Really makes you think

Really makes you think.

seems legit


>harassed or assaulted
>harassment being anything they don't like
>putting it on the same level as rape

So Sup Forums how many "me too"s are you responsible for?

I'm only at one so far. There are three more I don't expect to see posts from.

>Having an AIDSberg or shitter account

99.99% will be women who got whistled at once while walking down the street.

When will this rampant sexual harrassment end? How many women have to feel mildly uncomfortable (but secretly like it) before we put a stop to this?!

now ask them to define sexual harassment and assault. then laugh. and rape them.

>women are being harassed, abused, assaulted, and raped
>but it's men who are the real victims here

Hol up

me too

t. male

Yep they should start getting body cams. I'm all for exterminating rapists and molestors but only with absolute proof.

> ugly beta makes eye contact
> roasties claim harassment

This is perfect for women. Attention whoring, being the victim, and slacktivism all wrapped into a single post.

A woman being sexually harassed is like a dude posting about being asked to lift something heavy. It's what happens, get a helmet.

me too.

Women will do this just to be part of the group. Same way they brag about their abortions.


Rape should constitute Assault With A Deadly Weapon. Literally shooting a woman with the gun between your legs. Literally stabbing her with something 4+ inches you're hiding in your pants.

> being inseminated can cause you to have a baby and childbirth can kill the mother
> unprotected sex can transmit lethal diseases which could only otherwise be unknowingly contracted through blood transfusion and needles

Even if you made rape legal someone would eventually draw this correlation in court and get it classified under assault/DW. Assault with a deadly weapon can put someone in jail for years.

I knew a (white) woman from a discussion on xhamster who had racked up five abortions - carefree sex with black guys, she just let them knock her up and she would wait about three or four months before she'd get it removed (so that she could go longer without needing to pay for another one)

You just want to legally qualify your dick as a deadly weapon. Which might actually be true witcho dirty ass.

I don't think "like totes that is LITERALLY mi irl gur;l" holds the same weight.

>Deadly weapon

That's fucking stupid. It's battery just as if you raped someone with a broom stick.

Me too.
I was seduced and pressured into sex by a superior with rank far exceeding mine in the military. I never wanted to do it but she pulled rank. Oh yeah...I'm a guy. Thinking of filing ptsd for benefits. She fucked me up...not even lying.

Well think about it, why is it considered such a heinous crime anyway? If there was no real damage that was caused by simply sticking your dick in a woman then I doubt many would get so uptight about it.

Fact is if a girl has sex she can die, and not even due to the act itself. If she was open and accepting to it then thats a risk she took on.

But if she didn't - then even if the risks are lower thats tanamount to getting stabbed in the gut by a knife or any other deadly implement.

> the difference being that if you willingly let yourself get shot or stabbed, the option is always there to press charges and sometimes the state will do so anyway even if you say no.
> that differentiation is all that should remain about forced sex, that sexual penetration can be willingly granted whereas its assumed in all other cases that being assaulted with a deadly weapon is not.

Might be just as awful but unless that broomstick is deadly in some way then its only going to leave scars (mainly mental ones) not be potentially lethal.

Broomstick or forced dildo action is only gonna be lethal if its used in some unusual manner, in which case like a knife or gun that lethality has a fast onset.

But a penis? That can be lethal even if the guy doesn't intend for it to be.

All men should be trained to being able to do some mental gymnastics when a woman wants to rape him. Like flipping a tennis ball inside out... so you can make yourself want something that is completely natural.

If I was in your position, it would have taken me like 1 minute topps to take a step back and say - yeah okay ill do it. And just let it be bittersweet where it was.

aggrivated battery can carry a couple years depending on where you're at
> my cousin got drunk and beat some guy in the bar parking lot with a tire iron
> he got 6 months in jail for this and they didnt let him out early either.

Raping someone with an Assault Dildo or Fully Automatic Plunger I think would constitute the upper end of an Aggrivated Battery charge.

This is so retarded. Women hate eachother and never "stand in solidarity" unless there is something they as an individual can gain from it. Usually attention.

Easy fix. Legalized prostitution. Inb4 muh degeneracy.

Studies have found that sexual violence decreases by a large amount in areas where sex work is legal and regulated.

Less kissless virgins. Less sexually frustrated retards. Less people trying to grope women.