Would you eat dinner with her, Sup Forums?

Would you eat dinner with her, Sup Forums?

Sure. Is she on the menu?

Are we eating cock?

No, I hate eating in front of or with people. I prefer eating alone so I can shove my face like a pig.

I'm eating alone tomorrow night since it's my last meal alive

You typically don't eat while not alive, dude.

What I'm saying is its my last meal before I die

What are you having? I'd stuff myself with greasy junk food until I was about to burst so I'd leave a huge mess for some poor wageslave to clean up when my bowels evacuate themselves.

But that's my point - wouldn't it be your last meal period? Why specify the being-alive part?

Probably going to pick up something expensive.

Why not?
If I said it was my last meal. that would sound weird. Especially if there's an afterlife

>Especially if there's an afterlife
You ain't going to Gensokyo bro

You don't know that

Just don't bother to spend time thinking about what kind of meals you would have there.

It helps me not be nervous.

Well, good luck with the electric chair.

Kotori is love

that y looks like a ч.
are you russian?

everyday. kotori is best waifu

>Would you eat dinner with her, Sup Forums?
do i get to bite her ass at this dinner? for a teenager she's pretty stacked and has a nice ass.

>Long black-haired bishojo

Guys, remember when Hayami used to voice other characters?

What do you mean? Last meal is an actual phrase that's used for this exact purpose


I want to eat sushi off of Kotori's nude body.
You know she'd be totally into that.

As long as I don't have to pay for her food.

You tomorrow too? I'm gonna try getting a shotgun tomorrow after payday. Gonna go drive and find a nice place to camp out, wait for the sunrise.



i want to shove a cock that big in her.

Only if I get to grope her during the cooking.

i would fill her belly, if you know what i mean. also sensei is a stone cold motherfucker. his waifu probably hasn't even finished decomposing yet and he's already out hunting pussy

Is there good food?

>Hayami Saori

But that's some premium teenage pussy and not a wasted one after birth.

Nigga the pussy out hunting HIM.

Fuck off.


Will there be enough for my retarded daughter?


If she stammers one time she gets the dick.



He could become a zombie, zombies still eat.


>Seducing a recently widowed single father with food and acting as a mother figure for his daughter

but that's ok because her friend is cool with it

She voiced Shirayuki, Shinoa and the blonde girl from that witch anime literally last year. And there's also that german boat in KanColle.

Only if her friend comes too.

She is voiced by (so far) my fav seiyuu so yes.

She's a big girl.

She's a hungry girl.

For such a thin girl, she can really eat a lot

Sex require a lot of energy as well as pregnancy

>are you

Only if my daughter allows it.

Only if she promises to read the manga.

>That's mommy...I heard when I'm an old lady I'll be able to see her again.


Call me when you get there.

Why is Kotori's friend so cute?

>makes you cry
user, frogs belong in swamps

Oh my god Sup Forums.

it's all about the fang

Kotori will marry sensei eventually before Tsumugi brings her boyfriend to meet her dad, except sensei falls in love with other girl

I agree with this, but also because the sight and sound of other people eating makes me feel sick and irrationally angry.

She makes me wish my older sister was more caring.

>she will never be real


Why does she have hentai face?

>high school student
>a teacher who lost his wife
>making and eating dinner together

I wonder...
