Can mods please explain why a thread for discussing political issues that impact the LGBT community isn't allowed on the politics board? It's not our fault that the user-base derails it.
Can mods please explain why a thread for discussing political issues that impact the LGBT community isn't allowed on...
no gays
this is not a politics board
and also
NO GAYS ... yuk
go to /lgbt/ no one here cares about you faggot.
Hmm, really activates those almonds...
>have your own board
>full of degenerates like yourself
>choose to come and try to spread AIDS and degeneracy here
>get gassed and threads deleted
>Oh Vey..its like a Gay Shoah!
just not your issues. we also have the meme flag so faggots can oust themselves. like your own personal gold star. now leave.
We're allowed to discuss political issues just like you.
Do you really think you’re people too?
Because mental illness isn't a political issue.
What was it in particular you wanted to discuss in regards to the fag issue?
Go someplace else faggot.
We don't discuss mental disorders as politics.
I mean seriously don't you have some kind of fucking closet chat you can go to
Your lifestyle is disgusting and you should be in prison sodomite
you sexual proclivities are not politics
Even if you classify it as a mental illness, the laws that affect people who have this mental illness are a political issue.
They have a queer containment board for you sick fucks, isn't that enough?
Stop contaminating Sup Forums with your Aids filled texts
The goal of the thread was to get differing viewpoints on the subject matter as opposed to views commonly agreed upon in the LGBT community. You retards can't seem to get that.
If there's some specific current topic related to lgbt, I think that's reasonable, but I saw a general about it. lgbt doesnt need a constant general thread here, it has it's own board.
Alright, then. What do you want to talk about? Last I checked, we aren't locking gays up in asylums or stripping them of their rights.
With how the political climate is changing, I give it ten years before it's legal to kill homosexual openly in the streets
nice bait you fucking nig nog.
I'll give you a differing viewpoint. Faggotry is a sin, it goes against nature. Also pedophiles are disproportionately gay men (about 1/3 pedophiles are gay men, thats pretty high since you faggots are only about 1% or so of the population. so heres some advise, keep your hands off children and out of this board.
Ok, there’s one valid viewpoint: stop being mentally ill, you degenerate. Stop pretending you’re normal, find a nice girl, start a family and have children.
There, I’m glad we’ve had this conversation. Now go back to your AIDS pool.
Kek doesn't lie. Look at those numbers.
So many racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic people here ... FUCK OFF
Just try to be gay in peace.
maybe their pool is closed?
you get a gold star
/r/ ban on this fag.
Let the doorknob slam you in the ass. At least you can go away with something.
so many mentally ill fags here
Dude, wtf? You're kind of being a bigoted jerk.
You can probably understand why some folks are leery of slimy progressive infiltrating tactics. Just be normal about your homo bullshit and it should be alright.
Degeneracy (homosexuality included) go from invisible, to repressed, to hidden, to tolerated, to allowed, to applauded, to mandated.
It is how countries die.
It is how empires die.
I think it is generally the opinion of most people here that the world would be a better place without homosexuals. It's not that hard to figure out. You're probably not going to get much diversity of opinion here, so if you're looking for validation or something why don't you go to another place to try to find it. DON"T FORGET TO SAGE PEOPLE.
...and I was going to give you guys the benefit of the doubt. Sneaky alinsky style tactics are creepy as fuck and it is clear your mind is infested with them. Fuck off.
Two trips of truth in quick succession. Kek has spoken.
How is the gay agenda not like the Nazi party?
>condemning any viewpoint that doesn't promote homosexual ideals
>flag, symbolism and group mentality
>"loud and proud" being an intimidation technique to non-homosexuals
>non-inclusive mentality (non-homosexuals not always welcome)
Why can't homosexuality just be a sexual choice and not a lifestyle?
Why can't homosexuals be concervative?
Why all the flamboyancy and propaganda?
Why on Sup Forums? You literally have a board for discussion.
No >>>/hetro/ board on Sup Forums for us cis/hetrosexuals who brows Sup Forums? Why? No equality!
>le praise kek digits! XD
nu-Sup Forums is cancer.
This. Homos I know there are some of you with the decency to crush the pervert marching types. Just post here without being all pervy and also don't slip the progressive mind control in.
>OP is gay
>Thinks world revolves around him and his issues.
>Comes to Sup Forums seeking validation
Kek, now please leave and
I have never known a gay guy to whine this much.
You deserve the title of faggot.
can you please explain why you're trying to take up space where you already know that you're not wanted
Wow the Bolivian flag is close to the LGBT flag lol.
>Said the lgbt faggot
Faggot. Kill yourself.
you like being hated, that's why you're here.