Hey pol, I'm a Far right leaning Mexican American who the wants to use my race to my political advantage in my home state of California.
I hate how much of a degenerate my home state has become, and I wanna be able to bring us back to a red State like during Regan.
My plan was to play a centric like Arnold and then after 2 -4 years pull alt right leaning legislation to get rid of sanctuary cities and roll back gun control, while also hardlining a new branch of police filled with ex military only inhibiting our gang filled cities such as San Bernardino, Compton and what not while leaving alone middle and upper class white neighborhoods. What's the best way to go about this.
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>Spic governor
do it online
I'm in southern CA and I'd vote for you, but campagining in public as a republican is a death sentence
just be direct and consistent and make youtube videos and hopefully people will spread them
besides the race is always such a fucking nuthouse, as long as you don;t have any sex scandals youd look good compared to most of the shlubs guaranteed to run
Sounds like a good plan if you could pull it off
also I really feel like ben shapiro, being an LA local, is going to be an important person in terms of guiding californian republicans
So just spam some high production videos talking about my political plans to bait the libtards into voting for me? Hmmm. Never thought of this approach. Cause I saved up a good amount of cash for campaigning IRL. But a I never bothered about a virtual market. Shit, I'm retarded for being so young and not thinking about this alternative.
If you don't immediately bend over backwards for the nonwhite, nonstraight, nonChristian agenda, you are Hitler to Californians. It doesn't matter your skin color. You are Hitler, and also an Uncle Tom, but mostly Hitler. Feel free to try, would love to see the butthurt and cognitive dissonance that results
Anyway, good luck doing anything on your own. Even if you did become governor or whatever, you'd still have to deal with the completely cucked state legislatures.
Thirty percent of californias voters voted trump. Theres more people on your side than you know.
does not compute ese
Mexican - American. You notice how you put Mexican first? Even you subconsciously know you're Mexican primarily. Just fucking leave the country if you want to make it better
I have a plan to rip apart the liberal agenda, the same way they've pushed left winged propaganda, Im going to redpill the whole state of California if all goes according to plan. I don't wanna be a republican governor, bending over backwards for stupid legislation. I wanna be a governor for POL, spreading en mass the red pill. If I get shot over it, it impeached, so be it. Id have inflicted enough damage to let liberals continue at the same pace. I want to be the candidate we all wished for. Even if I'm not master white race.
become a Mason for political support and connections, but beware they are Lucificarians at the top levels
Start making YouTube videos now, be as professional as possible. Scrub your internet footprint. Speak at length about how the religious roots of your community has suffered from the liberal policies in California and you wish to see the latino community return to its traditionalist roots and family unity. Use catholic epithets and such.
Threaten everyone with hepatitis A.
My family immigrated from Mexico to Texas in the 1800's and fought in every war. Id like to think I'm more American than Mexican at this point.
You may be better off splitting so cal from Jefferson, then putting more militant resources on so call.
I don't have any internet foot print, and I've kept it that way since high school.
For some inspiration and help when targeting the Christian/Catholic voters that speak spic, use this guy.
You are. White nationalism is nothing but a meme for the US.
Then I won't get control of so cal, if I could do that while keeping pressure on the ghettos with brute Force, then I'd be all for it.
You have to go back.
Go back to your filthy country
Enjoy islam for life faggot. While I'm purging the shit skin gang bangers making Cali a red State again
Run as a democrat or independent or something and pretend like you have all these left wing ideals and policies then once you're elected go full Reagan. Beat the kike at his own game
Got my vote user.
Gotta pander to even make it to the starting gate in this hell hole.
It depends. Are you white?
neck yourself faggot.
>Thomas Jefferson’s views were typical of his generation. Despite what he wrote in the Declaration, he did not think Blacks were equal to Whites, noting that “in general, their existence appears to participate more of sensation than reflection.”[4] He hoped slavery would be abolished some day, but “when freed, he [the Negro] is to be removed beyond the reach of mixture.”[5] Jefferson also expected whites eventually to displace all of the Indians of the New World. The United States, he wrote, was to be “the nest from which all America, North and South, is to be peopled,”[6] and the hemisphere was to be entirely European: “… nor can we contemplate with satisfaction either blot or mixture on that surface.”
you'd have to kill gavin first, he gets the job next
Why would I wanna go back to my shit hole country when I can prevent Cali from progressing any lower than where it has sunk to now.
I'll get impeached faster than you can call me a spic. I need a stable platform now.
>What's the best way to go about this.
Califag here.
The state is gerrymandered in such a way that a true right wing conservative will never get elected regardless of your skin color. The Democrats have a complete stranglehold on the state outside of a couple pockets in Orange and San Diego.
You wouldn't be able to play the centrist like Arnold did, because he's a celebrity and you aren't. Arnold got elected off his celebrity status. If you are not a leftist on abortion, minimum wage, immigration, and global warming you have no shot of getting elected as governor in the great state of Commiefornia.
Do you have any previous experience in political office or public notoriety? Since you are doing this on Sup Forums I am guess no.
>Don't call potential constituents "degenerates".
i would take anything to the right of gavin. he would have to run on border security though or i wouldn't trust him.
The only running you should be doing is running back across the border.
You can't get impeached unless you actually break a law, Paco
i don't think the state is as hopeless as people say.
You can call me matt, and I was under the impression that if I run Democrat, then after 2 year flip to republican that id have to go through a shit ton of backlash. I CAN NOT be impeached before any of my big plans come into play.
No, that's why in coming to pol, I know how to get started, but I want your fellow opinions on what would be the way with the most chance of success.
Yes, that's nice, but it's not realistic for the US to ever become a white ethnostate.
Run as a democrat. Toe the party line, only go more centrist on very very specific issues, which there are very few. You have to fight for the democratic seat. Then if you win, use liberal double speak to enact conservative laws.
ex: "We must help reign in the patriarchy, the times are changing, hollywood is changing and needs to see more diversity and more women leaders. As of right now a majority of gun owners are men, as most women would be afraid to open carry due to their oppression by men, and the stigma of their society judged gender roles as a woman. No longer should women not be seen as the protectors or their homes, of their places of work, of their families, or of their husbands, which is why we need to relax the concealed carry laws to 'shall issue' because then another woman never needs to be raped, and at least has a choice. Be pro choice. Be pro women. Concealed carry for all"
What makes you think Sup Forums has valid advice to offer here?
>Californians have any respect for the meaning of laws
I'm sure the administration would be sued by local and state courts over anything and everything, not to mention the legislature would vote to impeach. This effort is ultimately futile as a political experiment, I think, but it would be great at exposing how California does not belong in this country
Best thing you can do, OP, is attempt to trigger secession and let the commies burn everything down and make California the laughingstock of the entire world.
run as a democrat.
no seriously, do as the commies do: start the long march through the institutions.
10 years later, you can switch when it's convenient, but honestly by then, you'll be so corrupted by money that it won't happen
My drive to destroy what the left has built will steer me clear of corporate greed.
>divide the state by labeling norcal as too white/conservative
>whip socal into a secession frenzy
>let socal self destruct until they are new venezuela
Why not? Bullets are cheap and it really wouldn't be difficult to besiege most cities if the will was there.
I need any help I can get to get my feet off the ground.
The best thing you can do is to run as a dem or green and do a 180 once you get elected.
>My drive to destroy what the left has built will steer me clear of corporate greed.
how old are you? at a certain age, if you're smart, you realize it's better to take the money and build your own world bc you see that the sooner you do it, the more time you get to spend in that world.
it takes a special person to ignore that or at least, like Trump, build your world before you run
no, 30 % of voters voted for tump.
>Californians have any respect for the meaning of laws
I did forget that
You won't get anywhere without (((them))). Best you can do is local/county level. And if you are a person who could realistically do anything and you browse Sup Forums you are fucked
You can't become governor if you're not a millionaire with nepotism.
Im young, 25. And I can't build the world I want inside California, I want to change California so the world that I'd love to build is possible. But it isn't. California needs real change, not this crony bullshit that we've been dealing with for over 28 years. Since before i was born. I want a California where us people on POL that live in California won't feel like we are left to dry. I want to be /ourguy/ more than anyone else has ever been.
Then let's do what was thought to be not possible.
I’m in Cali and a spic. I’ve always wanted to do this but 1) by chance of my I happen to have a name as white as it gets and 2) way too many skeletons in the closet.
That being said, I’d vote for you... how would I know it’s you?
Please let this happen