World's Strongest Militaries

Thoughts? I think Norway should be a solid 3-4 on that list, but obvious things aside.

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Why is France's equipment on there when they'll just surrender it at the first sign of conflict?

dumb norwayposter

majority of our army is part time students at this point

Post URL faggot

France could push your shit in

I would like to fight the French

> Canada 22 vs UK 6

How is it being America's bitch?

India superpower 2020! You can't stop it. Pagans will rule the world once again. Krishna will slay Jesus and crush him under his mighty chariot.

I thought North Korea had more personnel? I've seen reports from 7 million active to 13 million active with several million on reserve?

How were the French one way under Napoleon, before becoming surrender monkeys in the greatest war?


Why can't you just admit defeat.

Norway has a highly respectable military in terms of quality, but sorry, no way you're 3 or 4. Top 10 without question in terms of skill, professionalism, and quality war tech for sure though.

I would certainly put Britain over India, and frankly, Japan shouldn't even be on the list as their "military" is literally just America's word to defend them in case of attack. Our navy base in Okinawa is in all reality an offensive line in the sand to Communist Chinese dominance in the East Asian sea, not to defend the Japanese or simply have a base near China as some may think.

In all honesty, the Chinese, while probably the western worlds most dangerous foe in terms of cyber attacks, have an utterly laughable military in terms of launching full scale violent war.

Why is North Korea so low
That would be quite an upset if we lose to them

While I don't disagree India's military is laughable in term of quality number can often have an inherent manner of force even when poorly led.

And Brazil...
They've never been attacked
Their president said they don't spend anything on military

They should be lower. Every able bodied citizen in NK has to join the military just like in most gook countries, however, only NK and the Chinese are desperate enough to list ALL the people who made it through vagina-tier boot camp and indoctrination as prepared for combat.

Nothing could be further from the truth in reality however. While NK scores very high in the "x factor" (willingness to kill and die for ones nation), they are still pitifully trained in everything but drill formation. The Chinese are trained pitifully all around (except for hacking), AND they truly have no X factor.

We don't really need it.

the absolute state of German military

Brazil has 5 aircraft carriers and their people live in shacks and eat monkeys. Get your priorities straight. Who is even going to attack you?

Historically speaking, absolutely, but think back to the gulf war. (Watch this if you need a refresher)

The tanks, jets, and war technology in general of most of the nations listed are so incredibly far behind those of NATO nations that its ridiculous. We have tanks that can hit a target 2+ miles away in the middle of a sand storm while moving 50 mph on bumpy terrain. You could have 1,000 old Russian tanks vs only one M1A3 Abram with 1000 shells, and the Abram would literally win 99.999% of the time unless the enemy got ridiculously lucky. I can not stress enough how easily virtually any standing army could be annihilated by NATO forces.