I haven't seen many great posts or anything interesting happening on Sup Forums in months frankly i think richard spencer destroyed anything good we had going
Is Sup Forums dead
Yeah. I feel the same...
olfags are either reading or leaving
the quality has dropped senpaitachi
>olfags are either reading or leaving
>not reading and scheming
I make great posts all the time. You fags just don't get it.
I told you the civil war will be against boomers. you gotta kill your parents.
oldfags left Sup Forums a long time ago when this shitty place went trump-crazy, and every other post was about that stupid kek frog and pepe. The cancer completely took over and shows no signes of abating.
>now were stuck with literal memeflags
was to be expected desu
>war will be against boomers. you gotta kill your parents.
the walls in your basement are closing in, arent they?
nyet. its not pepe's fault.
Spread the word about the subversive Jews, and Sup Forums is never dead.
I don't think Richard Spencer had anything to do with anything.
So where do we go from here? Another board? Another website? Are we looking at a second Sup Forums situation? In place of fedoras and guy fawkes masks now we have Pepe and Kekistan. Fuck I really dug this board but it feels like it's going to shit all because of spencer and le skeptics. Banter lately is some of the most normie tier regurgitated nonsense I've haven't seen since zuckbook. So is the question I'm putting forth is do we migrate(board or website), continue to fight back( but I don't really see how),or just accept it as is?
We all dead already.
>Hur dur let's act like retarded Nazis
>Surprised when retarded Nazis flood the site
Richard Spencer is a plant. Anyone following him is an idiot and deserves to be put on an alphabet agency watch list.
>Kekistan meme flag
Jokes on you, theyre already dead.
Nigger, where were you on October 1st? We had Sky Kangs freaking out about a military plane going missing a half hour before the Vegas shooting. It was Happening then.
This, its always been this. Sup Forums has one job.
Just look for happening threads and redpill threads. Quit falling into shitty slide threads like this one.
well you just have no problems whatsoever, huh?
Ive had some interesting convos. But nothing too hilarious as of late. This place is best when it both makes you want to nuke the world, and also laugh.