Is Mark Dice trying to get kicked off Twitter?

How dare he imply that Africa is full of black people?

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is this real? I'm not a social media drone

Well, he's not wrong. Why bother trying to segregate in America when these Black Africans can simply move to Africa, with already existing infrastructure, culture, and similar looking people, and integrate there?

Ohhhhhhh shit mark goin hammmmm

KEK, Mark is a force of good even if he's a semi-normie. He's fantastic at red-pilling the masses. Plus, he's a funny little cunt like this shows.

can we crowdfund this to limit their excuses?

That's not true. 70000 white people die annually in south Africa and Zimbabwe by black on white violence.

i have a feeling its because they just want to steal our shit.

Correct. The new black country they want to form will be in a state that was built by whites.

That's what Liberia was supposed to be. They even have a copy of the U.S constitution. According to civil nationalist theory it should be as functional and developed as a typical US State.........

Exactly, they know they cannot succeed on their own. This is why all 'equality' ever led to was gibs. Gibs me dat house, gibs me dat school, and then when they get run down to shit it is Whitey's fault for leaving. Blacks think that access to White People is a human right.

He grew up next door to my ex gf. His real name is Shouldice. She told me he used to steal their pool chemicals to try to make bombs

>tfw Dice doesn't have any #Blaxit memes

Farrakhan is an anti-Semite and a misogynist so saying quasi-racist stuff against him is totally okay, it cancels out

Oh, hai Mark.

And it will be fully dysfunctional in 30 days, and the really black niggers will literally eat the lighter skinned ones trying to run shit in six months, tops.

all bullshit aside, this is a great opportunity for us. this should be pursued and memed into reality, along along with the agreement of a white ethnostate. id give up florida georgia and mississippi fir idaho, montana, and wyoming. we need jarrod taylor on this shit.

This. I would gladly pay for one-way plane tickets for these hypocrites.

DAYUM somethings got his panties tied in a knot

Don't they have Detroit and Chicago?

This statement by KING KANG is more literally-Hitler than anything Trump has ever said/tweeted though.

the madman!

Mark Dice is an actual Jewish Mossad agent. He hates Farrakhan because of his comments about Jews.

A bunch of people were calling out Dice for being an Israel shill and he did this video as damage control, listen to how insincere he sounds like when he talks about them bombing Gaza:

Not to mention very little language barrier in former British colonies. Dirt cheap land, dirt cheap cost of living. Everything these niggers keep complaining about. That's the biggest indicator that all niggers want to do is rule over White people and violently force them to provide a first world living standard.

How come Mark Dice never seems to get half the attention other e-celebs get? The guy's got over a million subs and unironically says "nigger" in his videos, and I bet it would still be safe for him to walk down the street unnoticed.

Why our kids in American schools indoctrinated to not love Israel, Sup Forums?

Because they're utterly dependent on evil whitey for his tax money

They banned rose mcgowan when she started talking about pedo sex rings.



Because, I shit you not, real Africans have a better culture than American blacks.

This guy doesn't get it. They don't want to have to BUILD and MAINTAIN something. They want something wypepo already built and to have it maintained in perpetuity for them.

Nobody will reply to you because Sup Forums can't handle real redpills
