What the fuck are we doing there?

>be American
>die in deadly nigger ambush

>What the fuck are we doing there?

Killing nigers.

ISIS has infiltrated Nigger now?

>country literally named nigger

>shaped after chicken leg

>deadly nigger ambush

just like stateside

>still have questions
>trump wont say

Trump won't say what? He can't tell you?
He'll say something when the time is right.
It's a fucking guarantee.

wow sergei is right, it's kinda looks like chicken stick

who the fuck knows. israel waging billions of wars everywhere.


btw. nice country shape+name combo

dude, the country looks like a chicken leg

We were establishing drone base(s).

>CNN using the n word
what the actual fuck

Their government is moderately friendly to US. Secular muslim country (thanks france) Surrounded by countries infested with terrorists.

Agadez is a major human trafficking hub and....uranium mines...

What are you doing in the middle east?
What are you doing in north africa?
What are you doing in south america?
What are you doing outside of the united states?

Hint; it's not 'defense'

And getting more political refugees this time Niggers,

This is an 18+ board

>this is an argument in america

This was the place they claimed saddam was buying yellow cake from.

>its another americans bombing brown people episode