Tila Tequila drops the dirt on how she was drugged and pimped out in Hollywood.
She also names her pimp: Gina Rodriguez
She also names Michael Scott, a "trailer park magnate," as the host of numerous rape parties.
Tila Tequila drops the dirt on how she was drugged and pimped out in Hollywood.
She also names her pimp: Gina Rodriguez
She also names Michael Scott, a "trailer park magnate," as the host of numerous rape parties.
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why does she look like a crack addict now tho
My dad didn't fight in Vietnam and kill a bunch of gooks so this bitch can post on YouTube.
Fuck outta here OP.
this obvi desu
No make up and drugs.
She's dying her hair in the video. She also doesn't have fuckloads of makeup on
>why does she look like a crack addict now
probably from the consumption of crack cocaine
this is what gooks look like without make up
what this the user that posted saying they were going to release info friday?
shit like this is what makes me doubt the existence of actual organized high level pedo rings. She's obviously mentally fucked from decades of drug use and degeneracy and she's talking about being surrounded by agents who "forced" her to do coke? Why aren't there mentally stable individuals coming forward providing clear, coherent information and not going off into ancient aliens tier rants? And don't say "WELL THEY WERE MENTALLY DAMAGED BY THE ILLUMINATI" because there are plenty of people with fucked up upbringing/experiences that don't act crazy and self-important.
Gina Rodriguez was the manager of Octomom and got her to do some pathetic solo porn.
She was absolutely perfect until she got the tits.
No makeup retard
Looks like an evil latina pimp.
This bitch been insane for years.
>literal nobody making up shit for the hundredth time to get back in the limelight
>cum dumpsters and mgtows team up to fuck over tradcons and feminists
>Trump is president
>cat tacos
What timeline are we in?
I still thinks she looks good. I think it's prob crack like all anons have pointed out and just shitty plastic surgery aging. She didn't look like this when she was a young adult. But you are right, she is still a Goddess and a force of nature to be respected.
I wouldn't take anything schizo Tila says at face value...
>rape parties
Meaning orgies you willingly participated in at the time?
That's a picture of a separate actress with the same name.
This is her on the right. Lindsay Lohen's Dad in the middle.
She's the "queen of the d-list".
Literally just a roastie claiming rape due to latent regret.
She might have some self induced schizophrenia caused by drug abuse like amanda bynes. Or that all might be cover up for the emotional damage which results in mental illness which results in self medication using drugs all caused by severe abuse.
The fuck is point of that gif?
dosen't mince words does she
based fucking tila
she really let herself go. might have to revoke honorary white status.
I love her but she is very slightly insane, her brain is really cool. Sometimes she'll be talking and then just be like FUCKING CRUSH THE JEW PARASITES out of nowhere.
idk showing hitler doing an awkward handshake
I mean in regards to her, it fairly obvious she was a Hollywood pump and dump tbqwyf
Hold on a second, how the fuck is this BAMN whore related to Hollywood?
S-so the celeb user from last friday was this whore?
Weinstein is a distraction from the Vegas shooting. I wasnt sure until this morning when we are still talking about it. Its a 2 day story tops. No one is shocked by this. No one is talking about it IRL. No one even cares, whores are whores acting is a dumb job, its not what you know its who you fuck.
Meanwhile witnesses are disappearing, the official narrative is a proven lie and doesnt exist anymore, cell phones have been wiped, there are hundreds of witnesses to other shootings.
Now you are shilling with a stupid ass Tila Tequila story? This bitch is enabler not a victim.
We need to make hollywood great again.
Reminder that in 1993, a lot of people reported finding syringes in their Diet Pepsi and every single one of them was fake except the first case which was some old people likely forgetting/not knowing that their diabetic friend disposed of his insulin syringe in an empty can.
But I was always told (((they))) didn't like nazis
I can't listen to her incoherent droning for more than 10 seconds before my mind begins to wander.
She is definitely trolling. I'm so fucking sure of it. Wouldn't even be surprised if she was the OP.
Proof she's just fucking around: youtube.com
Sounds like someone is covering their asses more than telling the truth in the article.
>Mussolini and Hitler atte(...).webm
It's just after he escaped a bomb explosion.
>Made a career being a whore.
She needs $hekels to retire.
this bitch is Sup Forums incarnate
Hitler being autistic and having no idea how to shake hands.
the anti-mason handshake
i always liked this pic of them together best