Maybe this is the wrong place to look, I understand if this thread is archived early or taken down, but I'm finding it hard to come across Stand Ups who aren't Louis C.K.-tier annoying virtue signalling cunts
Only ones I can think of are
Either Redpilled or Apolitical.
Comedians that aren't annoying bluepilled shills
Other urls found in this thread:
'Ol Billy Blueballs is incredibly bluepilled and beyond ignorant. He's fucking hilarious, though.
Again, he's politically ignorant. His stand-up isn't even funny. Actually, the only times he ever made me laugh were all on Opie and Anthony and it wasn't even because of anything he said, it was because he started laughing and his laugh is incredibly contagious.
I don't know who that is. Sam Hyde? I didn't know that faggot was considered to be a "comedian".
Sammy's done a number of Stand Ups yea.
I like Norton's stuff, but you're right, He's at His Best when He's being Interviewed.
Robert Kelly (Who I put in the OP pic) is pretty good and he doesn't get political much.
That's kind of what I'm looking for
Tim Allen
Norm Macdonald
Jeff Foxworthy
Ron White
Nick Di Paolo
Joe Rogan kinda
Norm MacDonald is the only correct answer.
Some highlights:
i like ron white but i dont know if he is redpilled
Ahh Norm
How did I forget to include him in the OP is beyond Me.
So, are you wanting redpilled political material or guys like Fat Bob Kelly?
As far as redpilled political material that's ACTUALLY funny, the only one I can think of is Adam Carolla. Nick DiPaolo is another one, but Carolla's rants are funnier than any stand-up set Nick has ever done.
As far as guys like Fat Bob Kelly, I'm blanking. Brian Regan makes me laugh and he doesn't get political. Todd Barry is fucking hysterical, but no one I know agrees with me, so take that with a grain of salt.
Patton Oswalt is funny, but good GOD, he's a SJW blow-hard piece of shit sometimes which wouldn't be a problem, but he includes his horseshit views in his actual stand-up which is infuriating.
I love fat bawby, but, the man is not redpilled at all.
He's so dumb I don't actually care, I forgive him due to his ignorance.
Double also
DeRosa needs to return. His podcast, We'll See You In Hell, is breddy good
I'm fairly convinced DeRosa's beef with Anthony was manufactured btw, didn't want to ruin his career by proxy of Ant, and Ant is such a good guy he played along.
Holy fucking shit all those people are annoying as fuck, you're fucking insane
Mort Sahl was pretty great
Joey Diaz, born in Cuba, shits on the SJW victimology and praises America as the land of freedom and opportunity. He has eviscerated the upper class white females in his neighborhood who have Mexican nannies raising their kids while they go to the spa all day.
Billy bald tits. Yeah I stopped listening after a few of his racism rants but miss his podcast so I'll probably be back. He's funny and he occasionally says true shit.
Fuck Diaz.
Cuban trash LARPing as an Italian.
>uhh you know what Joe Rogan
>I used to do blow
>and uhhhhh coke
>and uhhh more stereotypes about this culture I am not actually a part of
>hehe Joe Rogan, I am a 60 year old man acting like a 12 year old boy when I call you Joe Rogan every fucking time I open my fat spic mouth
Burr has become a total jewed pussy, pretty sad t b h. I finally unsubscribed to mmpc a few months ago due to how bad he's gotten.
He was obviously coerced by hollywood into bashing Trump.
>shits on SJW victimology
>acts like a spic fucking nigger complaining about white women paying fat spic cunts to do some fucking work
>le based spic am I right pedes?!!
trap loving aids infested worm
Rich Vos will be appearing at Chuckles, Nov 12
I just like how I can have an hour of Comedy with no lefty screeching with Bob.
Bret Ernst
you know that fucker?
Anthony Jeselnik. There is no one else besides our dark Lord.
Norton is pretty much Sup Forums.
you left out the best one
how do you mean?
>Steven Wright
Norms Hitler material is beautiful
norm macdonald always brings him up and says, "mort sahl, you know that fucker?"
>coming from an anarchist
>Joel Hodgson, aka Joel from MST3K
Norton is like Artie, neither is a funny stand up, but both are funny with conversations.
That's actually how I felt about Patrice too, may he rest in peace. Love him, but his stand-up didn't do it for me. Could listen to him for HOURS on O&A though.
Oh, Joey Roses ... I haven't thought about 'Ol Cancer-arms in years.
Uninformed with Bill Burr and Joe DeRosa was fucking hysterical.
When they were speaking with the warlock with a Southern accent on their Halloween episode, I laughed until I almost vomited.
"What sorta black magic guy is named Jim?"
Patrice O'neal
George Carlin
Probably the most redpilled comedians
Only Normie Macdonald. Everyone else is shit. Tim Allen is alright same with Cumia.
Oh fuck forgot about Patrice.
I enjoyed everything he did and how true it Resonates years later.
You could tell (((they))) wanted rid of him before pushing the multiculti/sjw shit into overdrive because he would have been a Very Powerful, Prominent Voice Against it.
Sup Forums would love... Ron White
Tater Salad is BASED!!!
Sam Hyde is am international terrorist that is on the run and HE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT
>That's actually how I felt about Patrice too, may he rest in peace. Love him, but his stand-up didn't do it for me. Could listen to him for HOURS on O&A though.
Exactly, even other comedians said that he was funnier on O&A than he was on stage for many years and that's why his passing hurt so much - he was SO CLOSE to perfecting his stand-up right before he died.
Elephant in the Room is memorable, but it's definitely not as funny as he was capable of being, but you could tell he was just now perfecting his craft which is why losing him when we did hit so hard.
despite being a kike
you don't see conservative comedians because liberal jews run all of the comedy clubs/ late night shows/ and comedy central so they never get exposure
same problem with print/ traditional publishing
patrice was piss your pants funny with his take on chinks and conspiracy theories.
>it isnt comedy if it doesnt make fun of something or someone i dont like
Big Boy Joey is a TV star now, he has a part of Better Call Saul.
And again, We'll See You In Hell is pretty good. It was originally a show you'd sync horror movies with and he'd do commentary with another guy, then it transitioned to a straight podcast, and now it's back to horror movies; but they mainly just talk about them instead of commentary.
cuck. married a sheboon. supports fags. liberal as fuck.
a pervert that likes when women piss on him
who the fuck is that?
>Lewis Black says build a Wall
>hold on hold on hold on, we got calls comin in, SNOWAY!!!
>conspiracy theories
"Bin Laden was public enemy number one, possibly on par with Hitler in terms of his intent to murder."
"So, what'd you do with him after you killed him?"
"Threw him in the water."
Fucking Patrice was diamond-studded gold.
Here's another of my favorite Patrice bits: The United Areas of America.
Stanhope is a fucking bitch ass cuck
Hicks is dead
Carlin is pseudo anarchist commie
Nick dipaolo is the correct answer
Love his shit
Yea he is funny as fuck (although his refusing to shake hands thing reeks of kike snobbery over "filthy Goyim" to Me).
Seinfeld & Larry David too.
Personally I'd like to keep them alive, but with no influence on the World.
>note the distinct lack of shoulders
>Norm MacDonald is
playing along the left narrative. i bet he'd like to be redpilled but then he'd go broke
Sam "Kill Em All" Hyde.
I remember Patrice smashing him beautifully and saying "Joe's dad could never have a serious father-son talk with him because whenever he'd put his hand on his shoulder, it'd just slip off."
Norm McDonald
Dennis Miller
>Anthony Jeselnik
Kikes have a lock down on comedy. Good luck
Artie and Anthony
Try the Christian ones, if you can stand the squeaky-clean aspect of them.
the first bit alone is fucking great.
Artie is so funny on the radio, one of the best ever imo, but his stand-up is just awful. Haven't listened to his new show yet. His show with Nick was pretty choice
>"Threw him in the water."
Shit, forgot the timestamp for that line
it's around 30 minutes and Ant's laugh after "threw it in the water" is life.
I been watching his live show on YouTube all week and almost every episode of season 3 has holocaust denying jokes, delivered in that norm way that makes you think he knows.
Bill Burr is cancer, he's got an incredibly aggravating voice and is about as smart as a grilled cheese, don't give me that shit OP
this. only one on the list and even he is a bit of a Boomer cukc.
You know how I know you're new here?
>Haven't listened to his new show yet
Artie and Anthony have done like eight shows and Artie's already fucking up, he missed one show, came in 45 minutes late on another one, and then recently started having a nosebleed during the last week.
He's clearly back on drugs, so I'd recommend just waiting for someone to pack them up and torrent them, that show won't be around for long because Ant's already getting fed up with that baby gorilla.
Could say the same thing about you and your kind
Sam Hyde is good but he needs a counterpart. The other guys in MDE don't really approach his level
Patrice O'Neal was pretty good but ultimately he was a nig nog
Mitch Hedberg RIP
I've been here since 2014, but please, tell me.
married a black harpy as a "fuck you" to his dead dad
rumor is that his kid (blacker than his wife) isn't even his
>Artie's already fucking up
he didn't fuck up, his blood sugars high, bro.
Greg "Opie" Hughes from Opie and Anthony fame is complete legend when it comes to comedy. Everyone here should really check out his aptly named OpieRadio YouTube channel, Twitter and Instagram. They are all. Fawking hilarious! Period!
Nicky D is /ourguy/.
fuck politics in comedy, a good comedian can have you laughing your ass off at something you disagree with
bill burr
omfg kys
Remember to have a road soda nearby though
God fucking damn it. He totally fucked Dipaolo over with that bullshit and Howard for that matter too. When are people just going to abandon this asshole? It pisses me off to no end.
That's not true at all.
Unless you're a cuck.
Only true comedy genius could come up with something as side-splittingly funny as "Fuck Blumpf!"
Honestly, this. Ant isn't a great political mind, but he's been /ourguy/ for a long time even if he is a degenerate himself. Artie is a more moderate conservative, but he's not cucked and will make fun of anything.
They are pretty good together. Best comedy radio since O&A ended. I didn't think much of it when it was just Anthony by himself, the show wasn't very good and I unsubscribed after a month or two. But Artie makes it worth listening too and gives Ant something to talk about besides the same rants everyday.
You can be a type 2 diabetic and a drug addict at the same time. He was busted with smack not that long ago, like within the last few months.
he fucking sucks. boring ass jokes. its like he makes jokes at people as he stands there. has no think of his own
I think we all know what the only right answer is here :
Owen Benjamin is pretty funny and does not give a fuck about PC culture. He recently got dropped from his agency for getting in a twitter fight with Jesse Thorn. Owen basically said Thorn shouldn't give his transgendered 6 year old hormones and the left descended on him.
Either way, his comedy is pretty good and he's a really likeable guy.
>Not mentioning Norm.
He was shitting on artie cuz he always has terrible excuses like that when he's smacked out
Alex Jones
Donald Trump
Sargon of Akkad
Paul Joseph Watson
Eminem but most don't get his deep levels of irony