the Gospel as truth. They will perpetually blaspheme it just like Atheists, Communists and literally every other ideology that has ever existed.

Doesn't it ever shock you the amount of hate this one ideology gets? It's like every other idea tries to contort it or destroy.

How so? The only common thing we have is lack of belief in god then we are literraly different people who hate eachother a lot

>Muh 10 gorillion dead!
>Religion is a lie!

Lets see here....Marry was half Levitt and half of the tribe of Judah.Since it was a virgin birth you do the math
I believe the "kike's" you are referring to are impostors of the tribe of Judah called Kenites .

well we should also take into account that the bible was crafted specifically for control and certain portions were definitely left out/

You fucking heretic. Smile while there is still time....

Why the reconquista dude is fighting the fucking zulus? Kek
I knew moors had blacks in their ranks but not literraly a whole sub - saharan tribe

>The Shahada

Shadilay, my dude.

A jew is scared.....
Quickly, push for (((JESUS))), put some fears into goyim!!!!

Nope! You're done!

Die in the fires of hell, muslim pig.


Because complete disregard for all religions is working out so well for us... no, wait, we are having an extremely shitty time. The elites strive to break the faiths, break the families, in order to create a society of dependants so that everyone will be forced to rely on the government. Religion networks people, it fosters communities. No matter if that is Christian, Hindu, or Pagan. Each one strives to draw people closer together.

Personally I prefer Christain neighbors to Muslim, Christains don't want me dead.

Pitaj svoga popa zasto na nekim crkvama ima davidova zvezda. Pa ga pitaj odakle su ukrali badnjak i jelku. Pa ga pitaj koje su originalne slovenske paganske praznike oteli i napravili kao svoje.
Gledaj kako se profiter dusama i agent izraela pocinje znojiti ;)

Ne zaboravi da ostavis 10 evra prilog svake nedelje, dok svojim "svetim tajnama" sluze izraelu.

Em te kradu, em te lazu ;)

I nisam musliman, jer i to dolazi iz iste zidovske kuhinje, kao i hriscanstvo.

Istorija je fenomenalna stvar :)

idi se obesi

>I believe in honoring my faith and my God like my ancestors before me
how about following your ancestors by dying from plague, syphilis or something you fucking lunatic

Mozes i ti o crkveno zvono, sve govoreci u sebi "ISUSE HRISTE" odvedi me u carstvo nebesko Izrailja, i da budem sa prave strane kada NOVI JERUSALIM bude silazio sa neba i ostala sranja sa zadnje strane bablije.
Pod pretpostavkom da si citao tu lose napisanu kontradiktornu naucnu fantastiku gde su glavni akteri, gle slucajnosti, zidovi.

Zato dolazi vreme da, kada ljudi shvate da su prevareni, zapaliti svaku crkvu i vratiti nazad svoje paganske hramove, a svakog popa ubiti.

Onog momenta kada se to desi, ima da budemo Nemacka 2.0 u doba A.H.
I on je to uradio [bez ubijanja i zapaljenja], samo zabranio.

Za nepune 2 godine, svetska ekonomska, vojna, tehonoloska, medicinska super sila.
Kriminal je bio toliko nizak da se prestao evidentirati. Jer nije bilo zidova u politici i religiji.
Idi na spavanje!

Samo peni satanisto

this is so fucking dumb. you really think people are going to all of a sudden fear that Belief in Christ is Idol Worship? Why don't you go back to trying to get people to stop eating bacon or letting their dogs piss on your lawn.

>A dirty Arab Muslim in Canada trying to subvert through it's wicked Taqiya

Wow, who would've guessed. Fuck outta here you Arab dog. I'm desperately waiting for an official decree of a Holy war against you cunts. If it doesn't come, I'll find another outlet.

Now I can see why they have to wear body bags.

Hahaha, nazdravljam u ime mase koja sve vise i vise prica o crkvenoj pedofiliji, kradjama i manipulaciji.
Od cenovnika za "usluge" koje rade preko kurca, do automobila i nekretnine koje poseduju, do uticaja na politicku scenu....
Samo da se pokrene peticija da im se uvede fiskalna kasa i porez [sto bi i trebalo, sa obzirom da su privatna D.O.O. koja vrsi usluge], raspali bi se kao kula od karata za manje od pola godine. Ali nema potrebe. Za manje od 100 godina od sada, toliko ce biti slabi da ce biti predmet ismejavanja.
A vec sad jesu. Vec sada pocni da istrazujes svoju ukradenu istoriju, regligiju [slovenski paganizam] i pismo [vicansko].
Mada ne ocekujem previse, jer (((hriscanstvo))) i nauka ne idu zajedno....
Vise ste za ucenjivanje uljem i brasnom. U duhu vaseg rabija 'rista :)

A sto se tice Satane, da imas malo mozga, znao bi istoriju i mitologije, i koliko se originalnih Bogova pominje tamo.
Zidovi su prakticno SVE ukrali od raznih religija i upakovali kao svoje. Ali nemas blage veze o tome. Sedi dole, jedan!

10/10 in islam

>NOT hating islam and muslims

As a Christian you SHOULD hate them AS THEY ARE. So long as you are a wicked Christ-rejecting muhammedian you are an abomination and should be hated as the devil himself should be hated. They are diabolical faithless reprobates and every single muslim will go to the fires of hell forever unless they convert.

The faith of Christ is NOT an option.

>“… the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ… Nor is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name, under heaven, given to men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

>“If anyone abideth not in me, he shall be cast forth as a branch, and shall wither, and they shall gather him up, and cast him into the fire, and he burneth.” (John 15:6)

>1 John 5:11-12: “And this is the testimony, that God hath given to us eternal life. And this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son, hath life. He that hath not the Son, hath not life.”

>“Jesus saith to them: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

>“For this was I born, and for this came I into the world, that I should give testimony to the truth: every one who is of the truth, heareth my voice.” (John 18:37)

Every single muhammadean without exception will absolutely burn in hell forever unless they abandon their faithless diabolical sect and convert to Jesus Christ and are baptized, born again in water and the spirit (John 3:5).

You are right though OP, all who deny Jesus Christ and His Divinity will go into hell as well, so whoever affirms this diabolical doctrine of the muhammadeans will be cast away and condemned.

>Matthew 10:33 - But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
