Could a non-white person ever create something this perfect?
Could a non-white person ever create something this perfect?
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Holy shit.
I see somebody's never read the epic "click clack ooga booga" by the unga bunga chief of south sahara africa
is the fantasy pretending his books are any good?
Nope, because non-whites aren't capable of abstract thinking or creativity.
Can non-whites even write?
I saw Ooga Booga 2 : Electric Boogaloo
You mean re-telling the story of King Salomon and the ring he used to tame all demons?
What a pathetic autist you are.
>Genre fiction
You ever read ROOTS ?
Yeah, me neither.
Reminder that Aragorn only wanted to be king of Gondor to get some elf puss.
the podium he's putting his hand on almost looks like a DPRK flag
The only fantasy writer who isn't dogshit is Tolkien. Rothfuss is a cuck in the most literal terms.
Have you read this?
Even the best Latin American writers are white.
1) The fellowship of the bling
2) The two crackhouses
3) The return of the kangz
We gave them the alphabet since we are not evil kikes.
Also this encompasses the slavs as well .
i think we all know this answer.
could you?
the three kingdoms wasn’t bad.
What do I win?
>Could a non-white person ever create something this perfect?
was Omar Khayyam white?
>Reading any fiction besides Bernard Cornwell novels and Homer
>get steak (look for adequate marbling, brilliant red coloration, need at least 1" thick w/ 1.5 being preferable.
>prepare ma la butter by toasting sichuan peppercorns and dried chili peppers (pref. cayenne) in a pan, reduce to low heat and add butter, once butter is melted, strain and chill
>season steak with salt & pepper (i also add a bit of chili powder, garam masala and turmeric because I am Pajeet) - do not skimp on salt OR pepper
>put steak in zipper bag with a little pad of ma la butter & use frying thermometer to bring water to 140F (poor man sous vide)
>put steak-bag in water and wait ~70 minutes
>pull steak out and rest in a plate until reasonably dry (~5-10 minutes)
>get pan hot, add just a smidge of olive oil, add steak (if it doesn't sizzle as soon as it hits the pan, throw it away because you are a fucking failure)
>~1 min in flip steak, ~2 min in reduce heat to medium-high, add 2 pads of ma la butter and rapidly baste the steak, flip and keep basting until the exterior of the steak is the desired color (~5-7 minutes total time in pan)
>plate & serve
LOTR was good but far from perfect.
Not unless you consider Jews / Persians / Babylonians to be non-white.
>mfw your cock is this hard for a slav
A German writer has suggested that the name is more likely to derive from the village of Tolkynen near Rastenburg, East Prussia (now in Poland and known as Tołkiny).
No. LOTR is literally the greatest pro-white group of novels written in the last century. Joyce's Ulysses was good but he decided to use "the wandering Jew" as his cuckolded protagonist.
Jackson's interpretation of LOTR for the big screen was brilliant, and true to life.
How is it true? Every nigger is an Orc and Saruman the Wise is the conniving Jew.
No. A non-white can't even tell you his daddy's name let alone history.
>reading this much shit into a kid's book
What are you, 11?
>non-white guy
>non-white language
What exactly the fuck are you trying to prove? If shitskins hate Islam then I'm pretty sure Sup Forums is pro Islam.
>tfw Jordan warned us about feminism
No. They can't visualize stuff like that then put it into words. Hell, their native tongues don't even have that many words as ours to describe nuanced things......just like they have no empathy.....
>Hell, their native tongues don't even have that many words as ours to describe nuanced things
nuanced things like the future
>Sup Forums ignores the greatest epic of all time
Boy those pigskins sure are the best once you forget everybody else being better!
>this perfect?
...if you ignore that loophole with the eagles.
The Eagles are not some personal airforce, they don't give a shit and only did Gandalf a favour.
How many languages other than English do you speak and list them.
>non-white = black
Why do asians and jews have higher IQ than whites?
found THAT guy
its good
>"But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the 18th century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject—which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride."
Kike lover.
I noticed saying it's a "cultural thing" is PC way of saying inferior
Checked. LOTR is another kike ploy to fool the goyim on Sup Forums.
Literally a kike lover.
That pic, pretty much a red pill suppository.
The Hobbit is a kids book,The Lord of the Rings is a love letter to a dying world
>Biblical fanfiction
electric boogaloo just a cheap cash grab, unga bunga 3 back in blaction got the series back on track
33 is a kike Masonic number
Pick one. Masons hate kikes because they're more kikey than them.
The Mahabharata is really good
>Anglophone writers
Yeah no shit they'll be white. There's plenty of God-tier fiction produced in non-English, non-White nations that won't show up because it's simply not on your radar.
ITT: wipipo pretending white supremacy is different from wewuzzing.
Why didn't you name any then?
See But nobody expects anything from a fucking kangaroo.
>Arwen was Aragorn's cousin
Batman & Superman were created by jews
>different races
How in the flying fuck? Did tolkien support race mixing or something?
Supposedly Im a distant relative of the guy that Garcia Marquez based the main character on.
Family is fucked up beyond belief by mental health problems so sounds plausible
It's because he based on reality, a truth most people fail to ever understand. But soon you all will, the Dark Lord stirs with ambition and sets his sights on mortal men.
Probably not. He was a genius and hung out with C.S. Lewis a lot. Imagine being at the same pub table with them, having a beer or two and chatting about this and that.
No one wants to
>Searches queery in English
>Surprised when results are all English speakers
So THIS is true brainpower of an American poster
Yeah, Elrond is Half-Elf Half-Human. Arwen isn't a pureblood Elf.
Muhammad is literally a ginger
Garbage and not the greatest epic of all time. Nice subjectivity though, Kys
All right then
Orhan Pamuk
Shuji Terayama
Yukio Mishima
Haruki Murakami
Teju Cole
Rabindranath Tagore
Pablo Neruda
Wole Soyinka
Jose Saramago
Gao Xingjian
Mo Yan
Try harder
All the (you)s are mine, faggot.
>promotes race-mixing
>can non-whites ever write such an eloquent book
No. Non-white people (niggers aren't people) look down upon the white race. To us, *you* are the orcs.
>mfw I will live to see Australia chink'd and America black'd
Someone's butthurt. Looks like I won this.
A single Indian many Indians have lived in the past few hundred years?
Persians created some pretty epic stuff.
I've heard of this before, but what the fuck is it? Religious books do not count.
I mean, OP's point was pretty stupid and I just came in here hoping for a stealth fantasy thread but I guess I'll just shitpost until mods clean it up.
>religious books don't count
That wasn't part of the original statement, but whatever. Have you ever heard of the white man's burden? Or the Jungle Book? Poo.
Have you heard of Son Goku? Poo/Chink/Nip.
Have you heard of the book of leaves? Nip.
The ancient world's master works and many of the modern world's master works are written by non-white people. Are you trying to be ignorant on purpose to confirm your own biases?
There are two things you could be implying here:
1) It is an exaggeration to say that America will be black'd
Ok. I agree. Stop bitching.
or 2) I don't really care about the future of the white race if I can win an argument on 4chinz
Ok. I agree. Stop bitching.
Originally I didn't make the claim, so no? Op did, refute it with him.
>past few hundred years
Why do wh*Tes always insist that we only use history AFTER wh*Tes "borrowed" the rest of the world's technology? How many wh*Tes existed pre-1400? What were their accomplishments that establishes them as the dominant race?
Ok asshole, why do you think religious books don't count? Because wh*Tes never came up with their own religion?
Nah it was neither of those
but, k
I'm going to other threads now.
take care
White women in wheat fields, the favorite genre of white nationalists. May have to pick this one up.
Ew, you're one of those people. Also how am I an asshole? The other thing we did, guess you haven't familiarized yourself with European culture at all. But, it was supplanted by the truth though. So all's well that ends well.
Murakami has been on my to-read list for a while. Anyone in particular you'd recommend? Or are they all fairly good?
>takes offense to obvious bait
>makes post entirely about the bait
Good job.
>familiarized yourself with Euro-culture
I have. It was bait. Where is the Euro-culture now? Oh wait, it fucking sucked and all the whites decided to adopt some sandnigger bullshit instead.
>being this burger
You are the reason people look down on the Union in the world. You are willfully stupid and ignorant. This country was not made for people like you, even if you are a "white European". It was made for well-versed, educated, classically liberal men who sought to shape the world with their own two hands without the (((government))) getting in the way. You can go jack off to Dick Spencer now.
How are persians white? It feels like people on Sup Forums just considers them white when its convienent but consider them non-white sandniggers otherwise
Ha, someone is very anal. I don't care about any of your personal gripes, cry me a river. Why don't you instead pull your head out of your ass and do something to help instead of complain?
>Inb4 It's too late all Whites are cucked beyond help
Which I guess you might think you're an outlier, which is one of the problems.
Look man, it's over for Libertarianism as a movement in America. It just is. At some point you have to be realistic and throw in the towel.
Classical liberalism != lolbertarian anarchism
>the majority of bernie bros are white
Yes, it's clearly RACE that is the key factor.
>libertarianism is over
We have a rule for what happens when the government no longer reflects the will of the sovereign people. It's the first line of the Declaration of Independence.
?? Yes it is, to the extent that An-Cap-esque policies are "lolbertarian anarchism". Classical liberalism now has the mathematical rigor to back itself up and is best represented by the modern ancap philosophies.