Explain this to me people, seriously

Explain this to me people, seriously.

I discovered you through #ROSEARMY on twitter and love the work you've done in helping to out Hollywood Hypocrites, but why does Trump get a free pass?

Other urls found in this thread:


Innocent until proven guilty.


All of Trump's accusers recanted/dropped/only accused him of being crude, not abusive
The only one left is the woman who's trying to sue, i.e. wants money.

Trump is gonna drain the swamp.
All his bs is COMPED if legit.

Many of the claims against Trump appear to be motivated by either:
Weinstein however, has been a well known degenerate for more than 30 years in the entertainment industry.
So far, none of the claims against Trump have been proven and quite a few vanished once the election was over. That is suspicious enough to believe the motivation was political.

trump's accusers mysteriously vanished after the election

Trump is not guilty, Wienstein is.

well since he became President we're making broad strides into cracking some shit like Hollywood perversion
imagine if he had something to do with it all

There's fucking audio recordings of Weinstein speaking with women and admitting to have groped them, recordings of his threatening women to sleep with him, etc.

this isn't even meme-tier this is real shit, well done

>Explain this to me people, seriously.

Well one is a disgusting Jew and the other is a White man...



There is not proof Trump assaulted anyone. There are recordings of Weinstein.
And don't act the media didn't try to crush trump.


Because the "conservatives" of America are a bunch of hypocrites who only care about tribalism.

See...now you have to prove to me that women are not money grubbing whores.

ooh, now do one for Bill Clinton

The difference here is actual proof.
Any woman can yell "[RICH PERSON] touched my butthole without consent!!!" on twitter , doesn't mean anything without proof.

Literally zero proof of Trump assaulting any woman exists or ispublic info.

Weinstein apologized for what he did, implying an admission of his guilt.

Why can libshits not understand this?

No proof Trump has done anything. Tons of proof weinerstein has done EVERYTHING.

Difference between the people coming out against Trump and Weinerstein? The ones Weinerstein fucked were actually famous people with some weight behind their names.

The ones that came out against Trump were absolute nobodies. There's zero reason to believe them, possible even NEGATIVE reason to trust them because of all the senseless Trump hate going around.

>Explain this to me people, seriously.
We don't give a fuck about Weinstein trading movie roles for sex, it's just whores being whores and then calling it rape for attention.
The only reason Sup Forums isn't behind Weinstein, is because he, and the rest of Hollywood promote anti-white values, globalism, and, ironically, feminism (which turned out to get him into a bit of shit).

Trump is clearly against all of these things. Plus it's unlikely Trump assaulted anyone, given all the lies the media told about him and his campaign (see pic related).


This is what hollywood's been planning all along.. Sacrificing one of their own to get harsher laws on groping women, only to then apply it to Trump to try and get him impeached

Because the accusations have to actually be true in order for there to be real world consequences.


This also broke today, why is it not discussed? Lisa Bloom tried to pay off girls to stay silent, and she is the same lawyer that went after your God Emperor, Trump, and Fox News over sexual harassment

>15 'women' who's identities are hidden for their ((protection)) who all suddenly disappear when their stories had no effect on the election

Trump isnt a Jew


Forgot the last comparison
>Weinstein: A Jewish cuck who wants to destroy America
>Trump: A non-Jewish citizen who wants to make America great again
^Makes all the difference.


fuckin this.
Trump is a symbol of resistance against a corrupt establishment , the other is a jew who works for hollywood, big difference

Every liberal and many reporters' social media is trying to smear this on Trump.

Gloria Allred and Lisa Bloom were both the lawyers who were queuing up the "allegations" against Donald Trump this time a year ago, specifically with a young girl who claimed he raped her who bowed out the week of the vote.

>Stefan Molyneux
This guy is a asshole, only people with two digit iq praise this clown


Because you're a stupid bitch ass loser - now clean your basement - its almost bedtime.

lol. I'm a yoga teacher living in Malibu with my Lawyer husband. Nice try neckbeard

Weird how all of Trump's accusers came out only a couple weeks before the election.

difference between weak and strong men


An old establishment jew

Looooool no you aren't.

emphasis on old, theyre a dying breed thank god

>why does Trump get a free pass?
Trump family has only had money for 3 generations, he is very close to the average American compared to most political elites

Trump has never paid a settlement.


>this guy is an asshole
Not an argument. And what does being an asshole have to do with the truth? Only woman conflate being nice with the truth. When in reality people just want the truth to be what makes them feel good or confirms their bias. Point being, you're a fucking leaf.

kill yourself shill rat

He is a scammer, don't be fooled.

prove it. Tits or gtfo. unless faggot then leave

I don't give him money or buy his books so the only thing I can be scammed of is my time. All his information is sourced and his guest are credible. I hear pol complain about him all the time, for being Jewish mostly But I've yet to hear a convincing argument or a valid reason why he isn't a net benefit to the West for his work.

He is devious. He proves the point of the thread by attacking Weinstein viciously (as he should) but laughing off and dismissing Trump's allegations. Let's not forget Trump was accused of tying up and raping a 13 year old girl in Jeff Epstein's apartment. The victim only dropped the suit due to death threats. If true, trump is FAR worse than Weinstein, and victims of sexual violence should always be believed

> information is sourced
TRUE but this philosopher only talk about one side. He only want make shitstorms

the memes have gone meta


simple one is a jew

>lisa bloom
found your problem kike


None of that is corroborated by trustworthy sources. Some random guy (who is even referred to as a conman) on youtube making shit up is not a valid source. .

The MSM would not simply ignore that because they hate Trump


Every time I think the virgin/Chad meme has reached its apex, you motherfuckers outdo yourselves again


Trump fears no pussy


This may shock you but I don't care about any of the allegations on either Trump or Weinstein. Women lie. Why would I believe them now? Naturally if there's evidence or a witness, I would be inclined to care. If you wait years to come forward when DNA testing is no longer an option then fuck em.

Well of course. It's the side that isn't talked about in the mainstream news, hence the rise of alternative media. Now we have the option to hear about the dead French children of Nice and London rather than just the dead refugees being smuggled. Now we get to hear all the murders of whites, which statistically happen more at the hands of blacks than vice versa, over just white on black hate crimes that turn out to be fake anyways. If their narrative goes unchallenged by people like Stefan then it will become consensus that whites are the problem and should be killed off. I don't pretend any of my news sources aren't biased. Yes, he wants to stir the pot and get people thinking. If we don't act fast and get control over our governments again, we will become minorities in our own countries. There's no logical reason for us to do this. Stefan talks about the relationship between genetics, culture and IQ. Then talks about the relationship between IQ and civilizations. It's interesting to say the least. There's nothing harmful about learning more.


It should be obvious, it is because the claims against Trump are unfounded lies while the Weinstein claims are true.

You need a copyright on this shit


>victims of sexual violence should always be believed
Kek fuck off m8

>not realizing that the MSM is 100% propaganda and only reports what's convenient


Can you guys just stop being shitlords and do all of these things? Women aren't asking for much.

Every one of these is fucking infuriating

Nice shill thread. Most people who came out about trump were disproven and several had ties to the clinton foundation/democrat party organizations.

libshits do love their little lists dont they

Trump didn't rape anybody. I read the anonymous teenager's legal filing and it was so over-the-top and not how people really act, it was obvious fiction designed to elicit laughs and winks. Just read it. The writer is making fun of people for being shocked and outraged at the wanton and hubristic violation of a young girl. Then it turned out the girl doesn't even exist.

Trump had no history of being accused until he ran for President. Then we find out the sexual assault accusers were Hillary Clinton activists. The stories went absolutely nowhere. If there were any grain of truth to them, the press would have promoted the stories to this day. Just look at how hard they pushed the Russia story until it completely fell apart. I mean, come on.

There were never any rape/assault rumors about Trump. Harvey Weinstein on the other hand, there were rumors about him for years.

The entire establishment went into collective meltdown mode over Trump. That is all I need to know.