Brit/pol/ - Comfy Edition

>New anti-Brexit party hopes to capture UK politics centre ground

>Positive discrimination at the BBC, who knew?

>Iran blamed for Parliament cyber-attack

>Philip Hammond calls EU Negotiators "The Enemy", and then goes back on it

>EU prepares to probably try and take the piss again with a bad deal

>First Brit/pol/ Ruddcunt victim (Please keep leaving this one in, it's important EVERYONE sees it.)

>Medical student convicted of indecent assault for grabbing Tinder date's breasts with 'excessive force' during sex

>Homes are not assets to be passed onto children says minister

>Barnier: Not enough progress in Brexit talks

Other urls found in this thread:


o ty kurwa szwagier

Jesus that was a lot of storm posting last thread, stormfags DO realise Britain has a general cultural view of fucking hating fascists right? Every single radical right party has came and went and this is what's going to happen every time

Ive have had four attempts of white British men try to get me into their vehicle. I have been sexually assaulted by a man riding a bike (he whistled at me provacitively) I've had my ass fondled by more strangers than I can count and two men in the work place at least twenty years older than me, I was younger at the movies and a drunk man felt me up the whole movie in a full theatre, I was too afraid to move. The theatre comped me 5 free movies when they were made aware of what happened, but didn't call the police I was in highschool. I have many instances of sexual harassment but those are all assault. I have been raped once but I did not report it for fear people wouldn't believe me, I would hurt my friendships, become a person who ruined someone's life and it would be better to "get over it".

All women have these stories, lots of them. I think feminism is ridiculous here, I think "me too" is pointless because it's not going to stop stronger people from preying on weaker ones. Men were once in the same position it just stopped when they were no longer children and it gets worse for women. Teaching men not to rape isn't an answer it's just a fact of life crappy ppl do crappy shit.







YKTD's finally left his house.

Balmaha Boatyardie



Germany, Sweden and France have right-wing parties while we are stuck with the Tories and UKIP.

Is that actually him??

why does /brit/ stay so strong?
/aus/is only on the weekends, /kraut/, /eire/,/binder/ are only during elections and big news.
What keeps this machine running?

>What keeps this machine running?

Unemployment and animeposting.

Autism and our tripservants who provide a constant source of amusement.

We are the eternal Anglo user.


A concerned citizen might find it an interesting exercise to report what looks close enough to at the least online harassment. Then of course I'm sure the polis would be curious about members of a "right wing message board" posing with illegal firearms.
I'd be genuinely curious to see what the CPS or in your case, PF, come up with.

>reasons not to do this
>Amber Rudd will be angry you took her shitposting forum away
>What did you say about Diane abbot on the 27th of June user?

fuck you talking about

imagine getting cyberbullied so hard you literally report me to the police


I just find it fun as a thought exercise

Anyway. For a topic to discuss thoughts on this assisted dying thing? The guardian are pushing it hard again.

As people with disabilities we shouldn't be denied access to assisted dying

It’s probably just an airsoft gun, mate.

Oh I'm very aware. Even Pube isn't that dim.

Britain should have euthanasia laws similar to Belgium, for everyone, disabled or not. We could become the next top destination for death/suicide tourism.

Can you give me a quick rundown?

I have nothing against it tbqh
I'd rather be dead than vegetabilsed

>hurrr phone the police on preube

Report him for a laugh.

oops I didn't mean to post that link

>imagine getting cyberbullied so hard you literally report me to the police

I think there's three issues there:
>Hippocratic oath
>some civil servant moves a few beans around and the NHS is suddenly very keen to kill your gran so they've got more money for migrants
>complexity around consent

I'll be honest though I'm more in favour of it than not, but that middle one is my biggest concern.

oh my the lyrics on that are so violent, I'd never post something as bad as this.

>Police get in the way, I'll murder them
>I'll murder them
>A nigga already got three strikes, I'll murder them
>I said I'll murder them
>Any motherfucker touch me, I'll murder them
>I'll murder them
>You don't believe me wait and see, I'll murder them
>You see I told you I'd murder them

Isn't it weird how we were just talking about a similar topic and somehow that link got into my post accidentally? It wasn't even on my pasteboard.


As amusing as the idea is I would far rather that our little corner of free speech remains merely in the peripheral vision of those wonderful RIPA powers

That webbum did not go as I thought it would, cause it should be obvious what a guy holding a folding chair in front of another guy, should do with it, but nope.

I don't even report posts on here to mods tbqh, no matter what they are.

I joked about it before but I've never actually reported a post on here.

Still, I reckon it'd be quite a blast if this place got shutdown, now imagine if it was due to me, greatest shitpost ever, best way to go out really.

i can't understand why people would be against it, its nothing to do with anyone else. nosey parkers just wanna chip their 50p in

desu all they need to do is change it to "I will try to do no harm" and then the rest is just some legal stuff that can be circumvented

Start buying guns.

ay ay

quite a cringy bugger

>might as well go be a tripfag

yeah haha

if only i was a tripfag hahaha

popping of to the shops lads anyone want anything?

>Too tired to work out if sarcasm or if you genuinely don't know who it is

>if only i was a trip fag hahaha
just stop.

But, pick up some nice cadbury's eclairs. A few to chew on after a meal is nice.

im not going to the shops you fat cunt

i honestly don't know and don't want to know. i'm trying to limit the amount of faggotry in my life.

>i'm trying to limit the amount of faggotry in my life.
Then why on earth would you choose to be a cock boy?

The issue for me is our civil service will not take long to follow this chain of reasoning:
>it costs our NHS 1 million a year to keep little Freddy alive
>he might live another ten years
>or we could start a softly softly pro euthanasia campaign and save a billion over the next decade from Freddy, gran, and everyone else.
It's a very awkward area but for me that's my biggest objection as it's simply too easy to abuse.
Even not direct abuse, if Dr Pajeet is told by the NHS as I'm sure some dogooder campaigner will ensure he has to that he needs to start recommending that cancer patients read the recommended "So you're fucked why not die" leaflet then (reductio absurdum) it's not long before it's extended to the flu

an actual adult wrote this

some spread the rumour that im legally 17 so make of that what you will

im actually 63 though

More to the point what the fuck are you doing here?

what the fuck am i doing lads

That you have not yet turned that airsoft pistol on yourself is concern enough.

good point.

good night.

It's all just shit, innit?

I know, it's fucking shocking really.

it's a nerf gun actually, just the lighting and the angle makes it look a bit weird.

Although I don't wish you ill you'd do far better with a stapler.

he hits him at really weird angles with it, it's almost like he's trying to maximise the point damage, which is what's gonna fuck this guy's back in the long run

of course theyre all retarded but that was true even without the spastic swinging of the chair lad

Having spent time childminding squaddies this isn't all that bad on the scale of retardation.

Darren Adam on LBC, talking about how the railways have went to shit.

Give me a quick rundown on the LBC.

Go fuck yourself.

Pleasant, my countryman.

Don’t call my mother a whore, you cunt.

I'm more of "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills." than a "*teleports behind you*" kind of kid.

So I pick the nerf gun over the stapler for the range advantage.

Brit/pol/ is the Pickle Rick of Sup Forums.
Prove me wrong.

Hi honk.

Hello. Britpol is dying. Take the cytube pill while you still can...


How? If you put the URL on here, people you don’t want will join. I think I asked you this before, but can you use it without registering?

Hi Tunnocks, did you get more teacakes?


I'm going to buy some later today.

You should pick up some Kellogg’s Squares while you’re there desu.

Do you have discord?

No. I deleted my account but I could create a temporary one. What’s your ID/username?

Okay, give me a sec

Do you remember it?

no post it again




Make yourself a nice cup of tea to go with them as well.

Dickmove, that.

It's not like anyone would message him, there's only four of us here and I doubt outer/pol/ cares.


Oh believe me, us Americans are ITCHING for a war with Britain. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of British soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the trihards and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY British pig shit they see. When America is done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it.

don't play so hard to get you know I'll treat you right x

tfw deadlines

>the strongmen who fix on the immigrant as the enemy also turn women into objects
>this mindless cunt actually thinks anything we do compares with what immigrants do to children in this country

It is a bit blustery lad

seems reasonable
we'd kill a couple of hundred million yanks in return, great way to preserve the west

good idea. Then you don't have to wait for your white women getting blacked. They will just be dead.