Are we ever going to get closure on this incident?
Are we ever going to get closure on this incident?
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Don’t let this shit slide
He's been dead since his weekend at Bernie's.
when will these people learn that you have to get online, start streaming and dropping videos revealing every red pill you got or else they will disappear you? if you do this, you are giving yourself way better chances at staying alive from the deep state.
Wait, what the fuck is this even about? I keep seeing this guy's face here? Las vegas? Does this have somethi NH to do with Paddock?
Ice pick through the brain
Where the hell is his family? Has anyone contacted them?
They’re not even trying to be discrete
he has been moved to his next CIA posting.
This is spooky as fuck. You'd think he would've come out by now knowing all these reports about his disappearance. This is way too serious. And Fox to even be reporting on it. These democrat assassins are getting sloppy and desperate.
Literally seconds ago I questioned if this story was now pretty much 'yesterdays news' ?! Isn't it weird, all the late nights & early hours digging to come up with a bunch of solid questions amounts to nothing solely because the media aren't playing ball. It's going to take an all out physical war against the deep state if we're ever going to break free of this corruption.
google fuckboi
That pic isn't even him
He's dead.
The "shooter" was also dead during his photos.
He got mossaded.
>The Mandalay Bay security guard who disappeared last week moments before he was scheduled to break his silence in television interviews has not been seen since he went to a walk-in health clinic, his union president said.
>David Hickey of the Security, Police, and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) told reporters Friday that he got a text the night before saying Jesus Campos was taken to a UMC Quick Care facility, though he did not specify where or whom the text came from.
>A spokesperson at the UMC Quick Care, which has eight locations throughout the Las Vegas area, told Fox News on Monday that they had "heard nothing" about Campos visiting them.
>Hickey has said that before he vanished, Campus was looking forward to telling his side of the story.
>"Right now I'm just concerned where my member is, and what his condition is. It's highly unusual,” Hickey said Friday. “I'm hoping everything is OK with him and I'm sure MGM or the union will let (media) know when we hear something," he said.
You literally can't make this shit up.
so... no one can find him whatsoever???? campos shooter timeline when?
>Jesus Campos was actually there but he knew something he shouldn't
>Flip flop story
>You are my hero
>there is footage online that he was a guard at hotel, but he had no actual file and he was added by the CEO of MGM
>They take him a week later to a restaurant
>One of the photos still has EXIF data, EXIF data was promptly scrubbed
>It contains the date 1 day before the official date of the meeting
>he looks actually dead
>photo contains GPS data that points to the hotel Monte Carlo
>Hotel Monte Carlo is owned by MGM
>MGM also owns Mandalay Bay
>MGM Resorts International CEO is James J. Murren
>James J. Murren
>James J. Murren is a member of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council
>The National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) is a United States government advisory council, which advises the President of the United States on the security of information systems in banking, finance, transportation, energy, manufacturing, and emergency government services.
>Obama extended the functions of the NIAC until September 30, 2017
>Each advisory committee listed below is continued or, to the extent necessary, reestablished until September 30, 2017.
>Another Trump panel has taken a hit after eight out of 28 of its members resigned en masse. Members of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC), which advises Homeland Security on matters of cybersecurity, have dropped out of the panel due to several reasons. In the resignation letter obtained by NextGov, they said the president doesn't give enough attention to the country's cyber vulnerabilities. "You have given insufficient attention to the growing threats to the cybersecurity of the critical systems upon which all Americans depend, including those impacting the systems supporting our democratic election process," the letter reads.
>Has anyone contacted them?
There's a goon standing outside their house at all times and they're under a gag order.
So, nigga's missing again? He was missing pre-Hannity, allegedly went to Kanye Clinic, and is now missing again?
How a nigga gonna go double missing? baka FBI
Yep. Laura Loomer showed up with camera guy. Video shows Loomer at the front door, some woman answers from behind barely cracked open door, woman says she can't talk, closes door. Security guard working for OnScene security arrives. Shoos Loomer away from house. Loomer asks guard a bunch of questions., Guard offers no answers.
Did anyone actually see him at the clinic? Article says a text message is the only source on that.
>campos shooter timeline when?
Campos was at the scene of the shooting 6 minutes prior to it commencing, apparently got shot, didn't contact hotel security or police, no one reported the shot.
Campos was at the scene for the entirety of the shooting, didn't contact hotel security or police.
Campos was joined by his maintenance worker friend for the remainder of the shooting, neither of them contacted hotel security or police.
Campos was the first person the Police encountered at the scene of the shooting after the shooting had stopped.
Until I see evidence as to what exactly Campos and the Maintenance Worker were doing during the shooting they're every bit as likely to be a suspect as Paddock, and the fact that their timelines have changed despite the fact the Police would have had CONCRETE evidence of their movements thanks to Hotel security footage proves that there is no hotel footage.
>Did anyone actually see him at the clinic? Article says a text message is the only source on that.
>A spokesperson at the UMC Quick Care, which has eight locations throughout the Las Vegas area, told Fox News on Monday that they had "heard nothing" about Campos visiting them.
Honestly, I never bought that he was there. It seemed like just a way for them to hacky-sack the narrative as it pertains to him. They needed him to stop being "missing," cue clinic story, it only lasts so long, now he's back to officially missing status.
>didn't contact hotel security or police, no one reported the shot.
PD changed their story on that. Most recently they said that both Campos and maintenance guy Schuck did report it to hotel dispatch.
Campos should be able to answer the question about the locked adjoining door. So should the maintenance worker.
this weekend at bernies adventure keeps getting more convoluted.
Oh, also Schuck was apparently nearby when Paddock was shooting in to the hallway. That's according to Schuck himself.
Guys im sleepy. Have a bump
ITT average person suddenly finds himself the subject of a conspiracy in an internationally-known mass murder event. he quits his job and lays low, now that his whole life is badly shaken.
So how many dead witnesses there are already? 3 or 4? Just a coincedence i'm sure.
Possible. Sure.
He saw who the shooter actually was and they didn't want to risk it.
This is getting ridiculous
You need to shut the fuck up about that. We are talking about Jew power brokers fucking gentile women and niggers kneeling for another week at least.
>PD changed their story on that. Most recently they said that both Campos and maintenance guy Schuck did report it to hotel dispatch.
Do we have a time for that?
I mean I feel like if they'd reported it when Campos supposedly got shot, 6 minutes before the shooting, that whole floor would have been FULL of hotel security.
This is irrelevant.
Stop asking questions.
>"Right now I'm just concerned where my member is, and what his condition is. It's highly unusual”
this all sound perfectly legit, dont see the problem? If more anons were wise like this man, and simply looked out for the wellbeing of their own member, our brave and hard-working public servant like sherruff Joe & the alphabets, MGM incorporated and just everyone else could get on with their work in peace, freed from this constant media harassment, doubt and outright mistrust.
The pieces are coming together user.
I bet you he was drugged during the photo shoot so not to say anything he shouldn't or so no one would believe him if he did, just before being dragged away.
you mean ICE got him
Democrat snakes...
This needs to be uncovered...
Lombardo did not specify exact time but basically said between 9:59 and 10:05. Why it took police until 10:17pm to arrive on the 32nd floor is one of the many mysteries. If you listen to the scanner from that night, there's nothing on there about Campos, Schuck, or even the 32nd floor until well after all this allegedly occurred.
Qabnoosh operatives were ignored by TSA and supposedly dropped off the radar two days prior.
Why did the CIA niggers do this?
Campos without the red eye flash
Doing that just proves you are a paranoid scizophrinic which makes it all the more believable when you are found with both wrists cut twice and hanged in a room with no chairs.
>(((union leader)))
we know when the unions say somebody's disappeared, they stay disappeared
>dat transorbital lobotomy tho
the wonders of modern medical science
they don't even need to use the eye sockets anymore!
they just drill right in there!
it's truly amazing
very convincing, kike
would that count as destruction of evidence?
"Right now I'm just concerned where my member is"
>UMC Quick Care does not provide emergency services. Urgent Care is available on a walk-in basis for minor emergencies such as, but not limited to, most cuts, most fractures, colds and other respiratory problems, ear infections, and abdominal pain.
There you go. As is evident from the photos, or a quick mirror-fog test, Jesus was obviously suffering from a respiratory problem. Case solved, no conspiracy here either.
Call me a cuck shill cunt, but I just wanted to pose this retarded question: Given the use of 'crisis actors' at all these incidents, are we to believe that not one single person has ever broken cover to reveal the true nature of their employment? They were desperate enough to be looking for employment on Craigslist, but not desperate enough to sell their story? Also, from 9/11 onward, can someone give me an estimate of the number of people that would now be in on the whole 'false flag' industry? Just a rough guess will do. My guess would be low thousands. So assuming that was close, are we to believe that not one of those people would feel compelled to spill their truthful guts as they lay on their cancerous deathbed? Or they wouldn't tell a family member who then told someone else and so on. Please don't reply with Shill, Cuck or Cunt.
The Shill Cuck Cunt.
fuck off CIA
>tfw its taking 2 long to find a body double
Somebody post the nick falco twitter bomb.
That shit is spicy
the fuck are you talking about
youd be concerned if your member was that unusal too.
no need for that attitude, Sir. have you then no respeck for authority? I'll have you dropped out of my helicopter, you dont watch it.
>Jesus Campos found dead with a shotgun wound on the back of his head
>Police say it was a suicide wound.
Jesus Angel Campos committed suicide by strangling himself to death while being shot in the back of the head twice with a shot gun, then buried himself in a shallow grave somewhere outside of Vegas in the desert.
Since when does a key witness, dubbed a hero, disappear where his family is under a gag order, house guarded by a 'security company' with no known physical address and expired business license? In addition to all that, not one person in upper management from the hotel, not one police officer, not one lawyer representing Jesus Angel Campos has come forward to speak on his behalf.
This shooting is a cover up. I am beginning to think he is patsy #2.
Hillary got another hit.
I can't wait for the fucking YouTube documentary shit on this
If Sandy Hook got fucking 3 hours, all the crazy shit with this is gonna be at least 6 hours
gtfo newfag
That's all we'll ever get, more youtube conspiritard shit, nothing of substance.
Interesting thread here. Possible privileged infos: TL;DR Compos is secured in an LA condo being prepared for litigation. He went into the clinic after an anxiety attack. He and Paddock were on a first-name basis and Compos had been in Paddock's room at least twice.
He needed to set up 24/7 LIVESTREAM on YouTube even when he was sleeping and taking shits just need headshot to make sure he's still blinking. Gotta stay alive.
That pic
>hi, uh, we're here for the LARP? Is this the LARP?
Unless he was in on it then ur toast either way. But livestream would make people think ur innocent and trying to stay alive nonetheless
Puto is prob back in Mexico with MS-13 amigos sharing the loot the 3 letter gang paid him.
I pulled that outta nowhere idk what larp even stands for. Total clueless
The normies are not happy about this.
You can stop being a faggot at anytime
Especially since mainstream shit is brushing it away for the Hollywood Jew scandal
>now just relax, remember the script and keep an eye on the monitor here as we hold your childrens pets over the fire..
the pic in op doesn't look like the same person in the other photos
Burried in the desert, as they do in Vegas.
The gubment has know his motives for days but they haven't finishes concocting the lies they are going to tell we the people
This. Its jimmy hoffa all over again.
Good point but u only need about 5 key crisis actors. As far as 9/11 building were demoed and they miscalculated casualty count based on evacuation times and unsuspecting fires in areas blocking key exits.
I'm getting sleepy. Why don't we all go to bed.
I think that's because you don't look like you when you're dead
in fact, that's one of the reasons people are so freaked out
you're right, they don't look the same
they are the same person but they do not look the same
that does tend to happen when you die
I actually hope so
Jesus seems like a nice lad
You're a Larper with the script to accuse others of larpers and slide important shit GTFO uncontributable piece of non-recycled -not even worthy of a bin - piece of trash
UMC Quick Care doesn't have a record of him ever visiting them. It says so right there in the article.
My money is on MGM kidnapping Campos to prevent him from talking to the media. Something shady was going on in Mandalay Bay and they don't want any more info reaching the public, fearing that someone might be able to connect the dots.
Totally plausible and even likely, but why wait until he's just about to go on camera? Cold feet? Or did they find something out just in time to change their minds?
maybe he just took a spic step back.
all this white life in the hot-scene of the news was too much for him.
mexicans are very simple
bump, delicious monkey soup being delicious as always
Shotgun wound to the back of his head?
You know what a shotgun does to a human head?
Around that same time, investigators changed the story, saying that Campos was shot BEFORE the massacre. And the media started wondering whether the hotel did enough to stop it. MGM is just afraid of losing lawsuits over this.