UK explain yourselves....
UK explain yourselves....
I don't want my kids gambling with fake boxes on the internet with my credit card.
Inb4 tax it to "reduce spending"
the blizz jew really loves loot boxes. any thing that kicks those kikes in the balls i approve of
All money (nowadays) is imaginary.
why the fuck did you let you're kids have you're card?
The UK is a nanny-state, so they have to regulate people's lives for them.
I'm a randian libertarian sperg and even I can't see anything wrong with this. Tax the fuck out of gambling and kill the casinos and poker machine lobby. If you want to gamble play with your friends.
>not avoiding the loot crate jew and gambling all together
>I am a randian but i believe in this thing that completely contradicts randian philosophy
>i am a randian but if I dont like a thing I dont care if a law is made about it. I also dont understand how this is extremely short sighted.
dont give your kids a cc
they arent even allowed on the battlenet without permission by parents
WTF I love the nanny state now
Loot boxes are fucking retarded.
Microtransactions are retarded.
Give me the fucking game in full at a reasonable price.
The game industry is becoming all flavors of shit.
are you a fucking faggot or what? don't give your kids your credit card and if they take it beat the shit out of them
so guys, i found this new site
Ignoring the jew part, Blizzard is indeed ruining their games with profuse amounts of gambling like mechanics. It's why I quit WoW.
Fuck those gambling lootbox kike devs in their assholes
meanwhile, everyone who was ever going to make real money from this has already siphoned off billions :^)
> Be British
> Acquire my card license, can't have anybody getting papercuts
> Head to the local game commissary, cctv cameras racording to make sure I keep my pearly whites exposed at all times, I haven't renewed my sadness license this week
> Reach the game commissary, get my iris scanned to make sure I've my gaming permit
> Enter through a metal scanner, my keys are confiscated and placed in a high level security locker
> Asian man enters behind me, he's escorted through the government subsidized privilege gate that allows him to surpass the iris scan and metal detector despite his obvious care package bulging through his robes
> Partandparcel.jpg
> I'm allowed to enter and I approach the sir running the establishment, he's sitting behind 10-inch thick blast proof glass
> I ask through a microphone for a card pack from the most recent Magic: The Gathering expansion
> The sir asks me to wait one moment
> Riot police enter the store, apprehend me promptly for gambling without a permit
> I spot the Asian man out of the corner of my eye
> Moment later I and the police are blown to bits
> Part and parcel of city living
you're not wrong, but consider the following:
i don't know of a single way that gambling at a casino can be in your self interest. if you actually have a winning strategy you get booted out and beaten up.
at a certain point the addiction becomes chemical, and can be as destructive as something like heroin or meth.
games organised between friends or for competition have symmetric winning odds and are qualitatively different.
We honestly really do take the piss with our gambling laws
Watch a football game, teams have betting companies on their shirts, beer and betting advertising during halftime with live odds saying 3/1 is now 5/1 on x to score.
I find it disgusting how much betting adverts are pushed onto us, to be fair I love putting on some cheeky accas
This country has a huge gambling culture
Overwatch and heroes of the storm are pretty generous games when compared to the jewry that is hearthstone. I agree though, they need a good shafting
What the fuck is going on in Bongistan? Why the fuck do they have to regulate every aspect of your lives? Are you guys the guinea pigs for what they want to do on a larger scale to the US?
>Be American
>Make greentext post that would have been funny in 2013
>nobody laughs
I love british pasta
My first argument is I treat any gambling I do as an entertainment cost rather than an actual opportunity to win money.
Second youve mostly just hit a sore spot for me. I play poker which is the only game in a casino you can win since the casino doesnt care if you win, they just take their cut.
Recently the government shut down online poker to "curb online gambling". I know for a motherfucking fact it was because instead of me paying 10% of any hand I win to a casino I was paying less than 1% per hand online. If they wanted to attack gambling addiction they would hit the sportsbet or tab mobile apps, but instead they hit the online thing hurting James Packer's bottom line.
The infringement of economic rights never ends.
Just one more government tentacle up your ass.
If you didn't have the app would you walk into a bookies?
I bet (no pun intended) that there would be 50% less people putting quid bets on here and there and would kick the habit
Loot boxes are designed to be addictive. They put a high price tag on pixels and people will pay because they get hooked on the hope that the next box will have what they wait. It's insidious.
but u can spend real money to buy imaginary money tho
Imaginary money is making me rich DESU
what did Kek mean by this?
Can I become a british citizen? I'm not gonna bomb people, I promise!
Yeah that's bullshit, the service provided is the same but the online one gets "curbed". i'm talking more about things like roulette and pokeys. i have no problem with casinos charging a fee to host a fair game of poker.
Tfw the UK makes loot boxes great for the 1st time
>rolling dice is gambling
2016 called
If I want to throw away my money, I have inalienable right to do so. What makes this worse than a donation?
Don't go to the casino
Step away from the claw machine-o
If you pay a montly subscription of 12.99$ to do nothing but roll dice, then yes call it gambling.
You're why Canada can never rival Straya's bants fuck off
It gave me a chuckle at least
this. Crazy amounts of money has been stolen from parents by their kids to fund twitch streams and in game microtransactions.
I wouldn't make it law tho.
>I actually know people who play poker for a living.
>This guy fishes 5 days a week, plays poker on 1, and is high on the last day.
lol stupid commie
UK set to crack down on illegal Pokémon card trading, with sentences reaching as high as 15 years in a maximum security prison.
for 95% of the population it doesn't matter
>But for 5% of the population they have an issue.
It makes almost zero difference in the world to put a limit on this practice.
you let your kid have you credit card, but figures your a guy with kids and your on Sup Forums your wife is fucking other people btw.
>defending the spending of real money for fake money to get random cosmetics
souns like you're a faggot
lootboxes are the second thing ruining modern games
Hearthstone, when compared to other CCG, is the most generous of them all (if you pay once and get all the cards, it isn't a CCG). The only one I can think of that is more generous is Faeria, but it's a hybrid game and sadly underrated.
The reason people have a problem with hearthstone is because they are economically illiterate and can't figure out the economy of the game and how to build your collection most efficiently. In total, I spent $100 bucks on the game when I got a giftcard for Christmas and I have almost every card that is actually used, and enough dust to actually complete every meta deck, every set (but I don't, because long-run dust economy is important). If your a fucking idiot who starts his first week dusting every card that isn't in their preferred class and crafting cards that "are so cool you can't believe no one uses them", you are going to hate hearthstone and never have more than one decent deck that you will fail to pilot because you lack future planning skills. The game, and the metagame, are wholly based in sound economic choices.
If you want to complain about Hearthstone,. complain about their playtesters who commonly fail to notice game-busting interactions or standalone OP and their patch team who, at least once, made a game-busting card patch that wasn't even listed in the patchnotes.
That's not a good enough restrict freedoms.
>be British
>wake up at sunrise to the salat al-fajr blaring through every speaker in London
>wave at the CCTV camera while I'm taking a shower
>eat some shakshuka for breakfast because my wife's son says breakfast needs to be more diverse
>there's a letter in the transom saying I must pay my tv licensee because indoctrination isn't free
>take the underground to work and get blown up by an innocent refugee
>wake up in the hospital getting free health care
>wave to the CCTV camera by my hospital bed
>hospital food is harira and fried grasshoppers since it's halal
>get a notice I have to pay for my email license
>realize I've been circumcised while I was unconscious, Dr. Patel says it's more sanitary this way
>Sharia Police runs into my room and demands to know why my wife's son isn't wearing a head scarf
>try to manplain that he's a boy
>my wife's son says he doesn't identify that way anymore
>Sharia Police kill everyone in the room
>be buried in Highgate cemetery
>my bones are being monitored by CCTV
>have to renew my burial license next month
All money is imaginary.
Don't like 'em don't buy 'em.
There is a good reason. If the bill is written well it should prevent game production companies from preconditioning young gamer minds from the pay for pleasure response induced by the loot box system.
haha are you serious or trolling?
is there anything the United Kingdom of Cuckoldry doesn't want strictly monitored and controlled by the state?
Why don't we just plug all of you bongs into self-contained life support systems a la the Matrix so you can be forever embraced in the Nanny State you love so much.
Britain is a fucking disgrace.
Try parenting them, you lazy fuck.
You've probably been playing since beta like me. I pity anyone new getting into the game. All you can afford to play is budget Zoolock.
Bin your loot box.
I'd personally prefer these companies make shit games I don't have to care about than made decent games with kikeboxes everywhere and shit game balance to encourages the purchase of said kikeboxes.
Here's to hoping this is step one in that direction at the very least.
>This guy fishes 5 days a week
I thought that was British slang for something like a sewer turd removal engineer until I saw your flag
its nothing like that you fucking idiot
I can't tell if you're defending it.
Like I said, it's another government tentacle up your ass. It sets further precedent for unethical restrictions on economic rights.
If it's correct to place restrictions on this practice, then obviously the government knows better than certain people on this issue, and if you accept that sometimes the government should be able to overrule economic freedoms, you implicitly accept the legitimacy (at least theoretically) of any magnitude of restriction.
People should be allowed to be retarded. Stuff like this is how the free market performs eugenics.
It's called chips mate
Wow I sure am proud to be an American! Freedumz ecksdee amirite?
Now this one I like.
>declare the odds
Fucking in game microtransactions for random loot is some next level kikery
The UK needs to be liberated from its government.
It's not gambling they are getting something everytime and it's practically useless at that. The only time games are being turbo kikes is if they put weapons and perks behind a gambling system. If it's just skins plenty of people will be able to contain themselves
Be a good dad then you retard and don't give them access to your card.
lol I hope this is a troll, but if not you are getting what you deserve. I hope they spend all of it on lootboxes and card packs.
Not that long, but a while. It may be harder to get in now, I suppose, But i know alot about card games and hearthstone and I'm STILL bad at the game; many people just complain it is their cards that is holding them back when it is themselves. I actually wiped the floor with my buddy who got me into the game because his deck was just overloaded with legends that suck and my basic deck, while bad, was still a functioning deck.
I really like Hearthstone and retards who don't understand dust economy are what keep the game alive. We've already established that NO amount of free shit added to the game will lower complaints (since I started playing the average packs per week of a 5 games/day player over a week what, quadrupled? Quests can be done in private, Brawls count towards win gold plus free pack, quests avg payout increased, Arena rewards improved, new expansions have tons of free content and packs, Season rewards and more), so why bother reducing the number of people buying in? Hell, people complained so much about the most economical purchases (adventures) so much they shut them down and now are just making the more expensive (but oddly less offensive) expansions.
Rationalizations like this are why the world is going down the shitter.
Broadly, rationalizations on behalf of the aggressor are why white people are dying out.
Break the fucking conditioning.
>the UK actually protects citizens from (((them)))
>this is bad
Go suck Trump's Israeli cock some more.
Do TV licenses protect you from them?
Same sort of infringement.
I agree if the current system allowed eugenics. It does not.
I try to live in the practical.
The border issue/Refugees have opened my eyes.
I have given up Liberty as my most important belief for Vitality. Liberty is my default, but Vitality can trump it.
Because you don't trade real money for fake money to progress in the game. Holy shit Canadians need to be banned.
Good thing I don't play games anymore, shit became cancerous as fuck
give the leaf a break. it's already winter for him.
Anyone have that picture of the Mona Lisa that gets increasingly cut up, from expansions in the 90s to dlc in the 00s to gambling for a % chance at dlc content now?
>we can't have muh gubbment trying to prevent mister goldberg from raping peoples wallet with this new bullshit he came up with
Burgers were a mistake
even the new Forza has fucking crates!
fuck that gay micropay bullshit
I blame valve and stupid kids playing TF2
they don't have to ban it but they should have to stop calling the games free
Good lootcrates are going to kill gaming.
encourages kids to gamble. It's the scourge of modern gaming.
Why have actual content when you can just hook kids with gambling? Gambling is much much much easier to create than actual content.
TF2 is free to play, not free
and even then, you can get any item in the game through sheer effort with game mechanics like crafting and trading.
Granted, it'll take some decades of that for some of the fanciest ones, but they usually don't give any advantage. You only buy shit in that game if you want to "look cool", as my son puts it.
Honestly micro transactions suck and should be outlawed
It's the only way to make massive amount of dosh from free online gaming, you should only outlaw it, if you are conceptually opposed to massive amounts of dosh.