We were promised earth shattering news today. Were we bamboozled?
We were promised earth shattering news today. Were we bamboozled?
Short answer: yes
I think he was either teaching himself how to count, or tracking the day to start a new diet and hold himself accountable.
Nobody promised you anything. It's your fault for believing LARPers.
larp larp user larp larp
fuck these cuckservative media hosts.
they are just as bad as the drumpf impeach libtards
>trust me goyim, this evidence will end the deep state
>nothing fucking happens
fuck this fag
fuck kim dot com
semi fuck project veritas for hyping too much
(((Someone))) is trying to desensitize you so when there is a real happening you will say it is fake and gay
I have it on good authority that Hannity spends his free time writing pol larps.
Is that you, Hillary?
>Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! This is what He does.
t. angry black man
Long answer: y e s
It's never going to happen.
>The boy that cried happening cries happening again
How fucking long will you believe this boomer shit heap?
tick tock polcucks :)
Every “tick tock” thread that I’ve ever made has been a HUGE disappointment.
>Were we bamboozled?
Since the moment you bought a MAGA hat.
what a faggot
It's coming tomorrow and will be worth the wait.
Damn it people, keep up.
tl;dr - NLT 21 Oct
The only thing right about the Right is that you guys are always wrong.
Mid-sized answer: yes.
no one ever promised anything tomorrow except thernobitch
hannity already tweeted that tuesday is the big day you guys are really sad and pathetic at this
lol stupid white trash always trying to believe and trust one of their disciples of hate like Hannity.. when will white trash learn?
Look, Hannity has never broken any big news story or dropped damning evidence on anyone that he exclusively had. Even people who have inside sources in the WH like Cernovich don't break happening level stories. If any happenings happen, they will happen directly from Wikileaks dumps. Period end of fucking story.
List of Larping Faggots
Kim Dotcom
Roger Stone
Alex Jones
Glenn Beck
Never ending number of user larps.
If you pay attention to larps all day you miss actual news. Stop paying attention to these attention whores.
He delayed one day, now we shall see.
we need to hold him accountable if he does not deliver sufficient happenings
u guys tie up him to a chair
i will fuck his wife
sound good?
what if happeningfags say this stuff not for our benefit, but to trick the deep state into making mistakes?
he said its officially tomorrow, but turn on hannity right now, he has some other news to break and weinstein democrat connections to talk about with victims and such
Has Michael Savage commented on this thread yet?
We know he lurks /pol
i dont understand the waiting. if it's newsworthy just fucking report it. why do we have to hype news?
sean hannity is the equivalent of a happening fag when there's no happening or something is 2 weeks old