>this intimidates the average trump supporter
This intimidates the average trump supporter
it turns me on
want a trophy you fucking gay cunt?
Why would that be the case?
And what are you sliding?
it's actually pretty hot
im going to rub my pp very fast
Basic math is supposed to intimidate us?
Care to explain how?
Trump supporter here.
Not intimidated.
Am very hungry for that ass tho.
Bitch do some computational fluid dynamics instead of this garbage. Oh ODE are so difficult..... fuckin plebian
Definitely not basic math, but still I don’t get the point op is making with this slide thread
They can't deal with smart attractive females.
Literally all of their beliefs are based in women being dumb or ugly.
I admit I am intimidated by her two pairs of underwear. She must have a HUGE roastie to need 2x support
That math is actually pretty trivial
It's basic ordinary differential equations.
I'd make those scribbles turn into broken chalk quick.
Someone post the full album pls.
Made me kek
introductory university calculus....WOW IM TERRIFIED!!
The cheap counterfeit underwear?
No but a confident, intelligent and sexually liberated female does though.
Is this the super geinous that Stephen Hawking has declared the next Einstein?
Why is she wearing underwear in the classroom?
i rub my pp i rub my pp i rub my pp i rub my pp
did you even read the math? Its 2nd year uni level, not basic but not worthy of taking a pic over
Great bait OP you little faggot
It's pretty fucking basic if you're in college
I'm not Intimidated when i have an erection.
Do girls actually wear clothes like this in class now? Serious question.
Calculus is basic math, you should learn it in at least high school, it’s one of the most foundational ways to deal with he world around you. Deriving/integrating are as basic as multiplication and division.
Asians learn this in middle school (and you should feel bad about that)
How should that scare someone?
>wears panties and boxers simultaneously
so confident.
so intelligent.
so sexually liberated.
>retarded faggot can't into ODEs
>assumes Sup Forums is math illiterate as well
>retarded faggot is retarded
good thread
amazing what a professor has to do to get her classroom full of niggers to pay attention these days.
confident? How so?
intelligent? How so?
oh man differential equations with laplace so "impossible"
q(t) + Pp = Sx
Its high school math or normal school math if you're in a high ability class.
Exactly this is undergrad level shit
simple High School math scares Sup Forums? YIKES!
Yea that underwear sucks. Talk about not being comfortable
stop believing your own bullshit, for your own good dude.
Why does she have two pairs of underwear on and have man thighs?
so checked
Must be true. Not a Trump supporter (better than Hillary, so thank Allah for that), and I'm rock-hard looking at that pic.
>that ass
implying women don't fall into that role through instincts. If you are at the top you are alone as a female.
damn people still wear bjorn borg
An intelligent woman to have children with? Sounds good to me.
double underpants would intimidate anyone, idiot
>Underwear is only comfortable if it's rubbing against your anus all day
Fucking women
Why the fuck is she wearing two sets of panties?
go get your refill of Truvada you disgusting sodomite.
That’s a complicated sandwich recipe.
Eighth graders? I thought schools had dress codes.
incontinence due to being railroaded by miles of BBC
I'll let her do the math and I'll make the sandwiches. How progressive of me :^)
could it be that dumb bitches exist everywhere?
not everything is a conspiracy.
>ywn push her up against those chalkboards before flipping her around and licking the chalk off her tits and abs
The female roles have changed a lot this last century, they could be doing whatever they wanted.
why is she in underwear
and why is she wearing two boxers
This is all I could see. Fucking two waist bands triggered my autism
>an average looking thot thinks too highly of herself
That explains the first part, but what about those chunky legs?
Why would this intimidate me?
You are aware of what party was originally for female rights, right?
The same party that:
>Teaches women to shoot would be rapists and assaulters
>Has the higher rate of happy women
>Treats women with respect
>Higher rate of marriage
>Overall more attractive QTs
But go ahead, have your feminist wildebeests and skanks. We want family girls
ayyy lmao
How about a solution to the jewish problem?
Am I the only one here who can't do math like this for shit?
Why is she wearing two pairs of underwear?
It kinda gets my dick hard.
>Not sure why she's wearing two undies.
Nope, but lazy does not equal dumb.
Trump supporter here. I've been fucking smart attractive females my whole life.
Feminism ruined women, and they don't even realise it. They blame their depression rates on anything but themselves, women once unleashed truly are disgusting.
this ODE, anyone who has done an engineering degree did this in their sophomore year. It is by all means basic math
another insecure intellect signalling liberal faggot. You're not fooling anyone tho, dumbass.
I hate differential equations desu phams
>basic bitch
shh don't ruin the moment
Learning math requires logic, that does not mean she is not a naive whore. Show me some actual values and i'll consider it.
Women are incredibly narcissistic, you have to program them not to be selfish or else they will be.
female nobel laureates in physics = 2
male nobel laureates in physics = 145
I suppose I'm intimidated.
That was a permanent marker too.
I'm so intimidated, I guess I need more practice. Maybe she could intimidate me some more until I get used to it.
Fortunately, for this thread, your opinion on what expert level of this math is, is worthless. Shitlord.
>Definitely not basic math
It's literally called "Math Fundamentals" at my uni and it's LITERALLY the most basic you can get
What? An attention whore trying to show off her math and ass at the same time. Pathetic
This triggers me beyond belief
>Newton's notation
Lesbians intimidate Trump supporters?
also this
like fucking seriously
Not everyone is a Sup Forums math edge lord folks.
I'm taking it and it's hard as fuck.
It's like a dog. It does something benign that a man can do (like give paw, and sit) and it expects a reward for it.
say hello to me being intimidated
Trump supporter... this is it. I don't care if a woman can do math or not.
Also OP need to stop projecting his own insecurity.
I'm gay and a Trump supporter. Explain why this terrifies me? This is a woman doing what she wants to do.
Math isn't hard to do. All math is as simple as 1+1. Just like machine code is simple. What makes it complex is the mass of numbers compiling together into a result.
The hardest part of life is clearing your mind of all the nonsense that has been broadcasted into your mind from childhood to adulthood, clearing your mind of your desires and thirst for the drugs of this world.
Once you clear your mind... you will be able to do long mathematics in your mind without a chalk board, paper or pencil.
The jewish magic trick is to "occupy" your mind with garbage and clutter, disorder and illogical mental processing.
Clear your mind, let the nonsense go and you will find your mental abilities are far beyond what the controllers want you to discover.