Moving to Vermont/Raising a Family

Guys I wanna move to Vermont. Buy a house with some land there, Vermont has the second best rating on for 2nd Amendment. A 16 year old can buy a firearm there. However I heard it is very liberal. Is it a good place to settle down for the long run? What are the demographics? Will they enact new anti 2A laws in the future and fuck up the state with refugees or something? Is it a long term solution for a home/long term bug out spot? Also Commie Sanders is from Vermont.

Other urls found in this thread:,fsbo_lt/land_type/2093865679_zpid/20_rid/100000-1000000_price/367-3671_mp/871200-_lot/farm_att/globalrelevanceex_sort/49.51451,-111.670532,45.717686,-119.328003_rect/6_zm/

Why not move to New Hampshire instead? It's 10th on the list, but it has lots of libertarians.


Wow. Thanks buddy. How are property prices there? I like shooting precision rifles. I intend to purchase a Accuracy international AXMC and I wanna practice at least half a mile shots on my property.

Site is fucking great.

I didn't know that was still a thing

I don't actually live in NH, I live in Oregon. I have a friend who joined the Free State Project though and moved out there. That's how I know about the project. New Hampshire is pretty cool, there's not a lot of people there and it's pretty rural. Houses in towns seem pretty affordable (~200k) and it's a clean and crime free place to live and raise a family. I'm not really sure how expensive acreage is though.

What do you plan to do for work? Northern NH, Coos County, is very rural, but more work in the south. You can find rural properties throughout the entire state.

Yeah I don't think they came anywhere close to achieving their objective of electing a bunch of libertarians to state government but a significant number of people did move there. They've definitely had a impact in terms of promoting libertarian ideals.

Demographics is good? I recon it is majority white and asian with few blacks and arabs.

I am 23. I work at a gym right now. I am planning on joining plumbing or HVAC.

Yea 61-32 clinton in an all white state they must be cucked as fuck. But if you find a some conservative voting counties in the state it would probably be a good place to raise a white family. But there are some more conservative new england states like new hampshire and maine that might be better.

Move to either Mine, New Hampshire, or Vermont. Lots of land, four seasons, good people, and no spics or nig nogs


New Hampshire, along with Northern New England in general, is the whitest in the country. I'd start looking on, or realtor/zillow to get a feel for properties.

this nh is the best state in the union

Yeah I am pretty sure Vermont is on the verge of cucking out and turning into an anti-gun, refugee cum drinking shithole.

Vermont is beautiful country. Very liberal but hardly any niggers so there's virtually no violent crime so no thumb sucking for gun control.

You won't find too many non-whites north of Boston. I've only been to Manchester and Nashua, it was like 90% white. Further north you go the whiter it gets.

Also finding a job in NH or similar states is my only problem right now. i live in a van. i saved up around 15000. I am ready to move right now if I find a modest job.

>this nh is the best state in the union

No. It is quickly getting overrun by Libtards moving north to escape the mess they've made in Massachusetts but who are too dull witted to connect all their liberal ideas to why they fled Massachusetts. It's better than most states, but it's not like it was when I was a kid growing up there.

>anti-gun, refugee cum drinking shithole.

Not really. A lot of elites have trophy homes up there and they know the score with "diversity". It's fine to virtue signal but they don't want any of that shit near their 25 million dollar property in Woodstock.

Ditto with (((Bernie))) if he really loved niggers he wouldn't be living in the whitest state in the union.

>Manchester and Nashua

Are like Africa compared to the real north country.

I have a one bedroom top/third floor condo in so nh I'll take $110k.. getting a brand new high efficiency nat gas furnace installed Wednesday.. has new carpet , fresh paint. roomy kitchen ,open concept.. between the property tax ( bi annual) and condo fee its about apx $450/mo. Gonna get a new fridge and washer dryer in unit.. quiet near the back of the complex on a dead end. One hour from Concord , Boston or the Seacoast.

im like 99% sure thats in virginia cause i passed a place just like that on my way to a hiking trail last saturday

Get looking on indeed, see if you can find anything

Guys Girlfriend is a dog groomer and I am just a meat heat who works at the gym. GF currently lives with her god mother since it is close to work and I live in a van and have 15000 to my name. How easy it is to get an apprenticeship for Plumbing or HVAC in NH? I don't think NH folks are interested in getting their dogs professionally groomed. Can I work at a gun store? What are my options right now? Should I just stay put till i make enough to move or is it better to move now and start a family immediately. GF is down with anything I decide of course.

>It is quickly getting overrun by Libtards moving north to escape the mess they've made in Massachusetts
This is true all over the east coast. Virginia, North Carolina, Florida....retard liberals from the north east to escape the awful situation they've created, yet want to enact the same policies in their new home.

I just downloaded that pic from google images.

So you are saying I should choose Vermont over NH? I really hope it's gonna stay majority white with good gun laws. Lots of NY folk moving over to Vermont.

You'll live it here. Plenty of jobs in the North country. You won't become rich with $ but your freedoms won't get trampled on. Research our state constitution. Also, 100 reasons to move to nh. Free in the 603- God bless!

jesus fuck

No concealed carry permit needed. Live free or Die!

I can live with 40K a year. Heck even 30K. As long as I got money for guns, ammo and whiskey. GF is more frugal than i am.

I have no idea about plumbing or any trades, so can't help you there. Maybe look into getting certified or whatever first?

I finished High school. How about I take up a gun smithing course and work at a gun store?

wait so if i stay in Massachusetts theres a chance we can un fuck it??

I wouldn't move to the northeastern US

Why man? i don't wanna be in the south. Can't handle the heat and spics.

No state tax, no local tax

>The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire. We are looking for neighborly, productive, tolerant folks from any and all walks of life, of all ages, creeds, and colors,

oh boy, please go back to plebbit and never come back

Here, this sums it up.....

My hometown tried (pic related) to import Rapefugees, but the general consensus was no way.

The good news is most people are white. The bad news is that the poor white people act like negroes and rampant drug issues.

Stay away from Burlington, libcucked facist college town that imports africans who assault people all the time.

NH: No income tax,no sales tax, guns++++, 99.2% white.

that's new hampshire, buttlicker

>How easy it is to get an apprenticeship for Plumbing or HVAC in NH?

Trades are always desperate for guys who show up on time and are eager to work. I was at the paint store this summer buying some paint for my house and a contractor comes up and asks me who I'm working for and if I wanted any jobs.

I'm in bum-fuck nowhere Maine and there's dog grooming around here. There's insane people everywhere who use pets as surrogates for children. I don't think gun stores just hire people. Most of the ones I frequent have just the owner and family/old friends working there.

Really depends what you like. Hampton Beach rentals are cheap off-season if you want to live by the ocean and there's all kinds of work in that area, or you can go out a bit more rural and take your chances.

Dunno if you want to try van living in the winter up here though.

We call'em massholes up here.

fuck man. why can't we ever have nice things? White cucks are worse than niggers.

Check out indeed for the state, there is probably plenty of options in the trades , more than Vermont seeing as how we have twice as many people

Oh shit, wuddup Styx

When are you, Stefan, Paul Watson, and Infowars going to ditch jewtube AT THE SAME TIME, and make all your content exclusive to vidme? Ya'll can crush youtube by leaving in blocks.


I'm in Maine now because NH is so polluted by Massachusetts spillover. Vermont should stay nice longer I think and Maine longer still if you get up north. You had better really like winter if you move up north, but if you can get a decent job land is dirt cheap. If you like the ocean Downeast Maine is beautiful country and coastal living is actually affordable. A lot of the economy is seasonal around there though, either fishing or tourists/snowbirds.

yeah bro. GF can't handle van living. I gotta live in a place that is fairly populated enough for dog grooming then. i wake up at 6am and I can work 14 hours a day if I have to. I think I will do just fine.I just gotta man up and move.

I vanned it in Maine during winter.

Not fun. Dont do it. Its depressing as fuck.

Trump will win in 2020

This will be helpful

Sorry, we're full

Stay away from Chittenden County unless you want to buy a house you can never sell. I had to leave from rent prices being way too high. Worse than Boston (parking is worse, too). Also took them six months to get back peoples tax returns this year.

I want a place where I can live long term and establish my family roots there. Hopefully my kids and grandkids can live there too and enjoy the same freedoms I did too. i don't wanna be depressed at old age watching the town I lived and my kids grew up in turn into a third world shithole.

>How easy it is to get an apprenticeship for Plumbing or HVAC in NH

Unless you're lucky enough to get an apprentice slot with the union, you'll make about 10 bucks an hour as a helper. Trades are cucked as fuck in the Northeast, which is why I'm heading west. Here's a link to a local though.

Vermont or NH? I'll take Sup Forums tier folks in NH

>No concealed carry permit needed. Live free or Die!

Open or concealed with no permission slips in ME, NH and VT. Our annual gun deaths all three states combined including suicide and hunting accidents aren't even a slow weekend in Chicago.

>How about I take up a gun smithing course and work at a gun store?

Doubt it. They're few and far between and I don't see "help wanted" signs. The guy I use for repairs/maintenance it's just him and his son.

Trades would be a better bet or get a CDL and drive truck. There's signs everywhere for drivers.

>wait so if i stay in Massachusetts theres a chance we can un fuck it??

Good luck with that. That state went from firing the first shots of the revolution to literally throwing a ticker tape parade for masked police with machine guns driving tanks through their city going door to door searching houses. It's fucking done, and there's enough blue blood money/influence to maintain the status quo. Lots of the useful idiots are moving, the architects are staying put because they're safe in their enclaves.

Holy fuck that is scary. Can't believe that many people voted Clinton. I want comfy republican neighbors.

I hear that. My $575/mo apartment in Burlington in 1998 became $850/mo by 2007, and I can only imagine how much it's renting for now. It's not nearly as bad in Rutland, but the influx of flatlanders buying up property around here is a disturbing trend

Youre going to pay a fuck ton in property taxes to make up for the fact that virtually everything is tax free. However, your tax rate is capped at ten acres. Own 5 acres? Pay for 5 acres. Own 10 acres? Pay tax on 10. Own 100 acres? Pay tax on 10. People that own houses there tend to own a shit ton of land.

I could do that. I don't mind being a truck driver.

>I wouldn't move to the northeastern US

Good, we don't want you, nigger.

They just say that to avoid the cry of "racism". Trust me, niggers aren't flocking to NH to be self sufficient, get off welfare, and have smaller government who doesn't blow money on gibs.

>i wake up at 6am and I can work 14 hours a day if I have to.

There's a place in Concord that does inventory counting. Brutal long hours and shit work but decent pay. They turn over help constantly and are literally always hiring. If you have a clean driving record you can drive and get paid a bit more for travel time. Pretty central in the state so you might look into that and set up shop there and keep an eye open for better opportunities and just see what area you like.

Same my friend

>Good, we don't want you, nigger.
Fine by me, nigger lover

Checked. I intend to own a fuck ton of land as well. Enough to shoot my Precision rifles.

did you not here about the voter fraud in NH? they bussed in "people" from Mass and flipped for Hillary

That was our plan about 10 years ago. Glad we didn’t. Too liberal and expensive. Talking tonight about moving to Montana, actually.

Fuck man we need voter ID. We are losing the country fast.

I have no records. I'll look into it. Thanks.

Is moving to WV a viable plan lads?
I intend on getting into heavy equipment operating, do that for few year and then apply for state police when eligible (I'm 19 atm, you have to be 21)

I suggest moving to the American Redoubt. Somewhere in Montana or Idaho. Much less population density and not as liberal. Theres more land to be had there as well.

>lots of libertarians.

How long ?

Soon america will be nigger majority nation

And niggers fuck you up with hard that gib me dat shit

libertarians, If you live in africa or brazil
It doesn't mean jack shit

Vermont is an expensive place to raise a family, user. Try out west! Idaho ... Montana. Please homeschool wherever you settle!

If you want to start your own business -- highly recommended -- it is wise to compare the different states, the one that you're considering, for taxes, regulations and much more.

The roost for white flight liberals, my Bio professor who said that we need more immigrants so racist old people would love their mulatto grand babies and therefore poc moved there. He can't admit it's because he is racist and VT is majority white.

>i don't wanna be depressed at old age watching the town I lived and my kids grew up in turn into a third world shithole.

I think you might consider Alaska then. Of course it's all relative. If you live in St. Louis I'm sure even 10% black seems like a quiet peaceful community, but when you only see one or two spades a month 10% feels like you're on safari.

>I could do that. I don't mind being a truck driver.

Or look into the u-ship or other freight bidding sites. My brother recently bought a newer F250 and is making some money hauling 5th wheel RVs around the country. If you have a little bankroll you can probably get a nice pickup and do some hauling without even a CDL.

>tfw I'm so much of a fag that fear of Yellowstone keeps me from doing this

a place like WV is prime, low cost of living

WV is a cool state. I own some land there and it was pretty cheap. Morgantown is fun and since its a college town you don’t get that retard hillbilly vibe.,fsbo_lt/land_type/2093865679_zpid/20_rid/100000-1000000_price/367-3671_mp/871200-_lot/farm_att/globalrelevanceex_sort/49.51451,-111.670532,45.717686,-119.328003_rect/6_zm/

Here's a URL for a cheap 40 acres in Idaho, user. You can farm some of it, fence an area for the kids to play, build your own house with your own hands, love your wife ...


I don't think gf is up for that. I just gotta hand him a .22 at age 6 and indoctrinate him into my world view after school everyday.

My dream would be to buy a 5 acre plot, clear it, and homestead.
how are the girls down in WV? I live up in the North East, girls here put on make themselves up as hookers. All I want is a good Church going girl

>I intend to own a fuck ton of land as well.

Try Maine if you want to own a lot of land cheap. Not much by way of cheap land in NH/VT anymore.

>Is moving to WV a viable plan lads?
WV is beautiful country outside of the cities. Dunno how much opportunity is there, but if you're not afraid to hustle you can make it anywhere

>The roost for white flight liberals,

Very well and concisely stated.

UNTIL the ATF shows up and kills your family, starting with your dog

fuck that's cheap. I'm building shit in my mind already.

You can't shoot precision rifles in 5 acres.

Choose a red state. Blue states try to entice you to come using promise of freedoms but they will treat you like a 4th class citizen if you ever have to excersize your right, unless your screaming about race.

when you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, yes you can

Idaho not good for guns?

I was just making reference to Ruby Ridge

>cheap 40 acres

110K is "cheap" 40 acres?

I guess all the liberal white flight out of California is fucking up Idaho

Check you can get an old farmhouse and barn on 20 acres for that kind of money.


We’ll Huntingon and Morgantown have plenty of college girls but thats not conducive to starting a family unless you find a diamond in the rough. Local girls are either pill heads or cute church girl types. You’ll stand out to them if you’re an outsider. Appalacian communities are very cagey though. Don’t expect to be welcomed and included unless you have lived there for generations. Its real old school scots-irish clan type shit.

No. Our Republicans are libertarians and our democrats are socialists who hate the democratic party. Burlington is a liberal hole but the rest of the state is great with lots of well off folks. NH is great as well if you're looking for more of that libertarian life. But if you live on the river you can enjoy both.

>scots-irish clan type shit.
Actually I am Scots Irish
My great grandfather some many times removed came to this during the famine and mined coal in Appalachia (Western PA)
I am Catholic though

>All I want is a good Church going girl
Then go to church and find her.

Nice! Good to know. I just hope I can find a decent paying job to fund my gun hobbies.

want to get out of this leftist shit hole first, besides that was practically nonexistent in my jew England town
most of the parishioners were elderly folks, and not many of my peers went

Nice, man. My family came from Calabria and instead of settling in NYC decided to settle in Morgantown (wtf??). My great grandfather mined coal too.

Why? There's Texas, Utah, Montana, Colorado, etc you could move to. You sound like some East Coast fag.