Who wins the battle of the red/green/whites?
Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy
And then the Mexicans outbreed them all
I'm talking Europe only you fucktards
>Green for basil
>White for mozzarella
>Red for tomato
Pizzaflag = best flag
>fratelli di pizza
i sometimes have a problem distinguishing some flags on Sup Forums
like NZ and Australia
or bolivia and Lithuania
Russia, Slovenia,Slovakia, the Netherlands , etc
Learn to flag
It really shouldn't be this hard. You might just be dumb. Sorry to tell you that mate.
Mexican flag has more colors than r/g/w.
Yeah I have the same problem with shit and argentina
we do.
chill el salvador
>saving pictures of half naked men on your computer
Literally look nothing alike.
>not saving pictures of half naked men in computer.
Where are Basque and Wales?
best way to deal with immigrants. 10/10
Since the David is perfection, this means that uncut > cut.
Homosexuals have to be put to the gallows
Obviously. Cut = less pleasure. Also, it's barbaric.
You probably don't even use your captives as manmeat you fucking leaf
David is supposed to be circumcised
Queerbecker detected, go to France I'm sure you'll enjoy the lack of barbarism there.
N-no, you.
That's not the biblical David
Canada is for the Anglo race only, this land should not allow foreign papist beasts to reside here. It's dangerous to the well being of our community
Lancea regis
>has a cut dick
I feel bad for you bro, truly.
Basque is not a country and Wales is a meme.
that's because you ain't white
I'm not circumcised
How about shut the fuck up fat fuck
>mediterranean diet
>fat fuck
Try again toothpaste.
That is a damn fine pubic mane.
But to translate it,the current hungarian flag colors mean red stands for strength,white for loyality and green for hope.
I have never seen a skinny Italian
All you eat is pasta, pizza, meatballs, gorlami and salami all day everyday
You guys are second only to Greeks
My neighbour is Hungarian, he's got this flag on his wall and an old map of Hungary showing the pre Treaty boundaries.
So,basically Italy has food on its flag,Hungary values.
Now you know everything you need to know about the difference between the two nations.
those angels look autistic
They have to be autistic,just look at our history.
Go back to R*mania
Thats the wrong assumption you have there,faggot.
You dont even know the difference between the coat of arms and a flag.
>being that arrogant
That's the official flag of the Kingdom, not the degenerate republic fuck off piece of shit commie Republican
Le Québec libre.
I dont even know what the fuck you think you talking about
You're talking stupid crap aboit the coat of arms, I'm not talking about the arms I'm posting the true flag of Hungary. I think you're the shit poster, stop stealing your neighbours wifi gypsy
>this larping
fucking leafs
What Larping am I doing exactly Ivan?
they're all pretty based desu
That is not the flag of the kingdom, that flag was used 1915-1918 and was a variant flag of Austria-Hungary.
This is the flag of the kingdom...
Don't tell me about my country, the flag I posted is the true original one, that's the cucked secular version that we had before socialist, Bolshevik, atheist, liberals took over
You said our neighbor was Hungarian?
L'anima mia è candida spuma di mare,
rossa come il sangue sopra il mio pugnale,
verde come il prato che l'aurora bagna,
ma il mio cuore è nero e vuole la battaglia
(Laude all'Eroismo Ardito, lyrics)
> My soul is pure white as sea foam,
> red as the blood dripping on my dagger
> green as the fields wet by morning dew
> yet my heart is black and demands battle
We should be proud of Quebec. They are the only patriots. The rest of Canada is cucked.
Yeah he's Hungarian
They're the most liberal, most atheist part of Canada
But they also hate anyone who isn't French. I respect that. They care about their culture and language.
But I do admit they are annoying as fuck.
t b h pastaly has the only nonugly g/r/w flag
Filthy phoneposter.
Your flag is the same color as my diarrhea when I wipe a tad too hard and there's blood. This is what happens when Russians pretend they are not Russians.
>being proud of Queebs
I don't care, atheist sodomite liberal Bolsheviks hate everyone who isn't one of them.
why don't you wipe your bloody ass from all the butthurt now? should probably check in with a doc too.
The lego gas company
Hungary is a shitty country with bad values
We have the highest divorce rate in Europe (70%) and our woman are vapid whores
le based xD hungary maymay has to die
Italy would curb stomp both mongrel countries
Go back to R*mania
lol why are the leafs so riled up? is it because it's autumn?
Go to Italy dumbfuck, practically everyone is thin.
Pretty sure Hungary's colors were Red White Green first, and Iran, Italy, Bulgaria and Kurdistan are just copying the based Magyar.
Royal crest
A challenger has entered the arena
Bulgarians seem pretty based desu. And I feel bad about what shitbag Churchill did to Sofia during the war.
No. I heard it's shit from people who travelled there, and full of gypsy beggars who are violent and crazy and try to rob you. Europe is a shithole, nobody I know who's travelled to Europe enjoyed it every single person I know who's been to Europe got robbed
Irans was pink before it was red
Cuz no one checked my get, I live for (You)s
The first Persian tri colour was used in 1907, 70 years after Hungary
t. bulgar in london
Nobody cares if a leaf has a get, it happens all the time to us.
Fpbp. Came here for the based Shias
Also are you Iranian? I know an Iranian who has a Finnish citizenship.
ey ey jose where is mehico??
There's a lot of degenerate Iranian shills here, all muhammedans need to face the gallows
I love me some hungarian pussy. Hungarian women always seem horny to me and they are fairly easy to dupe in the way that they are actually waiting for you to say anything to them so you would fuck them. They also prettier than the whores located more to the east who are interested mainly in material benefit and will fuck with you if you show them you have a good income and that you are a wealth person. Most foreigners I talked to refer to them as "curva" or "tarfa" as they are the no1 whores of Europe. Yes they are the romanian women.
The harlots who would lay with a R*manian are irrelevant to me, the bible says to kill anyone who lays with a beast
Tajikistan wins.