I've been reading up on JANET in connection with the Las Vegas shooting, which led me to reading about Area 51.
I've read the conspiracy theories, which I don't buy, (doubtful aliens would have any interest in us), and I've read the official statements, (secret aircraft). I think the truth is probably somewhere in between, any thoughts?
What actually goes on at Area 51?
Its where the government keeps and tests all the alien shit its acquired over the years.
fpbp, trips of truth, czecked.
Also, wtf is JANET? Did I miss something these past few days?
>What actually goes on at Area 51?
Just a bunch of stuff. Air plane stuff. Anti-Gravity stuff.
Just someone trying to start a meme. Ignore.
Any evidence?
It's probably just like a drone base now lol
No, it's a private air fleet the Air Force uses, it's public information
Area 51 is where the Gubmint tests secret aircraft and weapons. The Ayys and UFOs are to the south of Area 51 in Area S4
Janet airlines. They fly Gubmint employees and contractors to Area 51.
close but there is nothing extraterrestrial there
plenty of UFOs though
flight tests and war games with potential adversary aircraft. not anything that interesting.
Stealth and experimental aircraft research, testing and development.
And aliens.
>What actually goes on at Area 51?
After the F-117A?
Not a god damn thing. It's a distraction from other black sites.
So like a military meme?
Experimental aircraft r&d. I like a good conspiracy as much as the next guy but I doubt anything ayylmao related goes on there.
>So like a military meme?
Basically. When you get three quarters of a trillion US dollars each year, you can afford to spend on misdirection plays.
You stole this nigger. Op
I got it off google images
pretty much this. Also, nonmilitary workers are flown in and out each day at the beginning and end of work.
Some civilian contractors drive in. The whole place is CIA and chair force R&D for mostly drones. They have some weird hypersonic shit there. I've done contract work there on buildings. Most people that aren't spies for foreign countries would be bored out of their gourd on what really goes on there. Mostly government inefficiency.
>civ contractor that has done work there over the past 15 years.
F-117 flew out of Tonopah. Tons of shit still happens at Groom. In fact it has expanded over the years. No Ayy lmao stuff at Groom anymore though. Also, S4 doesn't exist, never did, but something else like it does within the area. Also Utah. Also New Mexico.
They test pornis. Porn ponies. The shadow government is lead by a brony.
Area 51 isn't really what it used to be, I heard they moved shit to Ogden and Dugway.
no aliens. Can confirm via people that I know that work there. One guy is old and updates old radar systems. Says that the "star wars" program under reagan does work.
Area 51 is a meme and has been since the cold war ended
It's being watched 24/7 by ufo nerds on hilltops and the only reason you never see any strange lights from there is because the ufo hoax died in the 90s
I bet Brilliant Pebbles is in space this very moment.
Communication with ETs via relative luminosity.
You larping son of a bitch. If you were an actual agent you'd know that revealing classified information is a violation of your contract and you can even face prison time.
It was for testing experimental and classified aircraft
Germany is defeated 1945
Operation paperclip
Rosewell crash 1947
It wasn't a UFO, It was German scientists working on some shit that would later become shit like the SR71 Blackbird
Forgot the original drone program.
It's a military r&d facility. Stealth was one thing developed and tested there.
They have buried a lot of exotic dangerous substances in the desert, that's why they dont want eyes on them. They operate outside the laws, especially regarding hazardous stuff.
Nothing goes on at Area 51 OP.
They moved all the aylmao stuff to Area 52 a long time ago.
They already had drones before we beat the Nazis, although my mom worked on a military base in the 1960s and they had drone aircraft too.
Even had a resident unreconstructed Nazi scientist.
The unreconstructed's drone program. Not ours.
it's been decommisioned for 25. it's a potekim village now for ayy lmao seekers
Secret aircraft testing- they need a nice and desolate place, like a desert, to fly their secret stealth planes without a lot of people noticing. Then they run a counter intelligence campaign telling people that anything weird they do see is ayy lmaos.
Like that one guy who supposedly got drunk here on Christmas and told us about the SB3; but that could have been a LARP.
I'm pretty sure Ghoul user got v& and is probably having his ballsack electrocuted in a black site in Diego Garcia or shit.
Most likely a weapons development and research center. It'd be the best possible place to test new bombs and missiles because it's extremely hard to get a good vantage point to see or document anything that happens there.
If there was UFO stuff, it sure as hell would not be at any site the world brings into question, and as soon as the location raised curiosity, it would all be moved to another location anyway.
Well they used to test a bunch of secret aircraft and probably a down UFO which aliens or Russian spy craft is unclear. Some Nazis scientists went there. But today its mostly something they try to get the general public looking at than the new site they are using. Anything still being tested there is kept underground or in a few of the hangers.
After WW2 we had a bunch of nazi scientists. We housed them there and made them work on things. The rocket and most of NASA, the SR71 and the f 117 are a few examples of their work.